"i wanted to recreate out first date"

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oh yall are gonna hate and love me for this one,, i can not believe i wrote what i did.

ps make sure to listen to the song attached when i tell you to !!!

pps dont hate me 4 rushing things :') enjoy !!

it was a nice day out today in ohio. the sun was out and smiled over the city, the trees waved and gave a slight breeze. it was perfect. besides the perfect weather came with a special anniversary. who's? you ask? oh, tyler and josh's. they've hit their one year together. and with that being the first thing in josh's mind when he woke, he quickly (and quietly so he doesn't wake tyler) got up and packed the perfect picnic lunch for the perfect weather for their perfect day.

in the basket contained everything josh packed the first time they went on a date: the cliche red and white plaid picnic blanket, the many containers of food, plastic utensils, plates, even the bug spray. each container containing those same handmade wraps, freshly cut fruit, the goldfish crackers, cookies, and instead of juice boxes, he packed a bottle of wine (or two). joshua blushed at the though of their first date. the cute giggles they shared, the big smiles, and the many hugs. he would've loved to relive that day. but this time, he has something bigger in store.

it was the day he first saw tyler in person. he remembers looking at the beautiful boy before him, who was as red as a tomato. he remembers how shy tyler was and how he'd stutter with every word he'd say. now here they are, one whole year later.

josh packed up the car and ran back inside, making sure he had everything ready to go. he was already dressed, now he just needed to wake tyler up and get him dressed as well. he quietly tiptoed up the steps and snaked down the hallway. he opened the creaky door, wincing at the sound, and made his way towards his sleeping beauty.

josh smiled at the sleeping boy in front of him. no, it wasn't a creepy gesture, it was a kind and gentle one. an idea on how to wake him up popped in his head. smirking, he jumped on the bed and straddled tyler. placing kisses all over his face and a ton on his lips, ensuring the boy would wake up, but nope, he was still out cold. "damn this kid is a heavy sleeper." josh muttered, thinking of a better plan.

he sat there, continuing to straddle the boy as another idea came about. he grabbed the younger boy's face in his hands and placed a forceful yet gentle kiss on his lips all in hopes of him kissing back. he moved his lips against tyler's still ones. all until a few moments later when he felt tyler copy the action. smiling, they continued their early afternoon make-out session. it was a good five minutes later when the two finally decided to pull apart. panting, tyler smiled widely, "good morning" he said, trying his hardest to catch his breath. "good morning, my love! hurry and wake up a bit! oh and get dressed! we got special and important things to do, babe!" josh exclaimed and marched out of the room, leaving a groaning, half asleep, and confused tyler in bed.

start the song now !!!!!!!!!

"okay ready to take the blindfold off?" josh asked, clapping his hands in excitement. tyler nodded eagerly. "alright princess, go ahead." the elder affirmed, waiting for tyler's reaction.

the blindfold came undone, tyler's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth went slack. there were balloons surrounding the area, a sign hanging between two trees with the words "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" printed on it, and a beautiful arrangement of the picnic lunch:

 there were balloons surrounding the area, a sign hanging between two trees with the words "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" printed on it, and a beautiful arrangement of the picnic lunch:

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tyler was at a loss for words. "j-josh i--this is beautiful." his smile was wide as he tightly hugged josh, thanking him a million times. "i wanted to recreate out first date, except a tad more fancier" josh replied, proud of his work. "now, lets eat! oh and there's a present in that bag for later" he winked and sat tyler down, arranging their plates like their last picnic date.

the two lovers were now sitting side by side and watching the cloud-free sky, staring at the white balls of fire that covered the dark sheet of night. they were stuffed to the brim, scared that if they were to eat one more goldfish cracker they'd explode. "tyler" josh whispered. it was so peaceful out and he didn't want to ruin it with his loud voice. "yes, joshy?" the younger replied, not knowing what was in store for him (not for you guys either just wait hahahah) "i want you to sit up and grab that bag, but don't peek in it just yet." tyler did as told, setting the paper bag in between his legs, removing the rose, and smelling it, placing it down right next to the half empty bottle of wine behind him.

"okay, now, without looking, reach your hand in the bag." he ordered, shaking in anticipation.
he heard the bag rustle, then tyler gasp and watched as tyler pulled out a box. the younger man slowly opened the box, tears springing to his eyes at the sight:

 the younger man slowly opened the box, tears springing to his eyes at the sight:

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"tyler, the light of my life, the love of my life. i know we're still young, and i know we're only one year into this relationship, but after i put that promise ring on your finger, i knew that i had to turn that promise ring into an engagement ring, and soon, a wedding ring. i love you, i truly do. you make me so goddamn happy, tyler. i-i don't know what i'd do without you, baby, i don't." josh's voice cracked as he wiped a tear that escaped his eye. "and-and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, till death do us part, because i love you. i love waking up next to you, i love kissing you, i love spending every waking moment with you. you and i, we're a team. we're in this together. and i thank you for that. i thank you for not giving up on me or this relationship. i thank you for always being by my side no matter what obstacle life throws at us. i want to continue that, forever. so with that said, m-may i take your hand in marriage? will you marry me, ty?"

tyler's hands covered his mouth, tears running down his cheeks as he quickly nodded. josh brought tyler into the most passionate kiss the two has ever shared, slipping the ring right above the promise ring on his left hand. they rested their heads against each other, "i love you, i love you, i love you." tyler would repeat, in both shock and well, love. "god, i love you so much more." josh would reply.

the newly engaged couple were now cuddling together in bed, love flowing through their brown orbs and in their hearts. "can you believe we're engaged?" tyler sleepily asked josh. "i believe it, baby. i believe it. can you?" he asked. tyler giggled "no." josh giggled along with tyler, kissing his lips one last time that night before the both of them fell into a deep sleep.

ooopsies hehe

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