First Day Together

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Chapter 12

(Alex's P.O.V)

I quietly unwrapped myself from Tegan's tight hold on me and went into the kitchen. After I was sure that she hadn't woken up, I started to make some coffee when I suddenly felt a cold set of hands grab me from behind.

"Shit Tegan, you scared me." I said, feeling my heart race in my chest from fear.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I watched her amused expression. "I didn't know you were paranoid like that.." She said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to the coffee maker, feeling her eyeing my every move.

When I couldn't take her burning stare any longer I turned around with an annoyed expression. "Will you please quit staring at me?" I asked, watching her smirk and step closer to me, biting her bottom lip. 

"Why? Do I make you nervous Alex?" She purred, pinning me to the counter. I felt my heart skip a beat as she inched her face closer to mine until I could feel her warm breath hit my lips.

I struggled to form words as her hands landed on my sides, rubbing them slowly. "Um.... n... no..." I stuttered, avoiding her piercing gaze.

I heard her giggle and nuzzle into my neck. "You're adorable" she mumbled, pulling away to look at me. I felt my face burn red and I looked away, trying to hide a nervous smile.

"So are you.." I finally was able to spit out, looking at her messy hair and pajamas. She smiled and kissed my lips lightly, pulling away to see my reaction. I couldn't help but smile as I felt her warm lips meet mine in a small kiss. I always felt so happy and nervous when she did things like this.

When she saw me smile I guess she took that as a good sign because before I could protest she leaned in again and captured my lips in a passionate kiss.

I leaned back grabbing the counter as she pressed her body against mine. "Tegan..." I said when she finally pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss down my neck. "Yes?" She questioned, not stopping the kiss. "We need to stop before someone walks in." I warned causing her warm lips to pull away from my skin, causing goosebumps to form from the sudden cold air.

"Who's gonna walk in? Sara? No, she knows when to not come into a room. Damian is with Tom getting the stuff ready for us to leave. So, we're alone." She stated with an evil grin on her face. I sighed and sat on the counter watching her lean on the counter across from me.

"You're still scared to date me, aren't you Alex?" She questioned, causing me to look up from my gaze on the floor. "I just feel like we shouldn't come out to the public yet and that means hiding it from everyone... except for Sara. She probably already knows." I confessed, watching Tegan's face fall. She sighed and nodded in defeat, stepping closer to me until I could reach out and touch her.

"I'm willing to do that, but we can't hide it forever, love" She said, causing my heart to warm from what she had just called me. "I know, just for right now, please?" I pleaded, watching her nod her head in response before leaving me to go get dressed.

After what felt like hours of waiting, she appeared in the living room with black skinny jeans, black boots, a grey camouflage shirt with a jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up. I grinned and shook my head "it took you an hour to put that on?" I asked, amused. She blushed, looking at the carpeted floor. "It takes me a minute to do my hair." She mumbled, barely over a whisper. I grinned and got out of the chair walking over to her.

"It only takes you a minute?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. She blushed and smiled as I got closer to her and ran my hand through her soft hair while looking into her eyes. I placed my forehead on hers and pulled her closer to me by her belt loops. I could smell the perfume that she had sprayed on herself as I pulled her into a hug.

She smiled and hugged me back, and from that hug I knew that Tegan wasn't as strong and tough as everyone thought she was. When it came to love, she was fragile and vulnerable, just like everyone else.

After a few minutes of hugging, a knock on the door caused us to pull away from each others tight hold. I opened the door, after checking to see who it was, to allow Damian back inside. "Hey you guys, Alex they need you to go ahead and leave to go to London because you have a package being sent there and you could help set up." He said, causing me to gasp in shock.

"What? Why do I have to leave now? We still have four hours until we need to leave!" I said, looking at Tegan's shocked expression. "I'm just telling you what they told me to tell you..." He said, looking at me sympathetically. I sighed and bit my lip, knowing that I couldn't just tell him no.

"Fine, do I have to leave now?" I asked, looking at Damian's tall figure. "That's what Tom said..." He said with a nod of his head. "Fine" I said and walked into Tegan's room to get my things.

I watched as a shadow appeared behind me and I knew at once that it was Tegan's. "So... Not gonna see you for like seven hours.." She said awkwardly. I smiled and turned around after I had zipped up my suit case and hugged her. "Be good" I stated and kissed her cheek before walking past her and to the front door. "Alex, wait." She said before I could open the door. I turned around finding her only inches away from me, waiting for me to notice her. "Yes?" I asked, looking into her chocolate brown eyes. "You be good too." She said and kissed my lips lightly before opening the door for me and pushing me out, shutting it behind me.

"Why did I have to come now?" I asked Tom as I approached him at the airport. He smiled once he saw me and hugged me very tightly. I frowned in confusion but hugged him back. "I'll tell you on the plane" he said and lead me to the other side of the airport to wait for our flight number to be called. I knew that what ever he had to tell me must have been important...

After our flight number was called, and I thought that I would die from anxiety, we were seated on the plane, waiting for takeoff. I looked over at him and waited for him to tell me but he just pretended not to notice. After we were finally in the air, he turned towards me and looked at me seriously.

"The reason that I wanted you to come with me is because after we got to London we go back to America. The first state that we go to is New Jersey and they don't support gay marriage there, but they're not like Russia. We've had some threats from people that don't support them being there, threatening to hurt the girls so I wanted you to come with me to London earlier to take a gun safety course." He said, causing my heart to drop. Why are we going if the girls were being threatened?

"I already took a course at the academy..." I finally managed to say. "I know, but this course is to show you how to fire while running and trying to protect her. And if anything goes wrong, protecting her with your body." He said, writing things down into a small notebook. "So, I'm going to be wearing a bullet proof vest the whole time? And she's not even going to know that she may be in danger?" I asked, watching him nod. "It's better if they don't know, Damian already took the class so that just leaves you. Nothing has gone wrong in the past when we visited New Jersey but we just like to be ready." He said as I nodded, taking everything in.

"It's a three hour course so that leaves you an hour by yourself." He said as I nodded, writing everything down. "Okay.." I said nervously. I couldn't stand to think about anything happening to Tegan so I was glad that they were making me do this.

After we had landed, we were escorted into a car and driven to the training center where I was dropped off. I took in a deep breath before I walked into the tall brick building. Inside I saw gray walks and a reception desk. This doesn't look like a training center... It looks like a jail.

I walked up to the reception desk and looked through the bullet-proof glass at the woman on the other side. Once she took notice of me she smiled and asked me what my name was. After I had given it to her she typed a few things into her computer, telling me to sit in the waiting area until the trainer had arrived.

Once a few minutes had passed, a tall muscular man with tan skin greeted me. I looked up at him and smiled as I followed him down the hall that led to a gym. "We're going to start with a workout and end with gun training, does that sound okay?" He asked me. "Yeah" I said and took off my clothes to reveal a black sports bra and black spandex. "Damn, we don't even need the workout!" He said. causing me to smile and blush.

"Don't worry, I'm not staring at you like that, my husband would kill me." He said, causing me to smile. After we had learned a little bit more about each other we finally got started on the workout.

After running a mile, doing fifty sit-ups, crunches, and push ups, we were finally done with the workout. "Now, we can start with the gun handling." Adam, the trainer, said. I nodded and drank from my water bottle that he had given me as I followed him to the gun section of the building.

He showed me some of the basic steps to handling a gun and before I knew it, I had to protect him as another guy tried to shoot at him. After I had gotten hit two times, both of them not fatal, and taken the guy out four times, we were done.

Adam patted my shoulder as I was putting my regular clothes back on with a smile on his face. "You did an amazing job Miss Woods, Tegan would be lucky to have someone like you." He said, causing me to blush. "Thank you Adam." I said hugging him. He smiled and hugged me back as I got a call.


"Hey, it's Tegan.. How are you doing?" I blushed when she said that it was her. I bit my lip as I got into the car that would take me to the hotel to wait for Tegan to get here.

"I'm doing good, how are you?" I asked, watching the old brick buildings pass by us. After a few minutes the hotel came into view. "I'm doing okay.. I.. I um... miss you..." She confessed, causing me to smile as I got out of the car. I walked into the large hotel and made my way over to the elevators as I heard her start to ramble about how it wasn't fair that I had to leave before her.

"Tegan I'll see you in about an hour so it isn't that bad babe, just calm down." I said as I stepped into the small elevator. I heard her breathe heavily. "What did you just call me?" She asked, causing me to think back on what I had told her. "Um... I called you babe..." I said nervously. I heard her giggle and I knew that she was smiling. "Just making sure I heard you right, I have to go, our flight was just called, I'll see you in an hour, bye Alex." "Bye Tegan."

I put my phone in my pocket as I got to the hotel door and knocked on it until Tom answered the door. "How was the class?" He asked as I stepped into the room. "It was good." I replied as I sat on the couch, feeling my body ache. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, ignoring what Tom was telling me.

"Alex, did you hear me?" He asked, laying his hand on my shoulder. "No, sorry.... What did you say?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "You need to keep the vest and gun hidden from her until I can take them away after New Jersey, okay?" He said softer. "Okay." I said and watched him leave to let me rest.

I walked into Tegan's room and set my suit case in the closet, making sure that if she opened it she wouldn't see the gun and vest. I laid down on her bed and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

Not even an hour later, I heard the front door open and then close. "Alex?" I heard Tegan ask as she got closer to her room. I heard the door slowly creak open but I didn't bother to open my eyes.

I felt the bed dip from weight being added and before I could stop her, she was straddling my hips. I felt her softly kiss my nose so I finally decided to open my eyes. She smiled and ran her fingers down my cheek when my eyes met hers. "Why are you so tired?" She asked softly. "Because I went for a run..." I lied, watching her nod her head.

"Sara's here." She said, causing me to look behind her at Sara's small figure leaning against the door frame. My heart rate quickened as I realized the position that we were in. "Tegan get off." I whispered, trying not to sound too panicked. "No, she's been in this position with you before too." She shot back, relating to when I had told her that Sara and I had slept together.

"No I haven't Tegan, she lied, we never did anything like that." Sara said, sitting at the side of the bed. Tegan looked down at me with a glare. "So you're mad that we didn't have sex?" I questioned, watching her glare intensify. "No, why do you keep lying to me ?" She questioned, trying to climb off of me. "I wasn't lying." I quickly said, grabbing the belt loops of her pants so that she wouldn't leave.

"Then what do you want to call it?!" She snapped, glaring down at me. My eyes grew wide and I looked away, watching Sara look down, ashamed. "Um... Tegan look, she did it so that you guys could be together." Sara said, putting her hand on Tegan's back. Tegan struggled to get out of my hold but gave up when she knew that it was impossible. I watched Sara leave and sighed because I didn't want Tegan and I to fight on our first official day together.

Tegan began to struggle again but I held tightly onto her waist until she gave up. "Dammit Alex, let me go." She spat out, glaring at me. I sighed and did as she asked, watching her storm out of the bedroom and walk into the living room.

I followed her but saw a Manila envelope sitting on the counter in the kitchen. I walked over to it and slowly opened it, not knowing what it held inside. I look into it and saw a orange colored bottle at the bottom. I took out the pills and smiled when I realized that these were my anger management pills.

I got a glass of water and took one of them like I was supposed to as I walked into the living room to find Tegan sitting on the balcony outside. I put a jacket on and stepped outside into the cold air, smiling lightly as Tegan turned her head to see who was outside with her. "Hey.." I said awkwardly, scooting a chair next to hers by the railing.

"Hi.." She replied, not bothering to look at me. I took her hand in my and intertwined our fingers, watching her hand relax into mine. She sighed and looked over at me, I could see her hot breath in the cold air.

I put my hand on her neck and looked at her like I had known her for years and smiled lightly. "I'm sorry if you're mad Tegan, I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologized, leaning over and kissing her cold lips softly. She kissed me back reluctantly at first but then relaxed as I rubbed her jaw with my thumb.

I scooted closer to her so that I didn't have to lean so far and began to kiss her again. I felt her hot breath hit my face as I began to kiss down her soft neck, moving her jacket collar so that I could have more access. "I.. thought that you didn't want to do this in public." She breathed out as I moved back up her jaw. I pulled away, hearing her whimper as I stopped kissing her warm skin.

"We're on a balcony... Who's going to be able to see us?" I questioned, looking into her eyes that were drowsy from lust. "The people that's in that hotel." She said pointing to the hotel across from ours. I got quiet as I realized what she had just said. There may be paparazzi over there and they would have had easy access to pictures of me kissing her.

I sighed and got up, grabbing her hand lightly and pulling her back inside with me. I pinned her against the wall after I had pulled the curtains closed and kissed down her neck again, unzipping her coat. Her breathing picked up as I tossed her jacket to the side and put my hands on her waist. Suddenly she pushed me back lightly, looking at me sympathetically.

"We can't take this to far Alex... for your sake I don't want to have sex for a few weeks." She said, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Why not?" I asked, slowly stepping towards her again. "Because you've never dated a girl and I want you to get used to it before we do something like that. Trust me, I would sleep with you if you had dated another girl but you haven't and it's way different than dating a guy." She said, causing me to sigh. "Fine" I said defeated and moved away from her to sit on the couch.

She sat next to me and I pulled her into my lap as she turned on the TV. "Where's Damian?" I asked, noticing that he wasn't here. "He's in his hotel room..." She said causing me to look down at her. "Since when is he allowed to have his own room?" I questioned, causing her to smile. "Since we started dating" she replied, causing me to blush. "Okay.." I said, looking at the TV to try and stop blushing.

After awhile I noticed that Tegan was starting to fall asleep so I carried her into 'our' room, even though my muscles were telling me to put her down. I laid her under the covers gently, looking down at her small body as I ran my fingers down her cheek. I kissed her cheek softly and looked over at my suitcase, only to be reminded of the gun and vest that were hidden inside of it.

I was also reminded of the question that hasn't left my mind since this morning, would I be forced to use the gun to protect her?

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