Lost-Chapter Nine

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Lost-Chapter 9

"Do you need any help?" I turned my head to see the limo driver waiting for my answer, I slowly sat up shaking my head no and murmuring a quiet thank you. I clumsily climbed out and shut the door behind me taking a deep breath. I slowly trudged over and opened the front door to the hotel. It was only then that I remembered that I didn't have a room key. Or a phone. Could this day get any worse!? The clerk at the front desk was beginning to stare at me, though I couldn't blame her. Shrugging I went to the elevator and waited for the doors to open, when they did I was greeted by Amber's nasal voice among others. Great! I stood there impatiently as they laughed and took up my oxygen, soon enough they began to trickle out and make their way past me until there was only Amber left. She turned to me and her face changed from laughing to sympathetic.

"Austin?" she asked but in her voice I could hear the satisfaction. Her gaze flickered over my shoulder and I turned to see the same blonde girl that was flirting with Austin now making out with another guy. My jaw dropped and I felt Amber at my shoulder,

"Well well well, looks like everything is working out in my favor after all! Lemme guess you were curious why Andrew was so quiet, and Austin got mad, then you left when you saw Ariel flirting with him." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Ya know what Amber, you won. Austin's all yours. Take him. I don't care anymore." I moved around her and got on the elevator, riding it up to my floor. I walked ever so slowly down the hall until I was standing in front of my room door. All at once I felt a wave of longing for home, for my friends, even for my over protective and controlling mother. Taking a chance I turned the doorknob, praying that luck would be on my side for once today. I nearly leapt with joy when it opened, Austin must not have closed it completely. Austin. I found myself yearning for him to hug me, to even smile at me. With a fresh round of tears in my eyes I stumbled to my room and gathered all of my things, I went through the entire suite making sure I had gotten everything I had brought with me. Once I was done I laid on my bed and wept until I had no more tears to cry out. I kept telling myself that I needed to get up and leave before they got back but my eyes were too heavy from crying and against my own will I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke I felt something heavy around my waist, I slowly inched my arm down and felt that it was just an arm. An arm! My body tensed and the stranger behind me spoke,

"It's just me, LaMaya." I relaxed but also put up my internal guard, he wasn't gonna sweet talk me into forgiveness. My nose got that tingly feeling like before when I cry and I turned my face into my pillow even more. Austin's arm wrapped tighter around me and I heard him breathe a shaky breath onto the back of my neck. I was suddenly aware that my hand was still on Austin's, but I couldn't bring myself to move it.

"Why are your bags packed?" He whispered even though we both knew the answer, I replied anyways.

"I'm leaving."

"Where will you go?" He asked, his voice more stable now. The silence in the room began to suffocate me. I hadn't thought about where I'd go, I just knew I had to get away from here. "Just stay here. With me." He coaxed grabbing my hand. As he gently stroked my fingers with his own I was almost tempted to give in.

"Why? So we can hurt each other even more?" I snapped sitting up. His arm fell from my waist and I stood up grabbing shoes. I exited the room and walked to the bathroom throwing cold water on my face, I never wear makeup. As I was drying my face I felt Austin's arms wrap around my waist from behind and him place his chin on my shoulder. Sighing I looked at our reflection in the mirror and all my emotions began to jumble together. We stood there like that for a while before he turned me around and placed our foreheads together, opening his mouth just to close it again. I rubbed the hand towel between my fingers and closed my eyes,

"LaMaya..." He breathed and I opened my eyes, getting lost in his beautiful brown ones. He inched his lips closer and closer to mine, moving slowly.

"Austin, I-" He cut me off by kissing me. I gave up, ignoring the thoughts and protest running through my head and letting my body do as it pleased. I kissed him back and he kissed me deeper, his hands gripping the sides of my tank top. The hand towel fell from my fingers and they found their way to his shirt, pulling him closer to me still. He gently pushed on my hips, moving me back until I was against the sink countertop. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and I parted my lips slightly allowing him to slither his tongue in my mouth. I moaned at the contact of our tongues and he kissed me even deeper. My hands found their way to his soft hair and I yanked on it gently. He moaned shortly in response and moved his hands around to my butt squeezing slightly, all at once the kiss even more intense. After a bit we broke apart for a breath and found our selves with our foreheads together yet again.

"Stay. Here. With me. Please." He panted, continuing to ignore my head I went with my heart and nodded yes. "Yes?" He whispered in disbelief,

"Yes, Austin, I'll stay." I reassured him, my hands sliding down to his shoulders, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up spinning me around. I giggled and he set me down kissing me with grins planted on our faces.

"You won't regret this, LaMaya. I promise." He told me quietly.

"I believe you." I said to him, and I did.

"Austin I'm back!" I heard a female voice call, "Where are you?"

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now