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Chapter 13

(Alex's P.O.V)

I groaned as I opened my eyes and felt my body begin to ache from yesterday's workout with the trainer. I sat up, allowing the covers to fall to my waist, exposing my bare stomach but not my breasts because I was wearing a bra.

I was about to lift the covers off of my legs when I felt a hand slide over my bare stomach, causing me to jump and look at the person. I watched as Tegan's eyes remained closed but a smile spread across her face as she laid her head on my stomach.

I ran my fingers down her cheek with a smile before lifting her head lightly and sliding out from under her. I walked into the kitchen and took a pill before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was in the shower and had turned the hot water on I heard the door open and I froze, listening for the unknown persons movements. I felt my heartbeat quicken with fear as I tried to think of who it could be. Sara? No, she wouldn't be in Tegan's room. Damian? He has his own room. Tegan? She's still asleep.

I tried looking for things that I could use to hurt the unknown person, but the deadliest weapon I had near me was a cheap razor and a shampoo bottle. The razor wouldn't do much damage and the shampoo bottle wouldn't be much better. I finally decided to look at who it was when I heard the sink turn on.

I slowly moved the shower curtain so that I could look at the person and was surprised to find Tegan brushing her teeth. "Tegan, what the hell are you doing in here?" I demanded, glaring at her as I watched her eyes grow wide as she realized that I was naked. She looked down with the toothbrush still in her mouth, slowly brushing her teeth again awkwardly as I watched her with curiosity in my eyes. Even though my body was covered by the shower curtain and she could only see my face, she was still shy because I was naked.

She slowly made contact with my eyes again and spit the foam out of her mouth, rinsing out the rest. She leaned against the sink and looked at me before blushing and looking at the floor again. "Tegan I asked you a question" I repeated softer, feeling the hot water hit the side of my body. "I'm... just brushing my teeth.." She said shyly as I smiled. "You couldn't wait until I was done taking a shower?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "No....." She said nervously, slowly lifting her head.

I cocked my head to the side, studying her as she stepped closer to me. "Okay, maybe I wanted to see you..." She said trailing off at the end. "See me?" I questioned, watching her face burn red again. "Naked..." She finally said barely above a whisper. I blushed and looked down, shaking my head.

"Aren't you the one who said no sex for two weeks?" I asked with a sly smile on my face. I watched her glare at me but I saw amusement in her eyes. "Maybe I wanted to take it back.." She said as I felt butterflies begin to tickle my stomach. I watched as she slowly stepped closer to me, her brown eyes never leaving mine.

Her hand slowly grasped the shower curtain and pulled it away from the rest of my body. I felt the cold air hit my body and cause goosebumps to form on my exposed flesh. She reached over and turned the water off, causing my body to start shivering from the sudden cold air. I felt her hands slowly travel up my wet stomach and rest on my sides as she looked all over my body. I started to feel uncomfortable but ignored it as she stood on her tip toes and kissed my collar bone.

"Are you scared?" She whispered as I felt her warm breath hit my ear. I shook my head, unable to find words as I started feeling light headed. She gently pulled my body out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me as she guided me back to her room.

After she had closed the door and locked it, she pushed me back onto the bed and hovered over my exposed body. I felt my heart begin to race from nerves as she slowly lowered her forehead onto mine. "If you're scared Alex, we don't have to do this. I don't want to push you..." She said quietly because she was so close to me. I bit my lip, thinking, as she opened her brown eyes to meet mine. "Um... I guess I'm okay with it.... it's just, I've never done this before.." I said shyly.

She smiled and kissed my lips lightly before nodding and rubbing my stomach to calm me down. "Just take a deep breath babe, I promise that I'm not going to hurt you." She whispered before kissing me fully on the lips. By now my body had dried and I had started to feel warm again but when she kissed me it was like my chest, stomach, and whole body was on fire. It was an addictive feeling that I wanted to feel more of.

I kissed her back passionately as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her impossibly closer to me, trying to get that warm feeling again. She smiled into the kiss and ran her wet tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I slowly opened my mouth allowing her access, feeling her tongue attack mine as soon as I did. I moaned as I felt her tongue roam around my mouth then she pulled away from the kiss, feeling her tongue slide down my neck slowly.

She slowly started to suck on my sweet spot until I knew that there would be a hickey after she let go. She smiled and kissed down my chest before meeting my lips again in a heated kiss. Her hands started to roam my body and make random movements over my stomach and abdomen. I whimpered as her hand started to travel down my stomach and towards my core.

**Three Hours Later**

(Tegan's P.O.V)

I watched as Alex was sitting on the floor, putting a puzzle together to pass the time. After we had sex I could tell that she was a bit uncomfortable around me but that was understandable. She was honestly really good for having never done it before.

I smiled at the thought and shook those dirty thoughts from my head as I watched her put the castle puzzle together. "Alex, have you dated anyone before?" I asked, watching her slowly lift her head to meet my gaze and put the puzzle piece down. "Um... I dated a guy once...." She said awkwardly, staring at all of the puzzle pieces around her. I nodded and watched her look anywhere but at me.

I moved away from the couch and sat across from her, lifting her chin, forcing her to look at me. "Can you tell me who it was?" I asked, noticing that she began to look uncomfortable. "It was a guy in the academy.... His name was Lucas and he was really nice... One day after a few months of being together he got drunk and hit me because I wouldn't have sex with him...." She said, looking me straight in the eyes to see my reaction.

The only emotion that I could feel for him was anger and sorrow for her. Who would be stupid enough to hit her? I would never hurt her physically or mentally. Alex is amazing and I wouldn't want to throw our relationship away.

I slowly ran my hand over her cheek and leaned over, kissing her cheek softly in an attempt to comfort her. She smiled and looked at me with so much emotion in her eyes that I couldn't tell if she was going to cry or hug me. "I'm fine now babe, I'm way over him... And when my brother found out he beat the living s**t out of him." She said, chuckling at the end. I smiled and nodded, watching her stare at the puzzle again. "Are you okay after... You know...." I said, not being able to resist asking.

She looked up as her cheeks began to turn red and a smile was spreading across her face. I looked at her neck and found that her shirt didn't cover where I had marked her and watched her hand cover it from embarrassment. I smiled and watched her nod her head. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said as her face got redder. I giggled and kissed both of her cheeks before getting up and walking to the front door as I heard a knock.

"Hey Tom." I said as I allowed him in. I watched Alex bolt out of the room and to our room to find a shirt that would cover up the hickey as Tom made his way into the living room. "Ready for the show?" He asked with a smile on his face. He always gets excited when it's show night.

I watched Alex appear in the room again with a different shirt on and a jacket that covered up her neck. I smiled, shaking my head and watching her smile at me shyly. After I had gotten some things from the room we all left and was on our way to the stadium when I finally noticed that Sara wasn't with us.

"Where's Sara?" I asked, looking at Tom with confusion. He chuckled and shook his head. "See, you do love her. She's already there." I smiled, looking out of the tented window as we went into the parking garage and was dropped off at the entrance. I was escorted by Alex to the dressing rooms where she stood by the door as I stood next to her, watching her face turn serious as she looked around.

I grabbed her face and turned it towards me to kiss her, watching her pull away so fast you would think that I kissed her when I had the plague. "Tegan you can't do that here!" She said, stepping a few feet away from me. "No ones around!" I countered, watching her survey the whole hallway twice. "Tegan just please go get changed." She asked nicely. I sighed and gave in, turning the knob before stepping inside and looking at the clothes that were on the clothing rack.

(Alex's P.O.V)

After I had watched Tegan go into her dressing room I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, still feeling my heartbeat race from what had happened. I then heard Toms voice ring in my eat from the ear piece. "I need you and Damian to meet me in the garage to talk." "Okay" I said into the radio and walked away from Tegan's room, not bothering to alert her that I wouldn't be there when she opened the door again.

I finally found the parking garage and stepped into it, hearing my shoes echo with each step that I took inside the empty building. I smiled when I found Tom and Damian leaning against the wall waiting for me. "We need to talk about what you're doing with Tegan." Tom said seriously, feeling my stomach drop. "Wh...what are you talking about?" I stuttered, feeling like I would get into serious trouble if they found out about us.

"Don't play dumb with us Alex. We heard her screaming your name from my room." He stated, causing my face to heat up. I looked down at the dirty concrete floor, trying to come up with something to say. "That was someone else..." I finally said, not looking at them. "We know Tegan's voice Alex. We've been with her for over five years. Is it true?" Damian asked, tilting my face up to look at him.

"Yes..." I finally confessed, not being able to avoid it anymore. "How long?" Tom asked softer. "A couple of days.." I said, feeling my hair shield my face from their burning stares. They both sighed and looked at each and then smiled. "We've never heard her scream like that before. You must have been really good." Damian said with a smirk. I felt my face heat up and I punched him in the shoulder hard enough to hear him whimper while he was chuckling at my embarrassment.

"Just be good to her okay? That's all that we ask, and no making out on the job." Tom said with a comforting smile. I chuckled and nodded, feeling Damian's arm wrap around my shoulders. "Come on kid, she's probably looking for you right now." He said, directing me back into the main building. I smiled and took a deep breath to calm my nerves as we entered the back stage and I caught sight of Sara.

Once she caught sight of me she ran into my arms and said "you might want to hide or something." "Why?" I asked, feeling slightly terrified. "Tegan's pissed 'cause you left..." She said as I heard someone shout "ALEX, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" I released Sara and watched a pissed off Tegan storm over to me. "I asked you a question." She demanded as she stood in front of me. She was a couple inches shorter than me so I had to look down at her but she looked like she could have kicked my ass if she really wanted to.

I smiled and cupped her face in my hands before kissing her lightly, feeling her body tense and then relax. "Why did you do that?" She asked, slightly out of breath as she wrapped her arms around my neck, putting her lips next to my ear so that no one could hear our conversation.

I could feel everyone's eyes on us but I didn't care. "Which part?" I whispered, rubbing her back slowly. "Both." She whispered back, causing me to chuckle lightly. "I left to go see Damian and Tom because they needed to speak with me and I kissed you because they both know and I think Sara already figured it out." I said, feeling her nod and release me. "Sorry I yelled... I got scared..." I smiled and kissed her forehead, forgiving her as the tech man called the girls over to get their mics and guitars adjusted.

After a two hour concert and thirty minutes to see the fans we had finally arrived back at the hotel, tired and deaf from all of the screaming girls. Tegan laid on the bed as I quickly took my clothing off and put my pajamas on, placing the old clothes into my bag so that she wouldn't look over and see the items inside.

I sighed and laid next to her, pushing her hair out of her face and caressed her cheek. She smiled, turning her face to look at me as she smiled. "I'm excited to go to New Jersey." She said as I felt my heart sink. We were leaving for New Jersey tomorrow morning. I was still terrified that she would get hurt and since she's now my girlfriend, the stakes are even higher.

I sighed and pulled the covers over her body, turning off the light and leaning over to kiss her lips softly before turning over on my side away from her. "Are you excited to be back in the states tomorrow babe?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling my body closer to hers. "Of course I am." I lied, feeling her lips press into the back of my neck as a goodnight kiss. She made a noise that sounded like she agreed with me before turning away and falling asleep.

If only she knew how much danger she could be in.

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