Chapter 12

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The rest of the week went in a blur. I still haven't seen Luke since the shower incident, and for some odd reason I've just became weaker. Laya and Michael are practically attached to the hip, and it is sickening.

I wonder what will happen when we get back at school, Laya might be my protector but I would kill someone if she goes to sit at Michael's table... That creep might still be there.

Now that I mention it, I wonder what Ashton and Nyx are going to do? Never mind, I'm more concerned about Michael and Laya since he can't even go to the bathroom without her and the fact that she practically feeds him like a baby... That was the NASTIEST sight EVER.

So now here I am walking in the halls of the school... towards my locker... looking like a zombie. When I get to my locker I open it to find a bunch of new (Still tagged) underwear... in my locker... Not any normal underwear, but some fucking laces thongs and whatnot! WTF is going on here?!

"Holy shit... Are you like a stripper or something?" I hear a shocked yet amused voice behind me. I jump around shocked to find Snowflake gawking in amusement, which is the closes thing to a smile I've ever seen on her.

"No! I found them there when I opened it!" I defend myself. Her natural composure comes back "Whatever stripper," she teases making my blood boil.

I get my first 3 periods' books and walk away from her.

In English class there was no Sign of Luke. I still felt like a zombie and I bet there are bags under my eyes. I didn't bother dressing fancy today so I'm wearing my black skinny jeans and my dragon shirt along with my, never mind, Calum's leather jacket, since I forgot a jacket this morning and Calum gave me his leather one since he'd take it off at school anyway.

My hair is in a messy bun and the circles under my eyes are from watching iZombie all night yesterday. I even consider bleaching my hair white and start wearing blue contacts to freak people out while I eat hot sauce covered shit all day. I grin at the thought just as the bell goes.

Spanish came and went but I just wanted to get to art. Today we have P.E. and I'm thinking of forging a letter and watching the dumb ass students work their asses off while I watch and laugh at that one nerdy guy that runs like a noodle... Ah it cracks me up every time.

There's also this one guy with some mid-evil hairstyle that runs like a girl, I'm pretty sure he's gay. Zack also runs like a retard but I don't blame him, his girlfriend runs in front of him and always wears booty shorts, I'm pretty sure he's to distracted to care.

When I get to art I see an extra easel next to mine and when I look closer I see snowflake sitting behind it... She switched to a class that doesn't have Cupcake in?! Shocking! *note my sarcasm*

I sit at my easel and notice that Luke was sitting next to her by the window. My heart involuntarily skips a beat and I move my easel into the corner while Snowflake watches me suspiciously.

"Alright class! Today we will be drawing the person next to you how you see them. The middle row can choose which side they'd want to draw. I don't mind if it's Anime, cartoon or realistic," she says.

I look over at Snowflake and draw her in an Anime form. I draw her confidently standing in the snow as a bunch of snowflakes surround her as well as a bunch of dead bodies. I draw her holding a bloody sword while there's no blood on her, but around her. The blood never touches her. Her hair has snowflakes in it. I draw her in a light blue dress that's short from the front but flows to the back. Her hair hands loosely and slightly slides over her face as the wind blows it.

I put the pad down on the easel and she looks over agape. I look at hers and she drew both me and Luke on the same page. She drew me on a stripper pole and she drew Luke with a bunch of ladies underwear in his arms. She also drew him wearing a pear over his jeans. I lift my finger to comment but put it down as I start laughing.

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