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Chapter 19

(Alex's P.O.V)

I watched as Tegan's mouth fell open and sorrow filled her eyes. She turned to look at me and let out a low whimper. That was honestly the sexiest thing that I have ever heard.

"Tom I can't leave her.." She said, looking desperately at Sara to help her. I sighed and caressed her face softly. "Tegan you're going to have to. You can't cancel the tour just because I'm still in the hospital. Go see your fans. I'll be better in a couple of weeks." I reassured, watching a tear fall down her cheek. She turned her face away from me, hoping that I wouldn't see it but I wiped it away before she could fully turn away.

I sat up, the pain shooting through my abdomen as I looked at everyone in the room. "Who's going to stay with me?" I asked as one of Sara's security guards came into the room. He smiled at me and sat in the chair next to my bed.

"Hi, I'm Brent and I'll be the one who's going to look after you when they leave." The man said, extending his hand to me. I smiled and shook it as I took in his features. He had short, jet black hair, bright green eyes, and a strong build. I could see tattoos littered all over both of his arms as I let go of his hand. "Nice to meet you Brent." I said with a nice smile.

He smiled and looked at Tom as he started speaking again. "We couldn't let Damian stay with you because he's Tegan's so Brent volunteered. There will also we a police officer taking guard outside of the room incase anyone appears to be a threat." He said with a smile.

I nodded and held Tegan's hand as she started to get up again. "Please stay with me today?" I asked with a pleading look on my face. She nodded and laid back down next to me, holding me lightly. Everyone else left the room to give Tegan and I some privacy as I turned to look at her.

I tilted her face up to look at me and smiled lightly. "Don't be upset, it's just for a couple of weeks. Yes, I'm going to miss you like crazy but I'll look forward to seeing you again. This tour means so much to you and Sara and I don't want to ruin it for you." I said as I watched her nod solemnly.

She rested her head closer to mine and kissed my forehead. I felt her fingertips begin to trace the length of my arm, causing me to shiver and get goosebumps from her gentle touch. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, suppressing a moan as I felt her delicate fingers begin to trace my neck. She knew how to turn me on so easily with only small touches. 

I could tell from the heart monitor that my heart rate had increased as she pulled my closer and slid her cold hand into my gown. I felt her fingers begin to draw random shapes on my back as I gasped from the strong need to feel her touch. I nuzzled into her neck, hiding my face as she began to run her fingertips over my shoulder and sides. If she kept this up I wouldn't be able to control the urges that were trying to take control of me.

"Tegan..." I breathed out as she began to touch my chest. "Yes?" She asked, looking at me with lust in her eyes. "We... We can't... Not here, not now.." I said, trying to convince myself that, that was the reason why I had stopped her.

"But we won't be able to for weeks, and I can tell that you don't want me to stop." She said huskily, biting her lip. "What if someone walks in?" I asked shyly. She giggled and looked at the door. "They won't because the door is locked. Sara locked it when they left." She said grinning. I chuckled and shook my head, staring at Tegan's cute smile.

"Babe sex isn't something that is forced, it just happens. We can't just decide to have sex." I said looking at her. She grinned and sat up, leaning over me. Her eyes playfully scanning over me as she started to bite her lip again. She cocked her head to the side and smirked, running her finger over my jaw.

I felt the familiar chills run up my spine as she climbed on top of me and caressed my cheek, looking deeply into my eyes. My lower lip quivered as she leaned closer to me and brushed her lips over mine. "Please don't tease me.." I whimpered, pleading with her. She chuckled, moving a piece of hair from my face.

"I thought you didn't want to." She said teasingly. I growled and took out the I.V tube that was injected into my arm and pinned her to the bed. She grinned, her eyes lighting up as she tried to get out from under my hold.

I giggled and kissed down her neck as I heard her sharp intake of breath. I smirked and finally kissed her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I heard a light moan escape her lips as I ran my tongue over her bottom lip. Her tongue attacked mine as I ran my hands underneath her shirt and touched her hot stomach.

She grinned as I unbuttoned her shirt and kissed down her chest and stomach. Her breathing grew light and fast as I felt her hands tangle into my hair to pull lightly. I looked up at her as she looked at me pleadingly. "Please" She whimpered, her eyes full of lust.

I nodded and grinned trailing soft kisses from her chest to her stomach before finally unbuttoning her pants.


(Tegan's P.O.V)

I sighed as I held Alex's hand for the last time. She smiled at me lightly as Tom stood at the door, waiting for me to get finished saying goodbye. I smiled at her as I caressed her cheek and kissed her lips lightly. "I love you Alex." I said, kissing her hand. My heart sped up as I watched her face break into a smile and giggled. "I love you too Tegan. Call me when you can?" She asked, looking at me innocently. I nodded and kissed her cheek, letting go of her hand.

I looked at her one last time before walking out of the room and past Tom, feeling the pain fill my heart. I sadly walked out of the hospital and to the car, Sara following close behind me. When I got into the back seat I felt Sara pat my shoulder and look at me comfortingly. "It'll be okay Tegan, the fans will cheer you up." I nodded and laid my head back against the seat, closing my eyes.

I was awoken by Sara twenty minutes later, alerting me that we had arrived at the airport. I zipped up my jacket and fixed my hair as I saw a few fans approach us as we entered the lobby of the airport. I smiled and gave them hugs, taking pictures with them before walking off to go wait. I was slightly surprised at how quickly my fans were able to cheer me up.  

I was suddenly grabbed by one of the fans and I turned around, shocked as I looked back at her. Damian had already pulled her hand back and was restraining the woman. "Let her go, do you need something?" I asked, looking at the woman as she smiled with glee. "I was just wondering how your body guard was doing? I forgot her name.." She admitted shyly. "Her name is Alex, she's healing well.." I said feeling my heart skip a beat as I said her name. "That's good!" She replied and walked off with the biggest smile that I've ever seen.

I giggled and walked next to Sara as she pulled me over to where we were sitting, waiting for our flight to be called. After a few minutes of waiting, it was finally called and we stood up, walking over to the gate to be seated.

After I was seated next to Sara, she smiled at me excitedly, looking out of the window. I tapped her shoulder as she looked at me with her eyebrow raised with confusion. "I just want to thank you for helping me through this. It's been a huge help, even if it doesn't seem like it.." I said as I watched her eyes light up. "No problem Tegan, you're my sister and I'm here for you, even though we argue sometimes." She said teasingly, poking my stomach. I giggled and nodded as the plane took off, heading towards Indiana.

After an hour of flying, we had arrived at the airport and was getting our baggage when Tom came over to greet us. "Um... There's reporters outside everywhere... Do you want to find another way out?" He asked, looking directly at me. "No it's fine, it was bound to happen anyway..." I said, looking at him with hostility. He nodded as I felt Damian grab my arm lightly, directing me towards the doors.

As soon as the doors opened, I was attacked by people yelling questions at me, cameras flashing. I squinted as Sara handed me a pair of sunglasses. "Tegan, how is your security guard? Will she make a full recovery?" One asked, as I stopped to talk to her. "Yes, the shot wasn't fatal." I replied, walking past her.

"Tegan! Is it true that you had a sexual relationship with your security guard Alexandra Woods?" One man asked, taking me off guard. I looked straight into his eyes and clenched my jaw. "No, that's false, she is just my security guard. I have never been interested in her romantically." I replied, turning away from him and getting into the car to get to the hotel.

Sara turned to look at me as I glared at the back of the passenger seat. "Tegan, why didn't you tell the truth? Or did you break up with her?" She asked, her face showing shock. "I had to lie because Alex doesn't want to go public yet. Of course not, I would never break up with her." I said, watching her face break into a smile. "Good because I would have had to kick your ass." She said with a chuckle before turning to watch the scenery as we drove to the hotel.

After we had arrived at the hotel I was finally allowed to be alone and laid in my bed to think. Alex was going to be okay. All those days that I had stayed awake, terrified of losing her were over. Alex was going to get better. She was going to be mine soon.

(Alex's P.O.V)

Watching Tegan walk out was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. I felt my heart shatter as I thought of all the nights that I would have to sleep alone. I wouldn't be able to hold her, kiss her, or even see her.

I sighed and rubbed my face as Anne came into the room to check on me. "Hey Alex." She said with a bright smile. I smiled back at her as she stopped midway over to me and stared at me with deep concentration.

"Did someone take out your I.V?" She finally asked, looking at me with confusion. "Um yeah... I did.." I replied nervously as she came closer and threw the needle in the trash looking at my arm. "Why?" She asked, rubbing the spot where the needle had been. "Um... It was bothering me..." I lied, feeling my heart rate speed up as she looked at me. "Alex, why did you take the I.V out? I need to know bec-" She stopped as her eyes finally landed on my neck. I tried to tilt my head away from her so that she wouldn't see the mark but it was too late.

She smirked at me and chuckled. "I see why you took it out. Just tell me next time so that I can put it back in." She replied, getting a new needle from the drawer, inserted it back into my arm. I nodded, hoping she would leave but when she didn't I felt nervous again. "And the doctor said no sex until you're healed." She scolded causally, looking at me.

"Did your stomach begin to hurt?" She asked, watching me closely. I rubbed the back of my neck and felt my face begin to heat up. "No... She was gentle..." I replied, hearing her giggle and pat my hand. "Alright... Tell me if it starts hurting.." She said, walking away as I let out the breath that I had been holding.

A few boring hours later, Brent stood up and looked at me. "I'm going to get something to eat. The officer stationed outside the door will come in and watch you.. Okay?" He asked as I nodded. He smiled and walked to the door opening it as I watched the officer make her way into the room. I began to feel nervous as she smiled at me and sat in the chair.

"Officer Kenton... No offense but I never thought that I would see you again..." I said, watching her smile and rub her bruised knuckles. "I'm sorry about what happened... It was an honest mistake. I'm not going to make an advances towards you." She replied as I watched her look at her watch. "Why are your knuckles bruised?" I asked, watching her cover them up somewhat. "Some guy ran from the scene and he fought with me so I had to punch and mace him." She replied as I watched her pupil get smaller.

I grinned as it all fell into place. "You're the one that attacked Vanessa aren't you?" I asked as I watched her head jerk up and her eyes met mine. "Um..." She said nervously, not being able to look at me. "Why did you?" I asked with amazement. "In order to get back to the stage door you need a special ticket and she didn't provide one so she shot a cop... When I found out that she shot you, I don't know, I just got really angry. So I took a plane to Cincinnati where I knew that she would be and waited for her. No one will suspect that it was me.." She said as I grinned at her.

"Your secret is safe with me." I said as she grinned. She nodded and leaned back in the chair, her handcuffs clicking together, as she watched the door.

After a few minutes I turned away from her and closed my eyes. I knew that Tegan wasn't going to call today so I wasn't going to worry about it. I took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling myself begin to slip into sleep.

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