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Authors Note: I decided to try Sara's Point of View for a change. I honestly don't know if hers will be any good since I haven't done it before...

Chapter 9

(Sara's P.O.V)

I laid awake in bed and watched the sun rise outside. It was beautiful this time of morning. I felt someone stir beside me and remembered Alex was sleeping with me.

I didn't really feel anything for her but sorrow. She obviously loved Tegan and all Tegan did was hurt her. That's why I was helping her.

Don't get me wrong Alex is really f**king attractive but I would never fall for someone that my sister clearly liked. It's kind of a silent rule that we created.

I turned and faced her, seeing her emerald green eyes were already open and watching me. "Hello" I said smiling at her. She giggled and shook her head. "You're the most awkward person to be in bed with." She said, causing me to blush from embarrassment. "I could be really fun in bed but I'm not the twin that you want to do that with." I replied watching her eyes go wide.

She grinned and pinned me onto the bed, her light brown hair falling into my face before she pulled it back. She pulled my shirt up before I could protest and laid her cold hands on my stomach. I started to feel nervous as her hands ran up my rib cage and back down. She looked down at my black bra but I shook my head no rapidly.

She leaned down, her warm body shielding mine from the cold, and started to kiss up my neck. What the hell was Alex doing? I had to stop her before she went too far.

"A.. Alex." I said, trying to stop her tongue from roaming my neck. "Shh." She said, looking into my eyes. I bit my lip, feeling terrified as she continued to kiss my neck. I had no idea what she was trying to prove from this. "Stop." I finally managed to get out after her hands started to roam my stomach again. She pulled away and looked down at me. "Sorry.." She mumbled ashamed and got off of me and went into my kitchen.

I laid there frozen from the pleasure that she had given me before I had stopped her. Then it hit me. "You were imagining me as Tegan weren't you?" I asked, following her into the kitchen. She looked down at the floor for awhile before she finally met my gaze. "I don't know... Maybe..." She confessed, leaning against the counter with a sigh.

"Then why don't you tell her?" I asked softly. I got closer to her and watched her eyes turn glassy from holding back tears. "Because she's happy with Vanessa." She said, her voice cracking towards the end. I pulled her into a hug to comfort her as I felt tears wet my shoulder.

I honestly hated Tegan for doing this to Alex. I've never been this mad at her before. Maybe when we were six and she stole my blanky, but this is different. Tegan would be lucky to have Alex. Tegan really needs to open her damn eyes and see what's right in front of her.

Alex pulled away from the hug and smiled lightly at me. "I better go before she has a melt down." She said with a chuckle. I smiled and nodded, remembering how mad Tegan had gotten, and that wasn't even her bad side.

I sat back onto my bed as Alex left to go back to work. I ran my hand down my neck and felt a spot. I quickly walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. A hickey. She gave me a freaking hickey. I don't even let my one night stands do that. Tegan is going to murder me if she sees this.

I quickly covered it as best as possible and sat on the couch. I sighed and fixed my boy-cut hair as I went through the channels. They were all in French. I don't even know French! I know that some parts of Canada speak French but I didn't grow up in those parts! I have no clue what they're saying!

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