First Day On The Job

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Authors Note: I don't know anything about Canada because I live in America, so I apologize if anything is wrong. Also, for those who don't know, the picture above is of Tegan (right) and Sara (left).

Chapter 2

It has been a week since I found out what my first assignment was. That means that today I start my new life as a professional body guard.

I sighed putting the last of my clothes into the suit case. I watched my brother stare at me with sorrow in his eyes, leaning against the door frame. I smiled weakly at him and zipped up the suit case.

"So, can you call me when you get there?" He asked, looking at me sadly. You would think that he'd act more manly in this situation but I always knew that he had a soft spot for his baby sister.

I smiled and hugged his chest. "Of course I will." I said messing up his hair. He smiled and fixed it, taking my suit case to his car for me.

I walked down the stairs in my suit and put my sunglasses on. I watched my father and mother go out to Max's car to wait outside, leaving me alone. I smiled and walked around my childhood home, looking at the pictures that hung in the living room, showing a young girl, aged six, smiling up at her father as he pointed the camera at her. I walked into the kitchen and remembered the many birthdays that took place in there. I smiled and shook my head, saying goodbye to the house.

I walked outside to my brothers car and sat in the back seat. He started up the engine and headed towards the airport.

I took a deep breath, feeling anxious as he parked and opened my door for me. I smiled at them and started to walk towards the airport entrance. After we had gotten inside, I sighed and turned to my family.

"Um... I guess this is goodbye until a holiday.." I said awkwardly. I wasn't good at goodbyes.

My brother smirked and pulled me into a giant hug that was squeezing the life out of me. "Max let go! You'll kill me before I get there!" I said causing him to giggle. He finally set me back down on the ground only to be lifted up by my father. I smiled, smelling his familiar cologne as I nuzzled into him. For my fathers age he's a very strong and caring man. When I came home with an 'A' on a test, he would take me out for ice cream. My mother wouldn't come of course.

I smiled, feeling tears threaten to spill over my eyes. One finally did fall but my father wiped it away. "What ever happens sweetheart, I want you to know that you will always be my baby girl and I'll always love you." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I kissed my brothers and finally arrived in front of my mom.

I pulled her into a awkward hug and kissed her cheek. "Make me proud" she said and kissed my cheek. My heart warmed at her words as I grabbed my suit case and waved goodbye to them.

I walked away from them and towards the border patrol and showed them my passport. They nodded and allowed me through to go through security. After an hour of waiting, my flight was finally called and I boarded the plane.

I bit my lip nervously as I fastened my seatbelt on the plane. A million questions were running through my head. Would she like me? Would I be good enough for her? Why type of work would I do?

I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt a headache coming on. I sighed and fell asleep for the majority of the flight.

After a few hours I was awoken by a flight attendant. "Miss, we're about to land. I fastened your seatbelt for you." She said with a smile. I smiled back at her kindly, feeling nauseous. When the plane was finally on the ground we were allowed to take our luggage and leave.

I took a deep breath to calm myself as I stepped into the airport and showed them my passport. I was taken to a man that looked to be a police officer. He handed me a set of car keys and pointed to the parking lot. I nodded and pulled my suitcase with me to the parking lot and finally found my car.

There was a GPS inside with the directions to her house so I just followed them.

When I arrived, I was parked in the drive way of a medium size white house. I stared at it for awhile before getting the courage to knock on the door.

I stepped out of my car, immediately feeling the cold air. I zipped my jacket up and looked around. There weren't a lot of houses near this one and the town was about a ten minute drive. The woods were across from the house.

I got my suit case out of the back and walked to the large red front door. I watched my hand shake as I knocked on the door. A tall muscular tanned man open the door and looked at me. I thought that I had the wrong house..

He smiled and looked at me. "You must be Alex, the new security guard. Come on in." He said stepping out of the way. I smiled and nodded walking inside. I felt my stomach turn as I looked inside of the house.

The living room was nice and big with a couch and chair. The kitchen was next with nice appliances and a big table in the middle.

I was startled to feel a hand land on my shoulder. I quickly grabbed it and twisted it behind the persons back. I stared at the man who had greeted me at the front door.

He smiled as I released him and fixed his suit. "Sorry.." I said looking at the ground. He smiled and nodded. "It's good to know that you're always alert. I'm Damian, the Head of Security, by the way." He said extending his hand towards me. "Alex Woods." I said taking his hand in mine.

After he had shown me the rest of the house I was sitting on a chair at the island in the kitchen. Damian was leaning against the counter watching me. "So, when can I meet her?" I asked looking at him. He smiled looking at his watch. "She should be here any minute. They haven't told you her name?" He asked. "Nope" I said looking at the counter. "I guess it's for the best" he said looking at the front door.

Just then I watched it open and a man walked in with two women following him. Two more men in suits came in behind them. I stood up feeling my stomach fill with butterflies.

The women smiled at me and looked at the man in front of them. The man made his way over to me and took my hand. "Alexandra Woods?" He asked looking at me. "Yes sir" I said smiling. "I'm Tom, their Manager" he said pointing to the two women. I smiled and waved to them. They looked like they were twins.

They both had nice looking bodies and smiles. They both had short hair and brown eyes. Their hair was cut short and parted differently. I noticed that they had different tattoos as well. They both seemed so familiar but I couldn't think of how.

One of the girls came forward and shook my hand. "I'm Tegan Quin and that's my sister Sara Quin." She said pointing at Sara. She smiled and shook my hand. I furrowed my eye brows because those names rang a bell. Then it clicked. "You're Tegan and Sara?! The famous band?!" I asked shocked. They both smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you" I said with a grin. "Which one am I working for?" I asked, looking at the both of them. "Tegan" Tom said and grabbed my arm. He pulled me into the kitchen again and sat me down at the table. I watched as Tegan sat next to me and Tom sat across from me. I looked at a table when a document was slid into my view.

"I know that this is hard because you're from America so we're not going to use you a lot for a few weeks so you can get used to living here." I nodded as I felt Tegan's hand land on my back. I smiled and then shivered as I felt her hand slide up and down my back slowly, causing me to lose focus as to what Tom was saying to me.

"Here's your drivers license. The rules are the same as when you were in America. Here's your radio and wire so you can hear. You only need to wear a suit or a nice shirt and pants when you're working. Here's your new phone." He said handing me all of those things. I nodded and watched as the phone powered on. I smiled, remembering that I had to call my brother later.

"You will always be on duty. Sometimes she'll ask you to accompany her to a coffee shop or something when you're not on duty but you still have to protect her. Here's your pager. When Tegan or Sara need you then that will vibrate. You will protect Sara as well, but rarely. Do you have any questions?" He asks with a smile. I thought for a minute. "Will I have to stand outside of her hotel door?" I asked. "Sometimes, you'll probably be the one that's in the room with her most of the time."

I nodded my head and ran my hand through my hair. I was really stressed. I watched as he slid a pen and paper in my direction. "This states that you will always work for Tegan.." He said looking at me. "You don't have to sign it now if you don't want to." He added. I took the pen and slid the contract closer to me. Reading over it a few times, I put the pen on the paper and signed 'Alexandra Woods' on the line. Tegan smiled as I slid the paper to Tom again.

He then stood up and shook my hand. "Welcome to the family." He said and I smiled as he hugged me. It still didn't feel real. I smiled at Tegan and felt my heart leap as she smiled back.

Sara then stood up and hugged me. "It's nice to meet you Alex" she whispered with a smile. I grinned and hugged her back. She let go and left with Tom and her security guards. I took all of the items that he gave me and put them in my room.

"So, how do you feel?" I heard a voice ask as I sat on my bed with the phone in my hand. I turned to see Tegan in black skinny jeans and a white button down leaning against the door frame. I smiled as my eyes traveled all over her body. I quickly jerked my head away from her when I realized what I was doing.

She smiled and sat next to me. "I'm doing okay..." I said looking at the floor. I felt her hand gently grab my face and turned it so I was looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

She smiled "I know that it must be hard to suddenly move to another country and for that I'm sorry. When I was looking for another security guard I saw your file and just wanted you. They didn't tell me that you were from America until I had already signed to get you." She said looking down embarrassed. I smiled and patted her leg. "It's cool" I said with a smile.

She sighed and looked at me. "So, tell me about you." She said with a small smile. "Um.. I'm from Cincinnati. I've lived there my whole life. I'm 24 and single. I have an older brother that's four years older. His name is Max" I said, not really knowing what to tell her. She probably knew half of that from my file...

She smiled and nodded. "I'm from Calgary, Canada. I'm 27 and single and Sara is my identical twin..." I grinned, shaking my head. "I knew that last part." I said giggling. She smiled and shook her head.

"So, how do you like it in Canada?" She asked watching me play with my hands. "I haven't really had time to really look but it's been fine from what I've seen." I said with a small smile.

"Cool, are you gay?" She asked, taking me by surprise. "Um..." I started, not really knowing the answer to that question. I've never really thought about my sexuality before. "I'm guessing that you don't know." She said with a small smile. I looked over at the tattoos on her arms and smiled. "Do you have any?" She asked, looking at me curiously.

I smiled and took off my jacket and shirt. I turned around and showed her my back. On my back is a gigantic colorful dragon that's tail runs halfway down my left leg. On my shoulders are black intricate lines that go well with the dragon. My mom hated when I got that but my dad loved it. He said it was my decision and at least I didn't get a gang sign. My mom didn't talk to me for a month...

All of a sudden I felt warm soft hands on my back. I felt her fingers trace the colorful ink as I felt goosebumps form on my back. My breath got caught in my throat and my heart started to beat rapidly. I wanted her to keep touching me.

I quickly stepped away from her and pulled my shirt back on. I'm now terrified of the feelings I felt. Why had I felt like that? Liking her is out of the question!

"I'm sorry, your tattoo is really amazing" she said with a smile. I smiled nervously as she handed me a piece of paper with different things on it. "What's this?" I asked, looking at her. Her beautiful brown eyes bore into mine. Wait... Beautiful? No. I'm just ill from not being home. I'm not gay.

"It's a list of things that I'm allergic to.. So if I ever come into contact with any of those things, you can use this" she said, handing me a box. I knew that when I needed it for her all that I have to do was follow the directions and put the needle into her. I smiled with a nod.

"Okay, tomorrow will officially be your first day so get a good nights sleep, okay?" She asked, raising her eye brow. "Okay" I said and watched her leave.

After I had gotten into my pajamas, I decided to call my brother. I smiled as I heard his familiar deep voice. "Hey! How's Canada?" He asked with enjoyment. I smiled sitting on my bed. "It's great, how are you doing?" I asked looking around the room. "I'm doing good, so who are you protecting?" He asked with curiosity. I grinned and ran my fingers over the red bed sheets. "Tegan from Tegan and Sara.." I said waiting to hear how he would react.

"No way" he said not believing me. "I'm serious! I couldn't believe it either!" I said with a smile. "Well, that's great! I have to go because I have to get up early in the morning so I'll text you sometime, okay little sis?" He asked causing me to blush. "Okay, love you Max" "Love you too Alex."

I sighed and put my phone down. I turned off the light, feeling restless. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get much sleep tonight.

Just as I had closed my eyes I heard my bedroom door open. I watched a figure walk in and stand in the middle of the room. I sat up and watched as the figure silently walked towards my lamp and turned it on. I smiled as I saw Tegan holding a teddy bear.

She looked down at the ground shy as I watched her every movement. "I knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so I brought you my teddy bear to comfort you..." She said, biting her lower lip. I smiled and took the bear from her. I could smell her perfume on it. "Thanks, that's very kind of you" I said watching her blush at the floor.

She was about to walk away but I stopped her. "Oh, and Tegan, I know that you're gay so you don't have to like come out of the closet to me. It's obvious that you are." I said with a smirk. "I wouldn't come on to you anyway." She said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down after she had left. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about when she had touched my tattoo. How warm and soft her hands felt. How I didn't want her to stop, and that scared the hell out of me.

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