C68 - Last Empty Town

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I'm a whore, apparently; but he didn't get to call me a whore because I was all glued back together and I was ready to settle down forever. But forever isn't true.

There was no way to stay mad at Ross lately or to hold that penetrating grudge toward him that I always attempt to do, after I cheated on him that night.

I always fail at staying mad. Still deep inside there was no certain way to forgive him. I don't know why we hang on to people we know we're better off letting go.

A week passed after I told Ross about Damon and he didn't take it well. Of course he didn't, what did I think, he would be all water sprinkler about it? He could have Anne Oakley'ed Damon right in front of us all, meaning shot him right in his ass or something.

He fought Damon though when he came to work, almost destroying our house and injuring Peyton specifically. When I tried to stop the fight I don't know or care if it was an accident but Ross knocked me over.

It felt forced. "Stay out of this!"

It brought back a lot of bad feelings. I no longer felt protected or safe. I was vulnerable again with this man who I always considered my best friend. 

I remember yelling asshole toward him as he knocked Damon into our TV and he called me a whore; and that's when the feeling sunk in as I was on the ground. I didn't want to be with him like this. I would do my own rescuing and I would be my own support system. I would be free.

With Laura

It was a month in a half later and Laura was released from confinement, unfortunately and fortunately all at once. I never fully knew with her. I sat in the center of the sofa of Laura and Ross who both sat on opposite sides while I held the two kids that the two shared.

Awkward enough.

"Okay, why don't we just skip the Bella Throne bullshit." I said, "Ross wanted to go to court with this, but I thought we should take a different approach..." I stared deadly into Ross' eyes before I went on.

"It's clear you love Ross, I mean it's more than clear," I turned to Laura who looked down for a quick second and back up at me intensely "So it would only make sense if you move in Laura. Soon. To raise your children, together. And you don't have to worry about me because I'll be dead. My cancer is going to reach my brain soon, so it's only a matter of time-"

"What the hell?" Ross shouted.

"Don't interrupt me, you arrogant asshole," I held onto the children tightly in my lap before turning to Ross with much intended rage that he deserved. 

"Maia... I wouldn't do that to you. I know it really feels like I would but you've helped me in ways I didn't think I could help myself. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have," Laura pleaded.

I faintly laughed, "What? Are you serious? Aren't I handing you your dream right now? Aren't I? You cannot turn it down after all that you have done... You have had children with my husband, and that is done. I'm sure you've heard the sang, you can't break a broken heart. So don't worry about my benefit. It wasn't important to you then, and it's not important to you now."

"Maia, please."

"No. No, Laura! No!" 

"I didn't want this." Ross said toward me. "Don't you understand that? And you aren't dying because you've been going to all your appointments. You are not. Dying."

"Yes, I am." Just like my Mother. I held my head down faintly looking at the babies whom had nothing to worry about. They didn't even have names yet. They were new and pure. There was no hurt in their heart.

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