Famously Married

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Authors Note: Picture above is what the wedding rings look like.

Chapter 31

(Tegan's P.O.V)

**Three Months Later**

We were standing in the airport, awaiting for the flight that would take us to Barcelona, Spain as I watched Alex stare out of the large windows, looking out at the planes. I smiled and placed my hand on her back, causing her to look over her shoulder at me. "Are you nervous?" I asked, running my fingers over her cotton shirt, earning a breathtaking smile from her.

"No sweetie, not at all. I've done this before, remember?" She asked, giggling at her own humor. I laughed and shook my head, looking into her beautiful green eyes that reminded me of a vibrant forest each time I looked into them.

"Flight 84B, Barcelona, Spain boarding now." A voice announced overhead. I smiled and took Alex's soft but strong hand in mine, leading her towards our gate. After we were all seated in First Class, the plane took off, feeling Alex's head land on my shoulder as she began to fall asleep. Her left hand was laying on my thigh, the fingers fanned out so that I could look at the detail of her hands. They were so beautiful to me, all of the little scratches and scars that she has gotten over the years, just adds to the stories that she will tell me even when we are old.

My eyes finally found her black and rose gold wedding band, running my fingers over the cold metal with a smile as I remembered her getting excited when she first spotted the ring. It had taken me awhile to fall in love with it, but after awhile, I loved the way that it looked, and it's different.

Whenever Alex gets nervous, she'll start to touch the ring or play with it, sometimes even grabbing my hand absent mindedly to play with mine. Or, she'll run her hand over the tattoo of my name that she has on her arm, looking down at the cursive lettering until she is calmed down again.

After we had gotten married and the news broke to the media, Alex and I couldn't have a second alone to ourselves. During that time she started to become more stressed and would have random fits of anger, shouting, sometimes at me, and slamming doors. But those fits never scared me because I knew that she would never hurt me. Yes, there was the one time when she punched the wall near my head, but that was because her pills weren't working. Nothing like that has happened to her in years.

I was pulled away from my thoughts by Alex shifting, her body trying to move closer to mine but failing because of the armrest. I heard her huff in irritation as she finally opened her eyes, looking down at the armrest. "We don't even need these damn things." She cursed, glaring down at it. I laughed and kissed her forehead, caressing her cheek slowly to make her smile. "Be nice to it" I replied, earning a smile and soft laugh. She shook her head and turned to look out of the window, staying quiet for the rest of the flight.


(Alex's P.O.V)

We had finally landed in Barcelona after a very long flight, my neck hurting from trying to sleep on Tegan's bony shoulder. I sighed and started to rub the back of my neck as we waiting for our baggage to come out of the plane, Tegan standing to my right, drumming her hands on her jeans. After what felt like fifteen minutes, our luggage came around and we put it onto the luggage carrier, walking towards the entrance as Tom pushed the luggage behind us.

I slid my sunglasses on as I heard the familiar clicks of the cameras, putting my hand on Tegan's back, leading her towards the chauffeured car. I heard the usual questions being shouted at us, 'how's married life,' 'when is there going to be a baby Quin,' 'what was the inspiration for their album'. But then, someone shouted something that I never wanted to hear again.

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