The Hospital

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Authors Note: There's a lot of different Point of Views in this chapter so that you all can understand how different people felt during the situation.

Chapter 15

(Tegan's P.O.V)

Alex's mood completely changed as she suddenly told me to get into the building and shoved me very hard. I stumbled but managed not to fall and took off in a sprint towards the door. I was about to turn around and check to see if she was still behind me when she slammed the door in my face. I heard the clicking sound of the door being locked before I made out the sound of a gun going off, feeling my heart stop and my blood run cold. 


"Alex!!" I screamed, fearing that she had been hurt. I threw myself against the door but it wouldn't budge and no one was around to help me open the door. I quickly found a fire extinguisher and rammed it into the door handle, watching it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. I threw the fire extinguisher aside and kicked the door open. I was so panicked that I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I watched the door ram into the brick building but I didn't care. I was stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of Alex on the ground, holding her stomach in pain. I could see the blood around her and all over her hand. "Oh my god, Alex!" I cried, feeling the tears begin to fall down my cheeks. "T... Tegan... Help..." She struggled to get out as I ran to her side.

I looked over towards the crowd that had been there only a few minutes ago to find the lot empty. They must of all ran when they heard the gun shot. I thought to myself. "Tegan..." Alex begged, causing me to snap back into reality. "What do I do?" I pleaded, feeling completely useless. "Get.... Get my jacket, shirt, and vest undone." She struggled to say. I nodded and watched her remove her hand from the wound. I gently but quickly unbuttoned her jacket and shirt only to reveal a black padded vest. What the hell is that? Then it clicked.

It's a f**king bullet-proof vest! I figured that out as I began to unclip it from her chest. After I had finally removed it I was able to see her black bra and stomach that was covered in blood. The wound, that was to the side of her stomach, was gushing blood as I looked at it. I felt shock overcome me as I thought about loosing her.

"Tegan... I need you to get the pocket... pocket hankie from my jacket and put it over the wound, applying pressure." She instructed as I felt my stomach churn from the thought of touching it. I quickly got the red hankie and wadded it up before pressing it to her wound. She let out a painful scream as I did but I couldn't stop pressing it into her. I knew that if she lost anymore blood, she was going to die.

She started taking deep breaths as she opened her pain filled eyes to look at me. "You're.... You're doing great Tegan. Thank you.." She said as I heard her voice crack from the pain. I felt tears fill my eyes again as I thought about how much pain she must be feeling. "Did you call someone?" I asked, pushing her hair out of her sweaty face. "Yes... I... I pushed the emergency button on my radio... The... The ambulance should be here in a minute." She said as I nodded, telling myself to stop asking her questions. It probably hurt her just to breathe.

I rubbed her cheek soothingly as she leaned into my hand for the much needed comfort. She cried out in pain again as I felt the hankie warm and my hand turn red as the blood went through the wad of fabric. I felt my stomach churn and I felt the nausea set in. But I wouldn't let my composure down, I wanted Alex to know that I was there for her.

As I heard the ambulance siren pierce through the cold silent night air, I sighed with relief. Alex had stayed alive. "Alex I want to tell you something before they take you... I... I love you Alex." I confessed, feeling the tears fall again. I felt her shaky hand wipe them away as she gave me a pain filled grin. "I... love you too Tegan..." She managed to say before the ambulance came and she passed out as the EMT's were loading her onto the stretcher.

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