"cotton candy ☁️️: you're a really good kisser"

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cotton candy ☁️🍬: baby



pay attention to me








my b e a u t i f u l boy

mocha ☕️❤️: you're literally right next to me

what do u want

cotton candy ☁️🍬: you're so mean to me ):

i just wanted to tell you that i loved you


why do you hate me

mocha ☕️❤️: you're so over dramatic

cotton candy ☁️🍬: shut up and kiss me you freaking noodle

▲ an amazing fifteen minutes later ▲

cotton candy ☁️🍬: you're a really good kisser

tyler gave him one last long peck

cotton candy ☁️🍬: yeah, you're a REALLY good kisser

mocha ☕️❤️: you're such a dork

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i'm offended.

mocha ☕️❤️: oh well

cotton candy ☁️🍬: ur a butt

with a cute butt

mocha ☕️❤️: 😐

hahahaha this chap was just them making out lol

bUT it was based off of that one tweet from josh where tyler was nonstop spamming his phone in the airport if u kno what im talkin about :') im about to write the next chapter after i upload this one so you can have two updates to satisfy ur needs cause im b u s y,, so adios for now

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