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Authors Note: I want to thank all of you that have read, commented, or voted on this book. You guys are truly amazing. :)

Chapter 7

(Tegan's P.O.V)

**Last Night**

I woke up with Vanessa's arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and kissed her cheek before getting out of her hold to take a quick shower. I saw a body on the couch so I assumed that it was Alex still sleeping. Alex. Every time I think about her my heart rate quickens and I get nervous.

I sighed, pushing those thought into the back of my mind as I ran my hand through my short boy-cut hair and opened the bathroom door. I didn't expect Alex to be wrapped in a towel, standing in the middle of the bathroom. I gasped and watched her shocked expression. I couldn't help but want to remove the towel from her muscular tanned body and touch her smooth skin.

I shut the door, not exactly knowing what I was doing. I walked over to her and lightly shoved her into the tiled wall. I put my hands on her waist, feeling the heat rise from her body. My mind was fuzzy as I looked into her amazing green eyes.

My lust filled eyes were roaming her body before I noticed that her eyes were red. "Have you been crying?" I asked feeling concerned. "Yeah.. um... I was just homesick, but I'm fine now." She said, causing me to nod in understanding.

I ran my fingers down her cheek slowly before trailing them down her neck and collar bone. Heat traveled up my hand and arm as I touched her soft skin, wanting to feel more of it.

Suddenly, she pushed me into the wall and touched my neck. She leaned closer and I felt her hot breath on my neck. I felt a moan travel up my throat but I held it in. My body was on fire by how close she was, I just wanted her to keep going, but then again, I didn't know how far that I wanted it to go.

Suddenly I heard Vanessa call my name. I growled and pushed Alex away from me and made my way out to her. I was sexually frustrated that she stopped Alex and I. I still loved Vanessa but Alex was really making me think about our relationship.

I sighed but smiled as I came into the kitchen where Sara was leaning against the counter. "Hey sis." I said, patting her shoulder. "Hey Tegan, where's Alex?" She asked, causing me to remember what had just happened in the bathroom, feeling my cheeks heat up.  

I watched as Alex made her way into the kitchen as I got some juice. What I didn't expect was Sara to ask Alex on a date. How could she do that? I liked her for gods sake! Even though I haven't told her I thought she knew!

I was beyond mad as I slammed my glass onto the counter and watched the juice spill onto the floor. Vanessa made fun of me as I cleaned up the juice on the floor. After I did I pulled Vanessa into the living room and kissed her lips lightly. I was at the point where I didn't know how to handle my anger.

I watched as Alex left with Sara so I pulled Vanessa into my room. "Tegan is everything alright? You were holding my hand kind of tightly." She said, fixing my hair. I smiled and nodded kissing her cheek. "I'm fine" I said and watched her pull away from me and look at her phone. She smiled and texted the person back before turning back to me.

She was about to pull out her phone again when I grabbed it and tossed it onto the bed. I grabbed her waist and pushed her back onto the bed, climbing on top of her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me down for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and ran my tongue over her bottom lip. Before I could get my tongue in she pulled away as we heard her phone vibrate. I growled and got off of her, giving up on the romantic approach and left my room, stepping out onto the balcony.

(Alex's P.O.V)

**Present Day**

I sighed and got up, feeling my back ache from sleeping on the couch. I popped my neck and back before walking into the kitchen for some coffee to help wake me up.

After I had made my cup of coffee I was surprised to find Vanessa watching me. "Yes?" I asked, taking a sip of the hot liquid. "Are you gay?" She asked, stepping towards me. I raised my eyebrow and put my hand on the counter. She suddenly put her hand over mine and started drawing small circles on my arm. I was speechless as she stepped closer to me clearing the space between us.

Her lips were inches from mine as she spoke. "Are you?" She asked again, softer. I smiled and ran my hand over her stomach, feeling repulsed by what I was doing. She grinned taking my hint. She was about to kiss me when I shoved her into the counter hard and heard her yelp in pain. I grabbed her throat and watched her eyes go wide in terror.

"I don't care about what game you're trying to play, but I'm not going to be apart of it Vanessa." I growled, hearing her whimper. I released my grip on her as I heard the adjoining door open and close. Vanessa fell to the floor coughing as Sara came into the kitchen. I walked past her and sat on the couch as Tegan came out of her room.

"Alex, did you hurt Vanessa?!" I heard Tegan yell, her voice rising due to her accent, as she helped Vanessa into the living room and into a chair. "No?" I said, watching Vanessa hold her hip. Tegan lifted up her shirt and tugged at her pants until she could see the black and blue bruise on Vanessa's hip that I caused when I pushed her into the counter. "No?! She said that you choked her!" She said turning around, throwing her hands up in the air.

I sighed and looked at Tegan irritated. Sara was watching me and I knew that she knew that I had done those things. "You're listening to her? You know that she doesn't like me. Tegan, I know that you know I don't care for her but I wouldn't hurt her. She probably ran into the counter." I said, watching Vanessa glare at me. "That b***h is lying! She tried to f**king kill me!" Vanessa yelled, holding her hip and wincing in pain.

"Stop yelling Vanessa." Tegan ordered and got some ice for her. "Why are you believing her?!" Vanessa snapped as Tegan laid the ice pack on her hip gently. "Vanessa, you are really clumsy..." Tegan said looking at her. Vanessa glared at her before getting up and limping into Tegan's room, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed and looked at the TV. Damian was now in the room and so was Tom. "Did you really do it?" Sara asked, sitting next to me and resting her hand on my knee. "No." I lied. She nodded and got up looking at Tegan. "She's just upset, give her some time." Sara said and then left.

Tegan sat next to me and started to stare at me. I sighed and looked at her as Tom made his way back to his room. "Tegan, don't you believe me?" I asked innocently. "Yes" She said and I smiled leaning closer to her. "Good" I whispered and kissed her cheek softly. I felt electricity shoot through me as my lips met her soft cheek, I felt her hand land on my leg as my lips touched her cheek that had a little bit of makeup on it. I looked down at her hand, they looked strong and soft at the same time. Like she could show you so much love with just a simple gesture or tear you down with one dismissive wave.  

She blushed as I got up and went to the adjoining doors. I knocked until Sara answered the door.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" She asked leaning against the door frame.

"I need a favor."

**Four Hours Later**

I smiled as Sara texted me that she was ready. I grinned and took a deep breath to calm myself as I watched the men take our suitcases to the cars. We were leaving for Paris, France. I smiled as the door opened to reveal Sara in a white shirt and her jacket. She smiled when she caught site of me.

She made her way over to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I smiled returning her hug as I felt Tegan take notice in us.

I pulled away from Sara's embrace and cupped her face with my hands. I pressed my lips gently to hers and felt her gasp and place her hands on my waist pulling me closer to her. I smiled and pushed her into the wall, kissing her more roughly.

She moaned, wrapping her arms around my neck as I pulled away and put soft kisses all over her neck. She pulled me back to her lips and after awhile we pulled away for air.

We realized that other people were in the room so I pulled away from Sara's hold to find Tegan giving me the death glare. I smiled, walking past her holding Sara's hand. When we were finally in the elevator alone, Sara finally whispered "do you think that she fell for it?" "Yeah."

After a few hours of being in the airport and sitting in the plane we finally arrived in Paris. It was already late and Tegan was completely avoiding me even though I was HER security guard. I sighed once we got to the room and looked at the couch. I really didn't feel like sleeping on the couch again.

Sara tugged on my hand which caused me to look at her. "You wanna sleep with me tonight?" She asked innocently. I looked at Tegan who looked like she was going to kill me if I said yes. "Sure" I said, watching Tegan storm out of the room.

I smiled and followed Sara into her room. I took off my shirt to put on my pajama top. "Damn, no wonder Tegan has a crush on you." She commented, causing me to blush. I sat on her bed after I had gotten my Pajama pants on. Sara sat next to me and smiled.

When I had asked Sara for the favor the other day I had asked her to 'pretend' date me. That means kissing, hugging, and holding hands, ect. She had agreed and I was grateful for it. I had to get Tegan away from Vanessa even if it meant doing this.

I had to admit, Sara was really sweet and caring for people, it's just a was more attracted to Tegan.

She smiled, wrapping her arm around my waist. "I know that you're upset that you're hurting Tegan but she's already hurting you." She said, rubbing my back to comfort me. "I know" I said sighing. "She'll come to her senses." She said with a small smile.

"Sara do you have feelings for me?" I asked. "Not like that, I would never do that to Tegan. I like you as a good friend." she said with a smile. I nodded and pulled her with me onto the bed. She smiled and nuzzled into me as I wrapped my arms around her.


"Yes Alex?"


"You're welcome."

(Tegan's P.O.V)

She f**king kissed her. Alex kissed Sara. My twin! My sister! How could she do that?! I thought that she liked me!

I couldn't take it anymore. She was driving me crazy. That should have been me that she had kissed so passionately. This wasn't fair. I just didn't like Vanessa like I had before. But, now I couldn't just steal the girl that my sister was dating. This is so complicated.

I sighed as we got to the hotel after hours on a plane. I couldn't stand being next to Alex. It felt like she just ripped my heart out and threw it onto the ground to disintegrate into nothing. Why did I like her so much?

I felt like I was going to explode when Sara asked her if she wanted to stay the night in her room. No Alex, say no. I will literally drag you out of the room if you go into that damn room. 

I growled as Alex said yes and couldn't stand being in the same room as her. I stormed into my room slamming the door shut. I felt like punching the wall and crying at the same time.

Was I really in love with my security guard?

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