First Day on Tour

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Authors Note: This chapter is for my amazing fan tiegrsrule.

Chapter 5

(Alex's P.O.V)

I smiled as I felt someone's warmth entangled with my own. I pushed myself off of the person to see who it was. I was surprised to see Sara sleeping peacefully below me. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her stir and open her eyes slowly, looking slightly disorientated. Once she realized where she was, she smiled back at me and sat up, revealing the tattoos all over her arms. I smiled and got out of bed feeling her eyes on me as I got dressed.

"So, are you excited for the tour?" Sara asked me after we had walked into the kitchen to find Tegan making out with Vanessa. "Not in the kitchen" I warned and grabbed a bowl and some cereal.

Tegan quickly pushed Vanessa away surprised, as she looked at the floor while blushing. Vanessa smirked and led Tegan into her bedroom. I growled under my breath and squeezed my eyes shut to try and ignore the anger and frustration that had started to build up.

I felt Sara's hand on my arm and smiled at her kindly. "You okay?" She asked concerned. "Just fantastic." I said with a fake grin. She smiled and rolled her eyes, walking away and grabbing her coat. "See you in a week, have fun with her" she said and walked back over to me. I didn't expect her to plant a soft kiss on my cheek before slipping on her coat and leaving.

After what felt like hours of sitting alone in the living room, Damian walked in and smiled at me. "You can go and do something if you want.." He said, changing the channel. "I'm in a new country what is there for me to do? Go to the amusement park? I don't even know where that is!" I said bored. I watched as Tegan came into the room and Vanessa walked out.

I sighed rubbing my eyes and put my head in my hands. I took a deep breath, and heard Tegan clear her throat. I lifted my head to find her staring at me. "What?" I asked, watching her rub her arm with the tree tattoo on it. "Why do you always take deep breaths? Are you okay?" She asked, leaning against the wall with concern. I smiled, looking at the floor. I didn't know that she paid that much attention to me.

"My lungs don't fill up with enough air so I take deep breaths. It's nothing serious or anything." I said looking at her, trying to reassure her that I wasn't going to pass out or anything like that. She nodded and was about to leave when she turned around. "By the way, Vanessa is coming on tour with us." She said. "She can't!" I shouted as I stood up from my chair.

"She can and is." She said back defiantly. I growled and shoved her into the wall holding onto her arms tightly. I pressed my body into hers and heard her gasp as I put my forehead onto hers. I didn't know what the hell I was doing but I loved the way my body reacted to her body pressed against mine. I cupped her face with my hands and brought her lips inches from mine. I licked my lips and looked into her pleading brown eyes.

I pulled away from her before our lips met and went to my room to think. Why did I act like that? Why had it felt so right?

**One Week Later**

I sighed and got into the passenger seat of the chauffeured Black Escalade. My bags were in the trunk and I was sitting next to the older looking driver. Sara and Tegan occupied the middle seats with Damian and Vanessa in the back seats. I looked back at Sara with a small smile and looked ahead as the driver pulled away from Tegan's house. We were on our way to Germany.

After we had arrived at the airport and gotten Tegan and Sara through security, I stood next to Tegan as she sat down on the chair next to Vanessa.

"You wanna sit?" She asked, looking up at me. I had my arms crossed over my black blazer that I was forced to wear. Underneath I had on a white shirt. I was also wearing black dress pants. I was wearing sunglasses and couldn't make out Tegan's expression. I smiled and slipped them down my nose to look at her. "No, I'm fine" I said and turned to watch the crowd.

"Wow, you look like you would murder someone if they got near her." Tom said with a  chuckle. I smiled and took my sunglasses off. "How am I supposed to look?" I questioned watching him sit next to Sara. "Not like her security guard. Like her friend." He said with a smirk. I chuckled and heard our flight number get called.

I took a deep breath as I walked beside Tegan. "Vanessa, get behind us." I ordered, watching her nod her head. We had to make sure there was no problems getting Tegan and Sara onto the plane.

After they were seated and buckled in, I sat across from them next to Damian as the plane took off. After we were allowed to walk around, Vanessa had to complain about wanting to sit next to Tegan.

I groaned and turned my head towards her. "Vanessa shut up, I really don't care where you sit. If it was up to me you wouldn't even be on this damn plane." I stated, venom laced in my words as I looked at her shocked expression. Even Tegan was shocked at my comment. Tegan's mouth fell open and so did Sara's. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look away from them and close my eyes.

"What do you have against my girlfriend?" I heard Tegan ask, drawing out the last word. I opened my eyes and massaged my temples before looking at her. "Excuse me?" I asked, looking for Vanessa. When I couldn't find her I realized that she must have been in the bathroom. "Why don't you like her?" She asked again looking at me. "Because?" I said raising my eye brow.

She smiled, shaking her head as Vanessa walked out of the bathroom and sat next to her. I looked to my left and found that Damian had moved and Sara was sitting next to me. I couldn't help but grin as she showed me her beautiful smile.

I put my head on her shoulder and frowned as I couldn't get comfortable on her leather jacket. She chuckled and lifted up my head, taking off her jacket. I laid my head back down and fell asleep for the rest of the flight.

I felt someone shake me awake and heard their soft familiar voice. "Alex, wake up, we're landing" Tegan said. I slowly opened my eyes and observed my surroundings. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, already feeling stressed. This job was really hard work.

After we had gotten through security and customs, we climbed in the chauffeured car and headed towards the hotel. I looked out of the window at the beautiful art scattered all around Belgium.

After a ten minute drive we arrived at a large elegant hotel with about thirty fans sitting outside of the entrance. I put my sunglasses on and grabbed Tegan's hand. I felt her squeeze it and I turned to look back at her. She smiled at me before I opened the door to hear the crowd scream Sara and Tegan's names. I helped her out of the car and started directing her towards the door.

She stopped causing Damian to grab her arm. "What are you doing?" He shouted over the screaming fans. "I want to see the fans!" She shouted back. I removed my hand from her back and nodded. Little by little the fans started to disappear as Tegan and Sara talked to them and autographed what they wanted.

After all of the fans were gone we easily walked into the hotel and went to the reception desk. "Reservation for Tegan and Sara Quin." Tom said to the man. He nodded and typed some things into the computer. He looked over at Sara standing next to Tegan and then got the keys. I was handed one and so was Damian and Tegan. Sara was also given one along with her security.

Vanessa pouted but held Tegan's hand as we got onto the elevator. Tom turned to me and started talking. "They have rehearsal at five thirty to seven thirty." He said causing me to nod. "Then the concert is at eight tomorrow?" I asked, watching Sara nod. "Okay." I said and unbuttoned my blazer as the elevator stopped on our floor. I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my white shirt and held my blazer as we neared our suites.

After Tegan swiped her key, the door unlocked and Damian, me, Vanessa, and Tegan stepped into the room. I was shocked at the size of the suite. The walls were white and the kitchen had new appliances. I stepped into the living room which held a plasma flat screen TV on the wall, a chair, and a big couch that could fold out into another bed.

I walked through the hallway, looking at the pictures of art on the wall. I looked into Tegan's room to see a big bed, tan painted walls, a TV on the wall, white bed, and a balcony. "Okay Tegan, you get the couch." I said grinning at her. She chuckled and ran her hand over her hair fixing what the wind had moved. I smiled and walked back into the living space.

"How come I didn't get a key?" Vanessa asked me even though she clearly knew that I didn't like her. "Because? I dont know." I said, unbuttoning my shirt in front of them. Damian looked away and so did Vanessa but I felt Tegan's eyes on me as I tugged the shirt off of my shoulders and put it on a chair. I turned around so that she could clearly see the tattoo on my back and got a regular t-shirt.

"TEGAN!" I heard Vanessa snap as she caught Tegan staring at me. Tegan faced Vanessa with a red face and wide eyes. "I was looking outside!" She said, pointing towards the sliding doors that lead to the balcony. I chuckled and let my hair down before removing my pants. "Why are you doing this in front of everyone?" Vanessa whined as I put some jeans on. "Because I don't have a room. I have a couch." I said looking at her.

"Why don't you get a room?" She asked, looking at me while raising her perfectly plucked eye brow. "Because the security doesn't get one. We're too busy taking shifts." I said, looking at her confused expression. This girl was clueless, Tegan can do so much better. "Shifts are when Damian or I sit outside of the door and take guard. Then we switch off." I say watching her nod her head.

"Sara's room is next door so here's the key for the adjoining room." Tegan said handing me the key. I nodded and watched as Sara came through the adjoining door. She smiled as she caught sight of me. She was wearing black pants and a white shirt and her jacket.

Tegan was wearing black pants and a black shirt. Over the shirt was a floral jacket that looked good on her. Her short hair was combed to the side as usual. Overall, Tegan looked amazing. So did Sara but I didn't get those weird feelings when I was around Sara...

I looked at the clock and noticed that we had an hour before we had to leave. I sighed and looked at Tegan and Vanessa. "When I'm sleeping tonight if I hear one moan out of one of your mouths I'm going to go in there and move one of you onto the balcony." I threatened, looking at them. Tegan's face turned red and Vanessa's eyes went wide. I was being serious. If I heard one moan, I will move one of them onto the balcony (preferably Vanessa).

I smiled and stepped onto the balcony. I looked down and watched the people walk by and the beautiful scenery that was behind them. I looked behind me and noticed that no one was watching me. I pulled out the pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket and lit it with my lighter. I took a puff and felt the smoke fill my lungs before breathing it out with a sigh.

"You know those will destroy your health." Tegan said causing me to jump. I looked at her and watched her approach me. "I only do it when I'm stressed..." I confessed, watching her eye brow raise. I smirked and put the cigarette out. I looked and saw that Vanessa wasn't in the room. I smiled and pushed myself off the railing. I walked towards Tegan and backed her into the wall, I got closer to her and put my lips near her ear. "Unless you're thinking about another way to take my stress away." I purred, feeling her body shiver under my hold. I chuckled and released her, walking back inside.

After an hour we arrived at the venue and were walking back stage to the dressing rooms. After they got their microphones and their battery packs on they began rehearsing. Two hours later, tired and exhausted, we drove back to the hotel.

I sat on the couch and looked at Damian. "Who wants the first shift?" I asked looking at him, he didn't seem that tired. "I'll do it. When you wake up come out and get me." He finally said. I nodded and got ready for bed. What he was doing was sitting outside of the door and guarding. When I get up then I go out there and he goes in to sleep.

I sighed and laid my tired head on the pillow. I watched Tegan walk down the hall with Vanessa to their room. Vanessa turned back and looked at me terrified. I smirked but watched Tegan turn around and walk towards me. Vanessa walked into their room as Tegan sat in the space that I didn't occupy on the couch. "If I find myself out on the balcony tomorrow your ass is gone." She whispered. I smirked knowing that she was joking. "Then don't have sex with her." I said looking up at her.

I know it sounded like I was pleading with her but it killed me inside to know that she was sleeping with Vanessa. "I can sleep with whoever I want." She said back, murdering my heart inside. I don't even know why it hurt that much.

I didn't let my face show the emotions that I was feeling. She leaned down and kissed my cheek before getting up and going to her room.

I felt a warmness spread through my cheek where her soft lips had been. I sighed, feeling tears fill my eyes. I turned onto my side, facing the couch, and cried.

Was I really falling for Tegan Quin?

Authors Note: Do I have any Tegan and Sara fans out there? :)

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