Girl's Guide

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Girls Guide

The first day of school is the day everyone dreads because it means we actually need to think about something after spending our summer break rolling around in our beds doing nothing! There is no warm up period when it comes to getting back to school – if you’re in the higher end of school. It seems like they give you a big smack in the face with a ton of assignments from every single class. So to avoid a meltdown drama occurring on your first day of school make sure you have these few things packed in your bags and ready to pull out in case of an emergency!


- Spare pen

- Extra books (just in case you forget your first book)

- Lip gloss

- iPod

- A spare shirt (after watching Glee, I pack a clean shirt in my bag!)

- Food

Having these things in the ready to go, will help you avoid dramas and keep you ready from any possible occurrences.

Teen Chic Magazine Issue #1 September 2013Where stories live. Discover now