Falsely Accused

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Chapter 17

(Tegan's P.O.V)

I felt my anger boil inside of me as I watched the officer take out Alex's mother. How could she do something like that? What is wrong with her?!

I stood there, frozen in my spot as Sara and everyone else in the room left Alex's room to talk to the investigators. I looked over at Alex's shocked expression and inched closer to her, the bullets rattling in my pocket. I ran my fingers down her cheek and softly kissed her forehead. "Tegan...." She whispered, looking at me with sorrow. "No Alex, I need to know why you had a gun." I said softly, watching her face fall as she nodded.

I emptied some of the bullets from my pocket onto the nurses tray that held the remains of her breakfast. I picked the gun up that she had, had during the accident and put it next to the bullets. After I was done, I wheeled it closer to her, before locking her door and closing the curtains.

I stood in front of her, crossing my arms over my chest before finally speaking to her. "If you lie to me I will question our entire relationship. You went behind my back and you got shot Alex! Shot! Why the hell would you keep something like this from me!? I thought I was your girlfriend!" I shouted, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

I watched as her beautiful green eyes turned glassy and she turned away from me. "We didn't think that anything would actually happen... The gun and vest were just a precaution..." She finally said. Her gaze fixed on me as I thought over her words. "I should have been alerted. When we were going to Russia you freaked out over safety being an issue, but here you just went behind my back and I could have gotten killed and you could have too!" I shouted, watching her shrink into the hospital bed.

"Tegan... I'm sorry that this happened...." She confessed, I watched as a tear ran down her cheek. She looked at me, not bothering to wipe it away. I stepped forward and wiped it away for her, looking into her eyes. I sighed and looked away from her, trying to control the anger that was still boiling up inside of me. Why isn't Alex the one yelling if she's the one who has to take pills to control hers?

I stepped back again and took her hand in mine. "Alex, I don't want to stress you out anymore so I'm just going to go... I've said what I needed to say." And with that, I headed towards the door.

(Alex's P.O.V)

I had never heard Tegan yell before, I hated the sound of it. Her voice was usually so happy and filled with joy but now she was angry with me and shouting. Why hadn't I just told her the truth? None of this would have happened if I had.

I felt like breaking down when she told me she was leaving and I watched her small figure head for the door. I couldn't let her walk out on me. I loved her too much to have her feel this way with me. If she left I didn't know what I would do.

"Tegan, wait." I finally said as her hand was on the door handle. She turned and looked at me, leaning against the door. "What is it Alex? Do you need something?" She asked, slightly concerned. "I... I need you, Tegan..." I whispered, looking at her with tears in my eyes that I was trying to hold back. She looked at the ground awkwardly, avoiding my watchful gaze.

"Ever since I first saw you, I needed you Tegan. I've been hurting for so long not having you. Now that I do have you, I don't want to let you go. I've always thought about you. When I was unconscious during the surgery, I even dreamed about you. I wanted you to be okay. Because if you weren't, if you had been the one to get shot, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. When I told you that I loved you before the ambulance arrived, I was being serious. I've never been so sure in my life about anything. I love you Tegan Quin and I'm not about to let you leave this room upset with me." I confessed, feeling the weight being lifted from my shoulders.

I watched as she lifted her head up and tears started to run down her cheeks. She bit her lip before slowly walking over to my bed. "I love you too Alex. And I sure as hell don't want to lose you either." She whispered, running her fingers down my cheek with a smile on her face.

I smiled and felt my heart skip a beat as she leaned down and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and cupped her face with my hands, kissing her passionately. When we finally pulled away panting, she leaned her forehead on mine and smiled, kissing my nose. I watched as she untied her boots and took her jacket off revealing a shirt with the sleeves cut off so all of her tattoos were exposed. I smiled and watched as she pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed next to me, then covered herself up again.

She kissed my cheek before loosely wrapping her arms around me, resting her head on my chest. I smiled and held her close to me before falling asleep.

**Two Hours Later**

I quickly sat up, gasping for air as I felt sweat on my forehead. I gripped onto my stomach, the pain hitting me full force, as I remembered that terrible night. I felt like crying because the pain was getting so bad. Then I remembered that Tegan was still laying next to me and looked over at her frightened expression. I must have scared her when I sat up so abruptly.

She sat up and rubbed my back as she watched the tears fall down my cheek. I had a nightmare about the unknown person that had shot me. Could it have really been my mother? Had she hated me so much that she didn't want me as a daughter anymore?

The nurse quickly ran in as she heard my heart monitor go off and lifted up my gown to find that there was blood soaked through the bandage that covered the wound. She quickly took the bandage away, quickly wiping up the blood that tried to spill over my stomach. I whimpered in pain as she dabbed at the wound until it finally stopped bleeding.

She put some more ointment on it before getting a new bandage on, finally looked at me. "Alex you can't be that upset. When you are, your blood pressure spikes and that's why you started bleeding. Take it easy for awhile, you're still not healed." Anne instructed, smiling lightly at Tegan and I before she left the room.

"Alex did you have a nightmare?" She asked softly, taking my hand in hers, squeezing it lightly. I could only nod as she pulled my body closer to hers and wrapped her arms around my shoulders lightly. "It's going to be okay Alex. I won't let anybody else hurt you." She whispered, kissing my cheek. I smiled and kissed her forehead as Sara and Damian walked in.

"Hey you two!" Damian said happily. I smiled and waved as they stood by my bed side, Tegan still holding me protectively. I worked my way out of her hold until she finally let me go and got out of the bed. I smiled, noticing that I had more room and sprawled myself out on the bed. I heard Sara giggle and smiled at her. "How are you doing?" She asked, looking at me with her chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm doing a lot better I guess." I replied, watching her nod. "The police are going to be here again to talk to you about who you think did this." She stated, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "But they already know that my mom did it.." I said, watching her nod and look at the floor. "I know but they want to have your intake on it. They want to be sure that they have the right person." She said as the doctor came into the room again.

"Hey Alex, Anne told me what happened earlier. Your brother wants to talk to you but everyone else needs to leave... I don't want you to have that happen again, after he leaves no more visitors until the police come. Is that okay?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. I nodded and watched everyone else leave as my brother entered the room.

"Hey sis." He said happily as he sat in the chair next to my bed. "Hey" I said, smiling at him as he took my hand in his own. "You feeling any better?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine, daring me to lie to him. "I'm doing a little better I guess... It still hurts a lot." I answered honestly, watching his emotions swirl in his eyes. I knew there was more that he wanted to say to me but didn't know how to. "Max what's wrong?" I finally asked. I couldn't stand to watch him have an internal battle with himself.

"I just.... When I got the call from Tegan saying that you had been shot, that was the worst moment of my life. I'm supposed to be the big brother and I didn't protect you. Why couldn't you get an easier job like working at a pillow factory? You'll never get hurt there." He said, causing me to giggle at what he had asked.

"Max you and I both know I wouldn't want to work at a pillow factory. This is the job that I've always wanted." I said quietly, watching him nod and look at the floor. "I know sis, but this job is so dangerous. Could you call me more when you get out of the hospital at least? I got really scared when I thought that I lost you Alex. Growing up, you were my best friend and still are. I'm going to love you no matter what. I'll even love you no matter who you date." he said with a smile at the end.

I gasped as he nodded and squeezed my hand for comfort. "I can tell that you're happy with Tegan. I won't tell mom and dad, I'll leave that to you. But if she breaks your heart, I can't really hurt her, but I'll be extremely upset." He replied softly and kissed my cheek. I smiled and nodded as he got up and walked out of the room to leave me alone until the police came.

**One Hour Later**

After an hour of waiting, Officer Lane finally showed up. "Alex I won't stay here for very long. I just want to know if you saw the person that had shot you." He said and took out his notepad and pen. "Um... I don't think that I did.... It was dark outside and it all happened so fast... and the person was wearing a black jacket with the hood over their head..." I answered, watching him nod. "Alex we really need you to try and remember who did this to you. If you can't remember then your mother is going to go to prison for attempted murder." He said with sympathy in his voice.

I sighed and sat back in the bed as I thought about that night again. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists as I tried to remember what happened.

Then something happened. My brain flew back to that night.

I remember how cold it was and how happy I felt to know that Tegan would get into the building safely.

Then I saw the shooter.

The person looked at me as I rushed Tegan into the building before turning around to confront them.

Then I saw what I had not seen before when I tried to remember.

The persons hair.

Their long dark brown hair.

Then I saw the light hit their face just before they pulled the trigger.

I gasped as I recognized who had shot me.

My eyes flew open as I started breathing fast, staring at Officer Lane. He knew that I had remembered who it was. "Alex?" He asked concerned.

"My mothers innocent. I know who shot me." I said as I felt my heart rate speed up.

And Vanessa wasn't going to get away with this.

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