Lost-Chapter Thirty

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Lost-Chapter 30

*1 week later*

"Are you sure okay with this?"

"Yes Austin, I've gone to school before!" I insisted taking his hand and leading him outside.

"Remember Alyssa-"

"Will show me my classes. Austin will you calm down! I'll be fine!" He bit his bottom lip shaking his head slightly, he took two large steps and engulfed me in a hug.

"I just don't wanna leave you here." He murmured into my hair, I pulled away from him.

"I'll be with Alyssa the whole time. You have nothing to worry about."

"Austin, lets go!" Dave yelled from the car, I smiled and leaned up to kiss Austin's cheek.

"Have fun with the fans."

"It'll be no fun without you." He sulked. I sighed taking hold of his chin and forcing him to look at me.

"The sooner you leave, the sooner you get back. Nothing will change. Go." Reluctantly he kissed my forehead and turned to walk away, "Bye Mama! By Dave!" I shouted waving wildly they yelled back their goodbyes before climbing into the car. I watched them drive off from the driveway, until I could see the car no more. I looked to my right to see Alyssa walking out her door, she waved and I waved back, making my way to her through our neighbours yards. We walked down to the corner in a comfortable silence.

"Ready?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me as the school bus pulled up.

"Not in the slightest." I mumbled following behind her onto the bus, as she said there was hardly anyone on since we were one of the first stops. She sat in a seat towards the middle, where I would have chosen to sit if it were my bus. "So do you all go to school together?" I asked turning to Alyssa, she nodded.

"Well we all used to then Austin stopped because of singing and Alex does what he wants and Tyler's kinda iffy about school so it's a day to day thing." She rambled I shrugged in understanding and relaxed in the seat waiting until we arrived at school. "Alright! We're here!" She exclaimed and my eyes snapped open as I sat up trying to collect myself. We made our way off the bus and stood on the sidewalk surrounded by other students. I observed other girls in skirts and fancy blouses and my ripped jeans, long sleep navy blue top, and grey vans. I made a small whining sound looking over at Alyssa, she shook her head laughing at me as she grabbed my arm dragging me along towards the building. As we passed by a few guys and girls turned to look at Alyssa and I a couple saying hello. We finally made it to the office and Alyssa motioned for me to go sit in a chair while she went to talk to the lady at the front desk. There were only two chairs and one was already taken by a boy with dirty blonde hair, I went and sat beside him noticing his headphones were in. I sighed internally, glad we wouldn't have to make awkward conversation, I felt my phone vibrate and pulled my phone out of my bag. I already had 3 texts from Austin, I smiled rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"Nice phone case." I heard the stranger beside me say,

"Thanks! I got it- Jeremy?"


"Whoa!" We exclaimed together,

"What are you doing here!?" I asked bewildered

"I-I just moved here! My mom got a new job and now I'm here!" He responded shaking his head in disbelief. I mocked his actions, my mouth opening and closing as I couldn't find the right words to say.

"Alright, LaMaya. I have your schedule- oh! New friend?" I looked up at Alyssa,

"Uh..old friend really." Jeremy and I exchanged a look "We met at the beach!"

"Oh. Well maybe y'all have a class together!" She chirped happily reaching for Jeremy's schedule which he was holding, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Well I think y'all will be very happy to know that you guys have every class together!" I felt my eyebrows raise as I looked over at Jeremy who simply shrugged. "And sadly none with yours truly." She added making a sad puppy face, we laughed and exited the office together. Alyssa kindly escorted us to our first class, "And here you are! Have fun!"


"Thank you!" We called to her quickly receding figure,

"So you guys are...?" Jeremy questioned looking down at me.

"Friends." I answered and Jeremy nodded as he opened the classroom door,

"After you," I smiled at him walking inside, only to be greeted by stares from my new classmates.

"Ah! You must be our new students. Everyone this is LaMaya and Jeremy!" A few waves and smiles were shot in our direction the others ignored us, not that I was complaining. "Uh we are actually working on a project- in partners. I assume its okay with you two if you worked together?"

"Fine by me." Jeremy said and they both looked at me for approval I nodded.

"Great! See me after class and I'll give you all the details." He told us as he pointed to seats in the back of the room, we walked back taking our seats side by side. "My name is Mr. Ringwault by the way." I looked over at Jeremy mouthing the name of our teacher in confusion and he just shrugged, turns out he was actually a really laid back teacher and a lot of fun to be around. Jeremy and I managed to navigate our way through the school and make it to all of our classes on time, even though we got lost and turned around multiple times and had to stop from fits of laughter that we had caused ourselves.

"So I'll text you?" Jeremy asked from under his long hair that was brighter in the sunlight.

"Yes you will!" I responded as my bus pulled up. "That's me! Bye, Jeremy!" I called over my shoulder as I jogged over to Alyssa's waiting figure.

"Bye, LaMaya!" Alyssa was glowering at me as I reached her,

"What!?" I asked and she simply nodded her head for me to get on the bus, rolling my eyes I did so and sat in our same seat, but against the window this time. I looked out the window and saw Jeremy getting into a car,

"Do you like Jeremy?" I snapped my head around at Alyssa appalled at the question. "And I don't mean like as in friend I mean like as in 'like' like."

"No!" I all but shouted at her,

"Then why haven't you texted Austin back all day?"

"Oh crap." I muttered and I frantically went through my bag for my phone, I found and saw I had 35 texts from Austin alone. Groaning I dialled his number,

"LaMaya! Why haven't you text me back?"

"Austin, I am so sorry! I was so busy, and we kept getting lost, and I already have two projects that are due on Friday, and-"

"Breathe!" He said loudly into my ear and I did so letting out a loud breath. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. But you should still go through and read my texts."

"I will do that." I said now curious as to what he could have sent.

"Hey, I gotta go. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Bye, LaMaya."

"Bye, Austin."

I hung up and made a loud moaning sound sinking low in the seat.

"So...about Jeremy-"

"Can it!" I held up my hand "Not now I need to eat something and sleep then you can harass me."

"So my place?" She said as we stood to get off, I hopped down from the last step.

"Of course!" I responded to her. She flashed a smile at me over her shoulder,

"Well come on then, hot stuff. You have 2 projects to do!" She teased making her way down the sidewalk, I ran to catch up to her and we walked to her house talking about my day.

"So back to my original question..." She said as we dropped her things on her kitchen island and I slid onto a stool. "Do you like Jeremy?"

"Alyssa. I promise you, Jeremy and I are friends. We will never be anything more. That's a promise."

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now