Lost Control

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Chapter 22

(Alex's P.O.V)

"Tegan I'm not an old woman, I can get out of bed just fine." I said as I watched Tegan extend her hand out to me after I had awoken.

"I know but I don't want you in any pain..." She replied shyly, letting some hair fall into her face before she pushed it away.

I sighed and stood up, rubbing my fingers over her arm. "I'm going to feel some pain for a little while but not enough to hurt me badly. I know that you're just trying to help me but you need to let me do things on my own so that I can get stronger. I kind of like my job." I said with a teasing tone at the end. She sighed and looked at me reluctantly, but nodded. I smiled and kissed her forehead before walking into the kitchen to find something to eat.

I sat on the couch after I had eaten and watched Tegan stare at the wall. "Is that what you do for fun? Stare at the wall?" I questioned, earning a chuckle. "Yeah... We can't really go on a walk since the media knows that you're here with me.." She said, turning her gaze to me. "Why do they think that we're dating? Did you say something to them? Did Tom?" I asked as she sighed and ran her hand through her hair, looking suddenly stressed.

"No baby I wouldn't do that, and Tom wouldn't either. I honestly don't know how they found out." She said moving to sit next to me, taking my hand in hers. "Okay... What will happen if we do come out?" I asked, resting my head on her shoulder. "We won't be able to get any privacy. The paparazzi will always be trying to get a picture of us together. They'll want interviews and everything else." She answered, causing me to sigh with stress. I knew that this relationship wouldn't be easy but I didn't know that it would be this difficult either.

"So um... Are we ever going to come out?" I asked, lifting my head to look into her beautiful eyes. "Well yeah... When, is up to you." She answered with a small smile. "Can we in like a few weeks?" I asked, watching her smiled widen a little. "If that's what you want, then yeah." She answered with an excited giggle and kissed my forehead.

I smiled as I stared down at the couch cushion. I wanted the whole world to know that I was with her but I didn't know if I wanted all of these random people trying to take pictures of me with her.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tegan's lips placing soft kisses on my neck. "Are you alright sweetheart?" She asked, rubbing small circles into my back. "Yeah, I was just thinking..." I replied with a small smile. She nodded and pulled me off of the couch and led me to the balcony.

She slid open the doors and allowed me out, before following me. I stood next to the railing and looked out at the sun as it was set in the middle of the sky. I felt Tegan's protective arms wrap around my waist as her lips trailed my neck. "Love, we can't." I said, reluctantly unwrapping myself from her hold. "No one can see us up here, there's no building next door that they can see out of." She said with her cheeky smile, sliding her nose over mine.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck, kissing her cheek. "Where do we go next?" I asked as she looked past me at the sky. "Los Angeles" She replied and smiled at me. "Cool." I said and placed my head on her shoulder. "And guess what, Sara and I are going to be on Ellen!" She said excitedly. My head shot up and a grin covered my face. "That's awesome!" I squealed and kissed her nose. She giggled and nodded, pecking my lips.

"Are you just performing or are you just getting interviewed?" I asked, watching her grin grow wider. "Both!" She said as I watched her eyes light up. "That's great!" I said excitedly.

She giggled and kissed me, trapping me between the railing and herself. After we had parted for breath I smiled, taking in her features. I observed her strong jaw line and her prominent cheek bones as well as her full lips.

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