Could I Date You?

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Chapter 10

(Alex's P.O.V)

I awoke to someone's warm breath hitting my face. I opened my eyes to see Tegan's face inches from mine and her body entangled with mine. I tried to detach her from me but she stirred and pulled me impossibly closer to her. I loved the feeling of how close she was but if one of her workers walked in, it would look bad.

"Tegan" I whispered, trying not to scare her. She stirred again but opened her eyes, rubbing them a few times, before her stare settled on me. She smiled at me before finally releasing my body from her hold.

I sat up, running my hand through my hair while looking down at her. "How'd you sleep?" she asked, sitting up and pulling me into her arms. "Great, how'd you sleep?" I asked fixing her hair. "Good, because you were with me." She replied causing me to blush. She smiled and kissed my cheek, looking into my eyes. I felt frozen under her stare. She looked amazing even just after waking up. I usually had to take an hour to look decent.

She giggled, watching me think and brushed some hair out of my face. "You're beautiful, you know that Alex?" She whispered causing me to blush harder. "If you say so.." I mumbled into her shoulder. She frowned and pinned me to the bed straddling my hips.

She leaned down closer, inches from my lips. "How on Earth could you be insecure?" She asked, kissing my nose. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I was bullied when I was little..." I confessed, watching her eyebrows knit together in thought. She started looking all over my body as I frowned and watched her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as her eyes made their way back to my face. "Just trying to see what they would have found unattractive." She said causing me to smile. "I mean, seriously!" She said removing my shirt. "You have the strongest, hottest body that I've ever seen." She said, kissing all over my stomach. I gasped as her warm lips started roaming my chest and neck.

I felt her hands start to slide down my pajamas pants as she kissed my jaw line. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her lips to mine trying to distract her hands. She moaned kissing me back hungrily, lowering her body onto mine.

I slid my tongue over her bottom lip and whimpered when she denied me access. I turned us over and lowered myself over her, grinning. She smiled, watching me with her now dark, brown eyes. She pulled me down onto her lips and kissed me again. I felt her tongue glide over my lip but I pulled away before she could slide her tongue into my mouth.

I began to trail soft kisses down her neck, hearing a low moan escape her lips. Suddenly, I heard a soft knock on the door and quickly jumped away from Tegan's body.

I pulled on a shirt and jeans before I watched Tegan make her way over to the door. She opened it to reveal Damian, looking confused. "Hey... have you seen-" he stopped mid-sentence when he caught site of my body standing on the other side of her bed. "Alex, there you are!" He said with a small smile. I nodded. feeling my face heat up.

"Why are you still in here?" He asked, cocking his head to the side with confusion. "Um... I was helping Tegan pack..." I said awkwardly, looking at the empty suit cases on the floor. "Why?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. "I didn't know I was going to be interrogated! Damn Damian!" I shot back, pushing past him as I headed towards the kitchen. My heart was racing as I struggled to catch my breath. What if he would have found out why I was in her room? I would have died if he had.

I sighed as Tegan appeared in the doorway looking concerned. "You alright?" She asked stepping closer to me, placing her hand on my arm, gripping it softly. I smiled lightly and nodded, my hair falling in front of my face. She pushed it behind my ear and lifted my chin to look at her. "You have anger issues... Don't you?" She asked softly. I took in a shaky breath and nodded, feeling her lean her forehead onto mine. "Do you take anything for it? Some people usually do..." She said, biting her lip.

I felt her nose brush mine in a comforting way. "I.. I ran out... I'm trying to control it, I really am. That's probably why I beat up Vanessa..." I confessed, feeling ashamed for even having anger issues. It's probably because I got so mad when I was little when my mother wouldn't pay attention to me. My brother could tell that I had a problem and so could my dad so he took me to a doctor. They prescribed me some pills that would help me control the anger and not break something or have a melt down. I was supposed to get more before the tour but they never sent them... I've been out for several weeks.

Tegan nodded and ran her fingers down my cheek. "Are you scared that I might hurt you?" I asked, wanting to hear her answer. I watched her eyes grow wide and she shook her head, smiling lightly. "Of course not, I know that you would never hurt me." She whispered, putting her nose next to mine again, our lips inches from each others. I smiled and nodded, feeling her hands slide underneath my shirt and onto my stomach softly.

"Do you have any other medical problems that I should know about?" She asked, not removing her hands. "I'm extremely protective..." I said, looking down at the hardwood floor. I felt like I was telling her everything that was wrong with me. I didn't know why I was but I was EXTREMELY protective. At the academy they said that it was good that I was but to me it was terrible.

I watched Tegan grin and chuckle. "What?" I asked, glaring at her. I felt like she was laughing at me for telling her about that. Her eyes grew wide and she knew that she had offended me. "I'm not laughing at you, I was just thinking about what you would do if a person got too close to me that you didn't like.." She said starting to chuckle again. I rolled my eyes and pushed past her feeling my anger grow.

She laughs because I tell her the problems that I have? No, I need to calm down. It's just the anger talking.

I felt her grab my arm before I could make it out of the kitchen. "Alex, stop. I wasn't making fun of you. I'm sorry that I laughed." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Take deep breaths." She whispered as I held onto her shirt tightly, squeezing my eyes shut. I nodded and started taking deep breaths, feeling my anger slowly disappear with every breath that I took.

I sighed and pulled away from Tegan's grasp, feeling uncomfortable at how close she was. She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on my cheek before exiting the kitchen.

I sighed and leaned against the counter. I felt stupid for having these problems. I hated my mother for causing me to have anger issues. Why couldn't she just love me like she did Max? Why wasn't I important to her? I'm her only daughter for gods sake!

I pushed away from the counter and sat on the couch, feeling my head begin to hurt from thinking too hard. I sighed and rubbed my neck before stepping outside with my jacket.

I felt the cold Paris air hit me as I slipped my jacket over my shoulders and zipped it up. I could see the sun in the sky illuminating the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I smiled, smelling the bread from the vender down below.

I pulled out the small white box from my pocket and opened the top. I pulled out a cigarette and got my lighter out of the other pocket. I lit the end watching the golden glow before puffing out the smoke that had gotten into my mouth. I put my lighter away and leaned against the cold metal railing, listening to the French people talk about god knows what below me.

I took another puff of the cigarette and felt the smoke fill my lungs before I exhaled it out. I was starting to feel better, the nicotine calming my nerves.

I heard a tap on the glass door and turned around to find Tegan watching me with a bottle of pills in her hand. She opened then closed the door making her way over to me.

I watched her scowl once she saw the cigarette in my hand. She tried to reach for it but I pulled it out of her reach before she could. I heard the pills rattle inside of the orange bottle as she moved.

"I found these in the medicine cabinet.. Will these help until we can get you some more of the pills?" She asked, holding out the bottle of pills for me to take. I took the small bottle from her and read what the pills did. They were for stress and head aches. I didn't need to take these. I handed her back the pills and watched her face fall. She really wanted to help me with my 'problem.'

I smiled and took another puff before putting the cigarette out because I could tell that it was really bothering her. "Thanks for trying though Tegan." I said, putting my hand on her arm in a appreciative way. She smiled and nodded, getting closer to me. I watched her unzip my jacket and wrap her arms me tightly. I rubbed her back slowly, feeling her body shiver from the cold.

She looked up and kissed my jaw before kissing my neck. I felt my heart rate increase and my breathing become irregular. I quickly looked inside to find no one in the living room. I sighed as I felt Tegan's lips travel up my jaw and across my cheek. I smiled and pulled her lips to mine in a passionate kiss. She smiled and placed her hands on my waist as mine cupped her face.

I pulled away smiling at her, seeing a glint in her eyes. "When do we need to be at the stadium?" I asked raising my eye brow. "Not until later." She said with a grin. I chuckled and pulled away from her opening the door for her.

I sat on the couch, sighing as I stared at the TV. I think that I have the rest of the day off but I'm not sure... Just as I thought that, Damian came in with a clip board in his hand. "Alright, we need to leave in a minute because they have an interview then we need to go to the stadium to see if the builders are doing okay." He said reading from it.

I nodded and got up, putting on a nicer shirt and a black blazer. I quickly pulled on some black dress pants and matching shoes. I put the ear piece into my ear and turned on my radio. I ran a brush through my hair before turning around and running into someone. "Sorry.." I said looking at Tegan. She smiled and nodded before taking my hand and leading me out of the hotel room.

A few minutes later we were outside of a small café. I could see the camera crew inside adjusting the cameras for the interview. I opened the car door and helped Tegan and Sara out of the car. I opened the door for them, earning a smile from them both.

I trailed behind them until I saw a man walking towards Tegan and Sara with a knife. I quickly shoved them out of the way and hit the knife out of the mans hand. I shoved him into the nearest wall twisting his arm behind his back. I heard him yelp in pain as I twisted it harder. "What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, holding onto him tightly. "Um... Taking the knife back to the kitchen for the food..." He stated, wincing in pain.

"Oh, sorry..." I apologized, immediately releasing him. He smiled, moving his arm around to get the feeling back as he picked the knife up from the floor. "It's no problem, I would have done the same thing." He said with a smile, chuckling. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I asked, concerned. "Nope, I'm fine" He said still smiling. I nodded as he walked away to take the knife back to the kitchen.

"Good job" Sara said patting my back with a smirk. I chuckled, feeling my face warm from embarrassment. I smiled, putting my head down and looking at the floor. I felt her rub my back and I smiled shaking my head before following them to the main room that held a couch for Sara and Tegan and a chair for the host.

I watched the makeup people fix their hair and makeup before they adjusted the lighting and got into place. "In five, four, three, two." I watched the camera turn on and the host introduce them. I listened to Tegan and Sara give their answers before I was pulled aside by Tom.

"Damian can watch Tegan and Sara has her own security guards, can you go to the stadium with me?" He asked. "Sure" I said and followed him out of the small café.

We arrived at the stadium and was ushered to the main stage where men were putting in microphones and other things to set up for the band. I watched them clip Tegan's guitar pics to the mic stand before setting the guitars out for them. Tom smiled as he watched me. We walked up the steps to the stage and through the curtain to the back. We walked down several hallways before we walked into Tegan's dressing room. He started to tell me all of the things that they did during the tours when my phone rang. He walked out of the room to give me some privacy when I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked, not bothering to see who was calling me before I answered it. "Alexandra, it's your mother." She said as my mouth fell open in shock. Why the hell was she calling me? Max or my dad probably forced her to...

"Hey mom... How are you?" I asked trying not to sound shocked. I sat on the couch in Tegan's dressing room and started staring at everything that was in the room. "I'm doing fine, how are you?" She asked awkwardly, trying to keep the conversation going. "I'm fine.." I said running my hand through my hair.

"That's good, listen, your anger management pills came in a few weeks ago and I was wondering if you had any left?" She said as I glared at the floor. She had my damn pills the whole time and I didn't even know it?!

"No, I ran out... Can you send them to me?" I asked hearing her sigh. Wow, I didn't know I was such a burden to you. Thanks mom.

"Sure, where will you be in a week?" She asked as I grabbed the tour schedule from the table. "London." I said looking at the dates. "Okay, I'll send it there for you." She said as I nodded. "Okay, thanks, bye mom." I said, not knowing what else to say. "Bye Alexandra." She said and hung up. I sighed and walked out of Tegan's room and to the stage.

I walked down the stages steps and sat in a random seat. I didn't notice someone watching me when I suddenly felt someone straddle my lap and wrap their arms around my neck. I jumped, my eyes snapping open to meet Tegan's watchful gaze. I smiled but gasped as her lips met mine.

I quickly pulled away and lifted her up with me as I stood up. I lightly set her down and grabbed her hand, leading her to her dressing room. After we were alone, I finally turned to her.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, throwing my hands into the air in exasperation. "Um.. I missed you... I didn't know where you went.." She said looking down at the floor. I sighed and got closer to her. I lifted up her chin and kissed her lips softly. "I missed you too, but I'm not going to be around you every second of the day and you can't just do that in public." I said looking into her light brown eyes. "And why not?" She asked confused. "Because I'm your security guard! I can't have people find out that we even have an intimate relationship! That would look bad for me and you, mostly you." I said, watching her eyebrows knit together in anger.

"So? Why would people care if I dated my security guard?!" She asked. "Tegan you know that people would care. You don't need that kind of image for yourself." I said softer. She sighed as I put my hand on her neck and rubbed my thumb over her jaw line.

"Alex, I... I want you." Tegan said as I watched tears fill her eyes. "I want you too Tegan, but I just don't know if now is the right time to show our feelings and start dating." I said, feeling my heart ache at my own words. I watched her head lower and she nodded in defeat, looking up at me. She leaned towards me and kissed my lips. "Then I'll wait." She said and I nodded as she left the dressing room to get her mic on.

I sighed as I stood in the room alone with my thoughts. Was that really the reason why I didn't want to date her right now? I know that I have strong feelings for her but will I be able to look past the media and actually listen to my heart?

I sighed and walked out of the room to the the back entrance to the stage. I could see Tegan and Sara talking before they started the first song. Tegan was wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans as Sara was wearing a white shirt and white skinny jeans with her leather jacket.

I didn't expect Tegan to turn and look at me before calling my name. "Alex can you come and fix my battery pack?" She asked as I heard the crowd scream. I quickly walked out and stood behind her staring at the battery pack that was clipped to the back of her pants. I saw that the red light was on and flipped the switched so that it turned green. "Okay it's on, thanks" She said as I nodded and walked back stage.

"It's agonizing the first time you walk out isn't it?" Damian asked with a smile. "Yeah!" I said feeling my heart beat pound in my ears because I knew that everyone's eyes had been on me.

After the concert I sighed as I looked at all of the fans lined up to meet Tegan and Sara. I was the one stuck with the job of checking to see if they had any weapons. "Stand against the wall with your arms and legs spread" I said to the girl. She nodded as I put the gloves on and began to check her upper body. I put my hands in her jeans pockets before grabbing her ass to check if she had a weapon hidden there.

She giggled and I rolled my eyes as I ran my hands down her legs and checked her shoes. "Next." I said and waited for the next person to stand against the wall.

After hours of this I finally cleared the last person and waited for them to talk to Tegan and Sara. After they did, I led them to the car and closed my eyes. I was really tired. Today has been a very stressful day.

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