The Fatal Blow

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Chapter 14

(Tegan's P.O.V)

I woke up to Alex's arms wrapped around me tightly with a frown on her face. I watched her for a few more minutes before I decided to wake her up. I lightly shook her and watched as she jumped, looking at me terrified, then relaxed when she realized that it was only a bad dream.

She sighed and laid her head on my chest as I rubbed her arm. "You okay?" I asked with concern, watching her. "I'm fine..." She replied, not looking at me. I sighed and nodded, knowing that she wouldn't tell me anything. I felt her poke my cheek so I looked down at her innocent face to find fear hidden in her eyes. "How long until we have to go to the airport?" She asked, concealing her emotions with a blank stare. I could feel her heartbeat against my arm because that's where her chest was. I knew that she was hiding something from me and that really bothered me.

"An hour." I replied, watching her nod her head before getting up and leaving the room. I sighed and laid my head back on the soft pillow, running my hand over the white sheets until I heard someone call my name.

I got out of the bed and ran my hand through my hair, trying to fix it as I walked out of my bedroom to see what the person wanted. I was surprised to see Sara leaning against the counter talking with Alex as I entered the room. I cleared my throat and watched as both of them turned to look at me. "You needed me?" I asked, looking at Sara. "Yeah, we're going to go walk around to leave Alex alone for a little while..." She said as I watched Alex's face angle towards the floor.

"Why?" I asked, looking at Alex. "Because I want some alone time.. It's not about us or anything, I just want to be alone to think..." She said, looking at me shyly. I nodded, knowing that she had been under a lot of stress lately and got changed before leaving to go on a walk in the park with Sara.

(Alex's P.O.V)

I sighed with relief as I watched Tegan leave with Sara. I had noticed that she was reluctant to leave me but gave in when I had looked at her sadly. I felt bad that I had lied to her, but I needed to get ready.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I put my suitcase onto the bed, unzipping the top. I pulled out my clothes to finally reveal the bullet-proof vest and gun hidden at the bottom. I put on a white undershirt before buckling the vest to my chest, making sure that it was secure. I buttoned up a light blue shirt that would conceal the vest, then put on a black blazer. I made sure that the battery pack to the radio had batteries in it and clipped it to the back of my dress pants. I put the ear piece into my ear and heard the crackle from the ear piece being turned on.

I finally lifted the gun from the bed and grabbed the box of bullets that I had been given by the trainer. I unclipped the magazine from the holder and started to slide the allowed number of bullets into the clip before shoving the magazine back into the handgun. I checked to see if the safety was still turned on before sliding the gun into a holster that was hidden from view by my blazer. Tegan would never know that I had it as long as my blazer stayed buttoned.

I ran a brush through my hair, not bothering to put it up, before buttoning up the two buttons on the blazer. I put everything back into the suit case and gathered the papers that would allow me to get onto the plane with the gun. I looked around the empty hotel room before taking a deep breath and called for room service to take my bags down to the car.

As I watched them do so, I heard Tom ask me to meet him in his room for a small last minute meeting to make sure that everything went okay. I walked into his room, which was similar to Tegan's, and sat on the couch. He smiled when he took notice of me and asked to me stand and give him a hug. I smiled and did so before he asked me to show him that I was wearing the vest and had the gun.

I unbuttoned the blazer and my shirt to reveal the black padded vest underneath. I opened the blazer and drew it from my waist, showing him the black handgun in the holster. He smiled when he saw the things and patted my shoulder. "You're gonna do great Alex, just don't let Tegan hug you, she might feel the padding and become suspicious." He instructed, causing me to nod in understanding.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as we all left his room to meet the girls at the airport. I felt myself begin to get light headed as we arrived and went inside. I smiled as I saw Tegan and waved lightly, beginning to feel calmer by the mere sight of her. She was the type pf person that would make all of your worries go away with just a simple smile.

I handed the security my papers and they nodded before allowing me to meet Tegan on the other side of the security barriers. She opened her arms to hug me but I quickly took ahold of her arms before she could wrap them around my waist. "What's wrong?" She asked with concern, seeing that I was still holding onto her arms with a panicked expression. "Um.. My stomach hurts, so I'd rather not have you hug my waist..." I said, watching her nod. She gently put her arms around my neck as I put mine around her waist. she tried to step forward to get closer to me but I stepped back before she could.

After a few minutes of awkward hugging, we pulled away from each other and looked away from each other as I avoided Sara's confused glance. I sighed and walked past her, looking at Damian as I neared him. He patted my stomach and smiled when he felt the vest. "Don't act so nervous. Nothing will happen to you, or Tegan. This is just a precaution." He said, trying to reassure me. I nodded with a small smile, finally starting to believe him.

A few minutes of waiting passed before our flight number was called and we were able to board the plane. After taking a few minutes to get settled to where Tegan would be away from my gun holster, we were buckled in and ready for the plane to take off. She took my hand in hers and softly squeezed it, smiling at me shyly. I smiled back, pressing my lips against her cheek softly. I wasn't scared to do these things on the plane because no one had recognized either of them.

She laid her head on my shoulder and I felt the urge to wrap my arms around her tightly, but I had to refrain from the urge as that might blow my cover. I sighed and reached my hand over and started to caress her cheek before running my hand through her soft hair repeatedly until I could hear her soft snoring. I smiled when I knew she was asleep and looked back at Tom and Damian who sat behind me. Sara and one of her security guards sat in front of us and looked back at us with an excited smile. Tegan and Sara, especially Sara, was really excited to go to the states again. They absolutely loved being able to visit different places.

After hours of being on the plane, we had finally landed in New Jersey. I lightly shook Tegan awake and scurried her off the plane after we were allowed to leave. I quickly showed the man my papers to carry a firearm when Tegan wasn't paying attention and got past security without so much as a question.

We got into a black SUV and hurried off to the hotel as the sun was starting to fall and night was coming. After a few minutes of driving, Sara began to get restless because of the long plane ride and having to be in a car for so long. "Dammit I can't sit down for much longer." She stated, staring out of the tented window as we passed an elegant looking fountain in the middle of a pond.

I giggled and patted her knee as she began to glare at the window. As we arrived at the hotel, Sara quickly opened the door and stormed into the hotel. I gasped and quickly climbed over Tegan to get to Sara before anyone else did. I followed her into the hotel as she began to look for someone.

A man wearing a nice uniform was dusting off a table as she stomped over to him and poked his shoulder to get his attention. He turned around with a nice smile as Sara looked at him with a bored expression. "Where are the restrooms?" She demanded, as I looked at her confused. The man looked like he was scared that she might hit him, I would have felt the same way. He shyly pointed over to our left and I followed Sara as she lead us to the restrooms.

I waited outside of the stalls as she did her business and came out to wash her hands. "You scared the hell out of him." I said, trying not to laugh. "I really had to go..." She said with a pout, causing me to chuckle. As we entered the lobby again, I watched Tegan take notice in me and run over to me. "What the hell Sara!" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to her side. "I just had to pee Tegan. Calm down, I wasn't trying to steal your girlfriend." She said, causing me to blush at the end.

After we had calmed Tegan down, we were escorted to our rooms and allowed to sleep for the night. I sighed and laid down with Tegan in my arms as I felt the days events catch up to me and soon enough, I had fallen asleep.

The next morning I got up and was about to change into everything before Tegan got up but when she stirred in her sleep I froze, clutching the vest in my hand. I quickly stuffed it back into my bag and watched her closely as she stirred again and finally opened her eyes.

I smiled hovering over her, as she looked up at me with a soft smile. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down into a soft, passionate kiss. I smiled as I felt her lips fall into sync with mine as I pinned her arms above her head. I started to trail soft kisses down her neck as I felt her breathing grow shallow and quick. She whimpered as I ran my tongue slowly up her neck before nibbling on her ear. "Alex, we can't do this so early in the morning." She finally said, freeing her hands from my grip.

"I didn't know there was a rule on when to have fun with your girlfriend." I remarked, causing her to chuckle. "It's my rule." She said defiantly with a grin. "Is it now, Miss Quin?" I asked, putting my forehead on hers. "It is, Miss Woods." She replied, causing me to giggle at how cute she was. I then got up and allowed her to grab some clean clothes to take a shower.

After I knew that she was in the shower, I quickly got changed into the vest and set the gun in my holster. I then opened the curtains to the room and stepped out onto the balcony as I felt the cool air hit my face. I looked down at the ground and could see men with crosses on the ground, shouting things. I knew that they were protesting Tegan and Sara being here.

I growled as I stared down at the men but jumped when I felt someone slide their arms around my waist. I quickly maneuvered out of the persons grip before they could feel the hard texture of the vest beneath my blazer and shirt. Tegan looked at me with surprise, my terror evident. "Holy shit, you scared me." I said putting my hand on my chest, taking a deep breath.

She giggled and tried to wrap her arms around me again but I pushed her away. "I'm sorry babe, I don't feel good this morning, please don't." I begged, trying to look convincing. She sighed and smiled, leaning over the railing to look at the shouting men. "They're here because of us, aren't they?" She asked, pointing down at them. "Yes, because they don't understand the word acceptance. A bunch of bast-" "Did you take your pill this morning?" Tegan asked as I was about to cuss. "No..." I said, feeling ashamed as I sulked back inside to take the pill.

After a few hours of not doing anything we decided to go out for some lunch to entertain ourselves. After we had gotten away from the judgmental crowd, we were alone in the streets until we found a small restaurant that looked inviting. We stepped inside and found a booth in the back so that Tegan's fans wouldn't bother us as much. "So, are you excited that we're going to go to your hometown?" She asked me with a smile on her face. I grinned and nodded as I remembered my brother mentioning that he had gotten tickets to the show to see me afterwards.

She put her hand over mine but I drew it away as I watched the waiter come over to us and tell us the specials for today. We had finally finished our meals as a fan went over to our table and asked Tegan for an autograph. After she had done what the fan had wanted, she said goodbye to her and smiled over at me. "Ready?" She asked, extending her hand to me. I smiled and took it as I allowed her to lead us out of the restaurant.

After a few hours of just talking and looking at the sites she sighed as she realized we had to go back to the hotel and get some things before leaving to go to the arena. We arrived back just as I found Tom walking towards our room. "There you two are! Alex can I speak to you?" He asked, pulling me away from Tegan as she went into our room to retrieve the things that she needed.

He handed me a new jacket that looked like it was part of a suit. I smiled and put it on, looking at him for his opinion. "You're lucky your gay." He remarked with a wink. I chuckled as he put a red pocket hankie into the pocket over my breast. "Now you look great. Don't worry about tonight, nothing is going to happen." He assured me as he patted my shoulder. I nodded with a smile and waited for Tegan as Tom left for the arena. "Oh, and go to the back entrance, there will be fans at the front." He said just as the elevator closed. I chucked and led Tegan out the back of the hotel and into the car that had been waiting for us.

After a few minutes of silence I saw the arena ahead of us and smiled as I knew Tegan wasn't in any danger anymore. But, unlike what Tom had said, there was a huge crowd of fans at the back entrance as well as the front. I sighed and grabbed Tegan's hand before opening the door for her, following her through the crowd. The crowd was blocked off by police barriers so we didn't have any trouble walking through them.

Just as we were near the door I saw the metallic glint of the thing I feared the most materialize from the crowd. "S**t!" I said with fear in my voice as I pushed Tegan forward. "Get inside, now!" I yelled shoving Tegan hard, I watched her stumble at how hard I had pushed her but quickly regained her balance, running for the door. I hurriedly shut it behind her and locked it so that the person wasn't able to get inside.

I turned around, happy to know that the person had failed to hurt her. But just when I was about to turn and head for the door, I felt the excruciating pain of the bullet entering my stomach.

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