First Day Without Her

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Chapter 20

(Alex's P.O.V)

I sat up in my bed, not feeling the familiar pain that usually shot through me when I moved. I gasped and lifted up my gown, staring at the bandage that covered the wound. I lifted it up and saw that it was closed and no longer looked gross. It looked like it was finally healing.

I looked over at Officer Kenton as she smiled at me. "Looks like you're going to see her faster than they thought." She said, patting my shoulder. I grinned and nodded putting the bandage back into place. I sighed and ran my hand through my tangled hair as my mind went to Tegan. Her smile, the dimples she gets when she grins, her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, her adorable accent, the way her hair parts to the side, her joy-filled laugh.


"What?!" I asked startled as Officer Kenton smirked at me. "You were spaced out..." She said as I felt my face heat up. I bit my lip and looked away as she chuckled. I couldn't help but think about her. Even though we had only been dating a few weeks I've never been so sure of anything. I loved her, and nothing was going to change that. Even though I had denied it when I had first seen her, I had fallen for her harder than when I fell on the sidewalk years ago.

I was in love with Tegan Rain Quin, the famous musician, and I was her security guard. Even though our love would be wrong in some peoples eyes because of what I am to her, I didn't care. I would protect and love her until I couldn't anymore.

I watched as my family came into the room as Officer Kenton left to give us some space. "How's my baby girl doing?" My father asked. I giggled and nodded, smiling at him. "I'm doing a lot better. How are you doing?" I asked sitting up, letting the cover fall to my waist. "I'm doing better knowing that my daughter is going to be okay, but are you sure that you want to go back to working for Tegan after what happened?" He asked with concern in his eyes. "Yeah I'm sure, I still love what I do." I replied, watching his face fall but nod sadly.

"I understand.." He said but hugged me anyway. I loved my dad and was happy to know that he wasn't trying to control my life. I watched as my mother came into the room and looked at me. "Hello Alexandra.." She said and smiled. She surprised me when she leaned down and kissed my cheek and for the first time in ten years, genuinely smiled at me. "I'm not mad at you sweetie, I had some time to think and I realized that I haven't been as loving to you as I have to your brother. For that I truly am sorry. I love you Alexandra." My mother said with a weak smile.

I sat there shocked as I heard her apologize for basically everything. I swallowed and looked at her disheveled hair and smiled at her. "It's okay mom, I love you too.." I said as I watched her sigh with relief. I smiled as I stared at my bed sheets, all those years that she had ignored me, or just didn't care, were over. I finally had my mom back.

I watched as my mother and father went down to the cafeteria as Max stayed behind to talk to me. I looked over at him and smiled as he took my small hand into his large one. He rubbed his thumb over my hand and smiled at me. "You honestly love her, don't you? Not like some stupid puppy love, but actually love her." He said as I felt my face heat up again. "Yeah I do, I don't know how I could love her when we haven't been dating for that long but I've never felt this way with anyone before." I admitted, watching him smile.

"Just don't rush things, Tegan seems like an awesome person but I don't want you to get caught up with the media." He said as I nodded. I had thought about that and that's why I wanted our relationship to be a secret for the time being. "I won't, she wants to take it slow too." I assured, watching him smile and nod. He ran a hand through his hair and looked into my eyes. "I love you Alex." He said and kissed my hand. I giggled and couldn't help but smile. I didn't get why he was still single. "I love you too Max." I said back, watching him leave.

I sighed and watched as Brent came back into the room. "You look tired, take a nap. I'll wake you if Tegan calls." He said as I nodded and got comfortable in the bed before falling asleep.

(Tegan's P.O.V)

I stared at the ceiling as I laid awake in bed. Not having Alex next to me was kind of weird. All of the nights that I laid awake, wishing that she was next to me instead of Vanessa were coming back to me. I wished that I could hold her and comfort her, but all that I could do was cuddle my pillow.

I was finally pulled out of bed by Damian as he yelled at me to get up for the a thousandth time. I had a photo shoot today but I didn't feel like doing anything today. I lazily grabbed a red plaid button up and some black skinny jeans before slipping my boots on. I fixed my hair and put on some makeup before walking into the living room. "There she is!" I heard Sara exclaim with a smile. I laughed as I walked with her out of the hotel heading to the studio.

After we had arrived, I looked around at all of the photos of other people when the photographer greeted us. "Hello my name is Tori and I'll be your photographer for the day." She said with a bright smile and an outstretched hand. I took her hand in mine to shake as she smirked and gazed at me. I pulled my hand away with a creeped out expression, looking anywhere but at her.  

"You look like you're really disturbed.." Sara said as I chuckled. "I'm fine." I replied as the photographer started talking to us. "I need you over there on the couch Tegan and Sara I need you near the plant looking at each other." She said as I went where she had told me. "What magazine is this for?" I asked after she had taken the shot. "Out, it's a gay magazine and it has all the 'out' celebrities in it." She said as I nodded. Sara smiled at me as I looked at Tori.

"We need you to go change into the other set of clothes that we have for you, then we'll take some more shots." Tori instructed, setting the camera down to look at her computer. I nodded and followed some people to my dressing room where more people greeted us, waiting for me.

After 15 minutes of getting ready I heard the door opened and saw Tori peek her head into the room. "Can you guys leave? I need to speak with Tegan." She asked, stepping aside to allow the people out. I stood up as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. "Um.. Hey..." I said nervously as I watched her smile and remove the camera that was around her neck, setting it on the couch.

She giggled and stepped closer to me as I backed up. "Hey" She said as I watched her eyes roam all over my body. I started to feel self conscious and wanted to leave the room but I didn't think that I would have made it past her. If only Alex was here. She would have beat Tori for even looking at me like this.

Her hands went around my waist and she smiled at me. "Um... W... What are you doing?" I asked as she chuckled, pinning me against the wall. "Nothing..." She replied. Right after she said that I felt her rough lips attack mine in a hard kiss. My hands quickly went to her chest, shoving her back hard enough for her to stumble and fall back onto the floor. I quickly stepped over her body, leaving the room to find the exit.

After I was outside, I took a deep breath looking out into the blue, cloudless sky. I called Tom and told him what happened. After I told him he demanded that Tori be fired and the photo shoot would resume at a different time.

The interviewer still wanted an interview for the magazine so we gladly gave him one. Of course he asked me if I was dating Alex which I again, denied. I don't even know how people were starting to assume that we were in a relationship. We haven't done anything to give anyone a reason to believe that.

After a few hours of sitting in the hotel room, I got up and walked into the kitchen. I saw my phone sitting on the counter and decided to call Alex to see how she was doing. After four rings I heard her voice on the other end.

"Hey babe, how's Indiana?" She asked as I smiled at the sound of her voice.

"It's fine I guess, we have a show tomorrow and rehearsal in an hour... How are you feeling?" I asked as I stared at the marble counter top, running my fingers over its smooth surface aimlessly.

"I'm actually feeling a lot better. But, the doctor said that I still have to be here for a week or so because of the panic attack I had and everything.." She replied as I sighed and shook my head.

"Can't you just take a pill for it? I miss not having you here even though it's only been one day..." I said, running my hand through my soft hair.

I heard her amazing giggle and couldn't help but chuckle. "Tegan it's so that they can observe me. They will give me some pills to take but I still have to stay here. I miss you too." I heard her say as I heard Brent's voice in the background.

"I have to go though because the doctor wants to check on me. Have fun at the rehearsal, I love you." She said as I sighed and looked at the time. We had only been talking for a few minutes.

"I love you too." I replied and heard her hang up the phone. I put my forehead on the cold counter and sighed. Being away from her and only being able to call her was really gonna suck.

I watched as the arena came into view through the cars window. I lazily got out and went into the back entrance. After we had the microphones checked and the guitars tuned, Sara and I walked up to the microphones and started the first song. After a few minutes into the song Sara stopped playing, causing me to look at her. I looked over at Tom who was staring at me in the front row speaking to me but I couldn't hear him. I took out the headphones and looked at him again.

"You look like your dog just died. You need to cheer up. You're not singing at a funeral." He said as I cracked a smile. "Sorry, I'll cheer up." I said and put the headphones back in.

After we had finished rehearsal we got home at around 11 and I crawled into bed, not even bothering to take my clothes or shoes off. I could imagine Alex yelling at me for it so I took my boots and clothes off, slipping into my pajamas before laying back down. After a few hours of laying in bed, I pulled the extra pillow closer to me and put my arm around it. I imagined that it was Alex as I finally fell asleep without her.

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