The Assailant

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Chapter 16

(Tegan's P.O.V)

I opened my eyes to find Sara lightly shaking me awake with a cup of coffee in her hand. I slowly sat up in the very uncomfortable waiting chairs, taking the cup from her. She sat next to me and patted my leg as I let the bland, hot liquid slide down my throat. I sighed as I put the cup down, not liking the taste. I've never liked coffee, it makes me too hyper.

I looked at Sara as she spoke to one of the nurses. She turned and smiled, walking back over to me. She smiled and crouched in front of me, lifting my chin so I'd look at her. "The nurse said that we can see her after lunch. That's just a few hours away. We need to go back to the hotel and take showers and stuff Tegan." She said slowly because she knew that I was still hurting.

I nodded absent-mindedly, taking her hand as she led me out of the hospital, followed by her security and Damian. As soon as we stepped outside we were attacked by flashes and yelling men and women, asking how Alex was doing. We had managed to keep it out of the media for only so long before they found out it was someone somewhat important. Well... she was very important to me...

I sighed as we finally got into the car, heading towards the hotel to get changed. We arrived but I couldn't look up as more paparazzi appeared and tried to get me to answer questions. I didn't even notice that we had even gotten into the elevator or were walking to the room when I suddenly felt Sara grab my waist to stop me from running into the door.

She kept her arms wrapped around me, afraid that I would run into more things as Damian unlocked the door. I sighed and quickly got out of her hold before the door was fully opened, walking into the quiet room. I felt a pang of sorrow as I saw Alex's things where she had left them before we left. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands as I felt like breaking down again.

I felt Sara rub my back and try to lift me off of the couch. I finally gave in and stood up, following her into my bedroom. I saw Alex's suitcase on the bed and was just going to move it out of the way when I heard rattling at the bottom. I set it back down and unzipped the top, opening the black suitcase. I removed some clothes and found a spilled box of bullets at the bottom. My eyes grew wide as I picked up some of the bullets, watching Sara's body freeze in front of me.

She slowly walked around the bed and looked into Alex's suitcase, picking up some bullets and examining them with a shocked expression. I took a handful of them and put them in my jacket pocket before shutting the suitcase, setting it in the closet. I grabbed some new clothes and took a quick shower before stepping into the living room, wearing a new outfit but the same jacket.

"I'm ready." I announced, watching as everyone stood up and headed towards the door. I remembered something that I thought Alex would need and ran into the kitchen to get her anger management pills. I slipped them into the other pocket and walked out, heading towards the car to go back to the hospital.

After sitting in the hospital cafeteria for a few minutes I sighed, pushing the food away from me. I still didn't want to eat until I saw Alex. I needed to know that she was okay.

I decided to talk to Alex's family so I decided to walk back into the waiting room where they were sitting, along with the band and other crew members that cared about Alex. They smiled as they watched me pull up a chair in front of me. Well her dad and brother smiled.... Her mom didn't...

"Hello Tegan, how are you?" Her dad asked as I smiled at him. "I'm doing better. How are you Mr. Woods?" I asked politely. "I'm doing better too." He said with his signature smile and took my hand in his. I smiled as he held it firmly and patted my shoulder. "Are you excited to see her?" Max asked with a grin. I couldn't help but smile and nod my head, unable to speak. I felt overjoyed that I was finally going to see her in thirty minutes. It felt like I haven't seen her in years.

I quickly stood up as I watched her doctor enter the room and look for someone. "Um... Tegan Quin?" He asked, still looking around. I walked forward and he smiled as he caught sight of me. "You can come see her when you're ready. Try to not upset her too much and comfort her. She's in a lot of pain right now." He stated with a smile before walking off to attend to other patients. I called everyone to the waiting room and then headed towards her room. I was finally going to see my love.

(Alex's P.O.V)

Pain. All that I felt was pain, both physically and emotionally. Whenever I moved there was a shooting pain all through my stomach. Each time I ate I just ended up throwing it back up after a few hours.

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