Chapter 24

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I wake up in the morning with a big frown on my face... And realize... It's Monday... And I'm child... Which means...

"AAAHHHH! I don't wanna go!" I scream retardedly and fall from the bed and hide underneath it, just when my alarm goes off and I see black smoke next to me on the floor, causing me to look right in Snowflake's eyes.

"So what ya doin on tha floor like so?" she asks causing Luke to gasp. "What did you do to Mia, you devil?!" he asks, causing me to shut my mouth and stare at nothing with wide eyes.

"I didn't take her," Snowflake frowns and looks up, right when a scaly hand grabs her throat and yanks her up.

I turn semi-Dragon and slide out from under the bed only to tackle Luke and snap at him, causing him to release Snowflake who is just standing there wide eyed staring at nothing for 5 seconds before her eyes turn to slits and her body moves to Luke's and she disappears in smoke.

Oh dear... Aw well, there's one upside to going to school today. I turn to Luke and smack him to the floor, "Are you mad! You have to channel your anger or I'll bury you. Literally!" I say and walk out of my room, untying my hair and tying it again in a messy bun.

I put on my comfy pants from the dryer and my boot slippers, I leave on the white shirt I slept in, but only put on my bra underneath.

I grab Luke's leather Jacket and put that on while I move to the kitchen where Luke was waiting, looking like a scolded child, but when he sees me wearing his jacket, the biggest smile spreads across his face.

I grab a Mini cooler from the cabinet and put in my chicken for the day which would be 9 pieces of boneless chicken.

I then put it in my backpack and move to the door. "You're not going to school in that, are you?" I hear Matt by the kitchen door, causing me to turn sharply, "Yeth... I hate school, so yeth I am leaving like so," I say and exit, climbing onto my bike, causing Luke to pick me up off the bike and place me in his car.

I protest, but finally agree only if he lets me eat my chicken in piece today. Snowflake reappears in her in the backseat and screams, causing Luke to almost drive in a ditch if I hadn't taken the wheel.

I role my eyes and wait for Luke to stop at school after snowflake disappeared. When we stop I get out quickly and move to the building.

"Mia! I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault, it was Maxine's!" I stop looking at every single girl with shock as they give me judgemental looks. Well yeah I'm wearing clothes these girls should be wearing because in all honestly, who the hell would purposely wear skin tight shirts and dresses while being pregnant?!

I lift my hands in a stop formation and close my eyes, "Fuck me sideways, female humans are stupid..." I say causing Snowflake to burst out laughing right next to me.

Luke tries to grab her but I smack him and enter the building. I see Blake by the doors causing Snowflake to groan.

"Are you going to be like these humans and get impregnated, because I'd be happy to oblige, but then again... You might have Aids," Blake says and disappears in a puff of white smoke, just as Snowflake was about to grab his throat.

"Si de te invenio filius canis os eius et crucifigamus pedis eum!" (If I find that son of a bitch I will de-bone him and hang him up by his big toes!) she yells in Latin and storm of, just when Blake reappears behind me, "My poor toes..." he taunts, causing Snowflake to swiftly turn around and storm for him but he disappears causing Luke to hit her in the gut and leave her flying down the corroder.

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