"sometimes its the little things that hurt the most."

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i didn't proof read again, sue me. actually, excuse me

believe it or not, tyler and josh have been arguing quite much lately. granted, its about small things. remember: sometimes its the little things that hurt the most.

this one argument just so happened to be over text. josh was out with his buddies while tyler stood home and napped with zipper.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: baby

mocha ☕️❤️: hmm

cotton candy ☁️🍬: you seriously need to stop with these naps.

you're taking them everyday

that's ruining your sleep schedule

mocha ☕️❤️: i know

i can't help it

the naps i take count as the amount of sleep i didn't get the night before.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: tell me, how many hours of sleep do you get at night?

mocha ☕️❤️: depends. it ranges from 4-6

cotton candy ☁️🍬: oh goodness ty.

that's so bad

mocha ☕️❤️: i know i know

what do i do

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i'm not sure baby, maybe try to find like a sleep aid or something to help you get a full nights sleep.

mocha ☕️❤️: a sleep aid? do you know how many fucking people tell me to get a sleep aid?? yes, i know my insomnia is bad, no, its not easy to control. i'm so sick of hearing the same shit! i just want some fresh advice - good advice even! it fucking kills me, j.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: baby

i-i didn't know

m'so sorry

fuck i'm so sorry

mocha ☕️❤️: its fine josh

don't worry.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i am going to worry, i feel bad for god's sake!

mocha ☕️❤️: have you noticed how much we've been arguing?

cotton candy ☁️🍬: yes, yes i know and it hurts me so much

it kills me

i don't like arguing with you

i feel like i'm hurting you.

my intentions were to never hurt you, i plan on keeping it that way. and honest to god, i really hope i never do hurt you. and if i do, don't hesitate to punch me in the goddamn face because you don't deserve that, don't deserve me for that matter.

mocha ☕️❤️: josh?

cotton candy ☁️🍬: yes, angel?

mocha ☕️❤️: i'm sorry

cotton candy ☁️🍬: you don't have to be sorry. i just kind of blew the single fuse left in your body.

mocha ☕️❤️: can we

can we stop arguing? i really don't like it.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: yes yes of course. anything for you.

mocha ☕️❤️: thank you, it means a lot, really.

cotton candy ☁️🍬: i need to get back with the guys, love you tj. stay safe.

mocha ☕️❤️: i will. oh, and you too, i don't want to be expecting a drunk josh coming through my door,,

cotton candy ☁️🍬: no promises

read 8:16 PM

cotton candy ☁️🍬: kidding

mocha ☕️❤️: you better be.

do you guys even read these or am i just making them for myself

okay here's my excuse. m'sorry i havent been updating lots. school is a pain in the ass and i literally have been taking naps every day because of it. i have exams coming up so they're just piling work upon work so please do excuse me for the slow updates as well.

in regards to this chapter, i didn't really have a certain plot to it, i just kind of thought of some random thingy to argue against. oops?

now i needa go, i prolly have homework to do without even knowing so,, have a nice night and stay safe pals. x

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