"cotton candy ☁️: baby hey!"

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tyler's pov

its been two weeks since josh as departed. everyday, i'd spend time laying on my couch cuddling zipper watching re-runs of josh's favorite show. that probably isn't the best choice, but i can't help it. i was on the sixth episode of the eighth season when i heard my phone ding all the way from the kitchen. i ran as fast as i could only to find a message from the man i missed the most.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: baby, hey! i made it to los angeles last night! sorry i didn't text earlier, i passed out as soon as i lied down in my bunk. overall, the flight went well and i'm here safe and sound. i hope you're doing okay. i love you so much. oh and call me soon, i miss your voice.

i read the message over and over again. already feeling tears prick my eyes. i wiped them away and immediately called, eager to talk to him. he picked up on the third ring,



"oh hey princess! how're you?"

my voice cracked, "m'doing okay i guess."

"are you alright ty?"

my breath hitched, signalling i was about to start sobbing any moment now. "y-yeah, j. i just-i just" i wasn't able to finish my sentence and before i knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks.

i heard josh sigh through the speaker, "baby, don't cry. please don't cry. i know how hard it is on you and its hard on me too. i'm sorry angel. i'm so sorry."

i let out another harsh cry, "no, i'm-i'm sorry j-joshy. i'm the one making this difficult. i'm so emo-emotional and-and dramatic."

"c'mon sweetheart. don't say that. believe me, this month will fly by extremely fast. and if worst comes to worst, i'll fly back home. i don't want you miserable, ty. that's the last thing i want"

"b-but your job! you can't just leave them hanging for me!" i said, my voice noticeably getting higher and squeakier.

"i don't give a fuck about that tyler!" josh snapped, i flinched. yelling is still something i'm afraid of. always has been, always will be.

"i want you to be happy! that was and always will be my number one priority. i know i won't be happy if i know that you aren't! don't you get that?"

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." i cried, i'm holding him back. i can't do that to him.

"don't apologize, alright?" josh said, mixed with a bit of a harsh tone

my crying has calmed down some and a sudden volt of anger coursed through my body. "no, josh! i am going to apologize! i'm the one holding you back from doing what you love! you don't deserve that!"

"tyler, please for the love of god! don't say that! please don't ever say that. you aren't holding me back. i'm doing this for you! you tyler! i'm doing this so i can take you on dates, dinners, even for ice cream! i want to fucking treat you like the goddamn princess you are! so shut up with this 'holding you back' and 'don't deserve that' bullshit." his voice increasingly got louder as he spoke but suddenly got softer as the words "i just love you, okay?" left his mouth.

i nodded, knowing he couldn't see me. "o-okay."

silence resounded through the speaker, neither one of us speaking until josh broke the silence.

"look, ty. i'm sorry for snapping like that, its just tha-"

i cut him off, "no its fine. i-i gotta go, alright? i'll talk to you later, j. love you" and ended the phone call. i stared at my phone in complete shock. josh yelled at me, i was helpless, and we just had our first argument. things seem to be going quite smoothly if you ask me.

i dropped my phone on the carpet and walked to my room, zipper in hand. i didn't want to be anywhere near my phone, i refused. i got under the covers, they smell like him, i thought. i wrapped myself in the warmth and drifted to sleep with the thought of the recent occurrence set in mind.

i ended up waking up around midnight. i went to the living room to pick up my dropped phone and scrolled through the abundance of notifications:

12 missed calls from cotton candy ☁️🍬

5 voice mails from cotton candy ☁️🍬

cotton candy ☁️🍬: ty please answer me

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i'm sorry

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i'm so sorry

cotton candy ☁️🍬: please call me, i miss you

cotton candy ☁️🍬: if you don't answer me tyler i swear to you i will book the next flight up there.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i'll be there in a few hours.

does that mean -

my thoughts were cut off when a knock echoed through the apartment. i hesitantly opened the door, only to be immediately met with a pair of lips. a pair that i knew all too well, the pair belonging to joshua dun. i started kissing back, our lips fitting perfectly like the final puzzle piece that completes the puzzle. he pulled away, breathless. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry princess." i nodded, being pulled into his grasp. he picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist.

he brought us to our room and put me down on the bed. he placed love bites all over my neck, lifting my shirt up and placing them on my chest as well. i let out a quiet moan as i tangled my fingers in his hair, "j-josh please. n-no more" i whined. of course i wanted more, now was just not the time.

"what's wrong?"

"forget it, just - the tour, j. why'd you leave and come back here?"

"i thought you were in trouble."

"i-i was sleeping" i giggled.


"yes, and in regards to the tour, are you gonna go back tomorrow or?"

"i'm not going period."

"but josh"

"shush. i'm not leaving you alone. not again. i don't wanna lose my baby." he said, crawling in bed with me, tucking us both in.

he pulled me close to his chest just like he's always done. "i love you, tj"

"i love you too, love you so much."

where was i going with this chapter, you ask? i have nooooo damn clue. so much for the "all fluff" ego i was aiming for. hA kidding! fluff will return soon so sit tight babies. ps, if you guys could vote on each chapter, it'd mean the world to me!! i've been gifting you guys with a chapter or two everyday! i deserve some love :')

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