"now lets get ready for the beach mkay?"

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a/n i didnt kno what to call this chapter so lets jus go with that^
edit: i found a name for this chapter. all is well :')

"joshy! joshy wake up!" tyler exclaims whilst jumping on josh. josh's eyes popped open, arms moving frantically, "what! what! what's going on? are you okay? did someone break in?" tyler giggled, "no, silly! get up! its like twelve in the afternoon. i wanna go to the beach!" josh let out a sigh of relief, "christ, ty. you scared the fuck out of me. don't do that to me, seriously."

tyler looked down in shame, "d-don't be mad at me joshy. m'sorry i-i just wanted to wake you. i didn't mean t-to scare you" josh looked at the sad boy, he didn't mean to sound angry, it just frightened him. the elder put two fingers under tyler's chin, lifting his head so they were face to face. josh placed a gentle kiss to his lips, "s'okay baby. i'm not mad at you, promise. you just scared me, it was unexpected, that's all. now, let's get ready for the beach mkay?"

the boy's face brightened, "yay! thank you joshy! love you so much!" he said, wrapping his arms around the man's torso.

"this is a good spot, don't cha think?" tyler questioned, placing his backpack on the sand. josh nodded and placed his stuff on the sand as well. tyler watched closely as josh threw his shirt over his head and stretched. goddamn was that boy ripped, and goddamn was tyler lucky. "fuck " tyler murmured. "take a picture, it'll last longer" josh chuckled. tyler's cheeks turned to a bright pink shade.

"cutie" he said, making tyler's face even redder. "why do you like to make me blush!" tyler whined, crossing his arms. josh shrugged and raced towards tyler. his eyes popped out of his head in a realization that josh was chasing him. he ran as fast as he could only until he tripped over his own two feet and fell on the rough sand. "awh! ty ty fell in the sand! lemme help you up." josh smirked.

he picked up the delicate boy bridal style and ran towards the water. "josh! joshua put me down! please!" he squealed, hitting josh's chest in the process. "nope! you hit me! now you're gonna get it!"

tyler giggled, "joshy! joshy! please, please! i'll do anything! its too cold! plea-" and before tyler could finish his sentence, he was dropped in the cool ocean water.

the boy resurfaced, gasped, and ran a hand through his hair. he gave a stern look towards josh, who was currently laughing his ass off, got out of the water, and walked towards their stuff. josh called after tyler but he continued to walk, ignoring him.

in all honestly, he really was kind of mad at josh. he had a ridiculous reason as to why he was mad, but after all that begging he did, he'd expect josh to listen.

the boys were now walking home from their short stay. josh has apologized a good sixty times already, yet tyler still ignored him. josh followed behind tyler who was already walking into the front door. "baby, baby please. i'm sorry. i should've listened to you! i'm so sorry, angel. please." nothing, he heard nothing. complete and utter silence.

he followed tyler up to their bedroom and watched him change and climb into bed. it might've only been five p.m., but the beach definitely tires you out. josh sighed, changed, and climbed into bed right next to tyler. josh has decided enough is enough, he was sick of the silent treatment.

josh turned tyler over so he was laying on his back. the elder straddled the younger, delicate boy and started placing kisses all over his face and neck. those neck kisses slowly turned into love bites and were now scattered all over his chest. josh heard his breath hitch. he smiled and continued making marks on tyler.

tyler let out a loud hiss, "fuck, fine, i accept your apology." josh smirked and roughly kissed tyler. "fucking finally! i couldn't stand you giving me the silent treatment! but in all seriousness, i really do apologize, i should've been a good boyfriend and listened." he pouted. tyler gave a toothy smile, "s'okay joshy, i've been an ass lately anyways. i deserve it."

"where's my phone, i want to take a picture of your chest." josh asked. tyler handed josh his phone, "here, butthead." josh stuck his tongue out and opened his camera. the sound of a camera shutter echoed throughout the room, "goddamn" josh muttered, mouth going slack. "lemme see!"

"j-josh! what did you do to me!?" tyler panicked

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"j-josh! what did you do to me!?" tyler panicked. "i apologized!" he said while climbing off the small boy.

the boys wrapped under the covers, spooning for warmth. "hey ty,"

"yes, j?"

"thanks for the new wallpaper."

tyler hit josh's chest in response,

"just because we're not at the beach does not mean i can't dunk you in cold water."


i havent updated in five days what even. my family is here from up north and i've been spending time with them. i'm not sure what really happened in this chapter, but i do hope you enjoy that picture. ;)

stay street pals

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