A Bonding Moment

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"I Know Just Who You Wan' Be
So Everyday I Thank The Man Upstairs
That I Ain't You And You Ain't Me"
J. Cole x G. O. M. D

•Christian "Chris" Braxter•

I pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. I had just gotten back from the gym and now I was hungry, so I got out the car and walked in the house.

   When I got in the house I went to the kitchen and took a bag of chips. Mom walked in the kitchen and I greeted her before walking up the stairs. When I was halfway up the stairs my dad texted me.

Dad: Come to my office -Read 5:17 p.m.

Ard Delivered

I already knew dad saw the message even though it says 'Delivered'. He literally never opens texts, but always looks at them.

I was kinda mad that I had to go to his office because his office was all the way in basement B and I'd have to go down the flight of stairs I'm standing on now then two more. I jogged down the stairs, then down two more flights of stairs to basement B and went into my dads office. He was on his MacBook and when he saw me he told me to sit down.

"Son, you're 17 now and summer is coming soon." Dad said.

"Yeah, I know." I shrugged.

"Don't you think you should start looking at colleges, and what you want to do with your life?"

"I have thought about it."

"Job wise?"

"Of course job wise. I plan on playing in the NFL."

"But something to fall back on. I know you have your heart set on being an NFL player, but it's a dangerous sport and you won't be able to play it forever."

"I know that, but I haven't thought about what I'd fall back on. I haven't thought about what I want to major in because there's nothing else I want to do in all honesty."

"Well what college do you want to go to?"

"Brown." I heard my mom say.

"Why Brown?" Dad asked.

"Because I graduated from there, and I think it'll be a good fit for Christian."

"But I don't want to go all the way to Rhode Island." I said.

"You're smart enough to get in, too. I'm not saying full scholarship smart, but pretty damn smart."

"Maybe Notre Dame." Dad suggested.

"No. He's going to apply to Brown." Mom said.

"He has to have other options."

I looked at mom and nodded. "Notre Dame is one of my options." I said.

"What're your other options?" Dad asked.

"LSU, University of Las Vegas, University of Florida, NYU, and UCLA." I answered. "I have my heart set on UCLA, though."

"Those are good colleges."

"But-" Mom started.

"But nothing. It's his decision." Dad stated.

Dad is the more reasonable parent out of the two. I can't say mom hasn't been trying, because she is. She's taking more time off to spend with us, and she's decided to start her own company so she can be her own boss and stuff. Dad started coming home earlier and talking to us more. He's even come to the gym with me a couple times. Mom scoffed and went back upstairs leaving it dad and I once again.

"How many kids you want?" Dad asked randomly.

"Uhh, I don't know. I'm not the one that's going to be carrying them."

Dad chuckled and said, "That's true. How's Bria doing?"

I was shocked because he's never actually asked about Bria. I guess he's really trying to do better at being a father.

"She's doing fine. I think she may be coming over tomorrow after she gets back from practice."

"What does she play?"

"She boxes."

Dad nodded his head and went back to his computer. I guess that was my signal to leave so I got up, but as soon as I did dad told me to stay.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting back down.

"I have something to confess."


"I haven't been a good father to you guys. Especially you. You're my only son and I haven't been there like I should be. I don't want you to bring a kid into the world and not know how to treat him or her because I was never there."

"But you're here now and you're spending more time with us."

"But that's now. I wasn't there for half of your football games. That's why I don't want you to play in the NFL because when it's your time to have kids you won't be able to spend much time with them."

"But when I have those days off, I'd spend time with them. You chose to not spend any time with us. If you caught any shade, sorry."

"I caught a whole hell of a lot of shade. But if that's what you want to do, when the time comes I'll support you."

   I nodded and got up and dapped him. I guess from this conversation you can say we bonded and I'm glad. Since I really never had much time to spend with my dad you could say I needed to talk to him about this.


A nice father son moment for ya🤗🤗🤗

Next chapter I may do Cori idrk or I may do Carter cuz I have something planned😈😈😈

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