Lost-Chapter Thirty-One

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Lost-Chapter 31

We worked hard for another hour when my phone began to ring loudly from the living room, I groaned hopping down from my huge pile of papers and notes on the island and shuffling into the other room on my numb legs. "Hello?"


"Yes...who is this?"

"It's me, Jeremy!"

"Oh! Hey, what's up?" I asked him as I plopped down onto the couch, bringing my knees in to my chest.

"Nothing much...do you still wanna get together and start working on that project?"

"Oh crap! I forgot all about that..uh, yeah we do need to get together...."

"Where does he live?" My head snapped around to see Alyssa leaning against the door frame of the kitchen,

"Uh, where do you live?" I asked Jeremy.

"524 Westbrooke Avenue." I relayed the address to Alyssa whose eyebrows came together in the middle of her forehead.

"What was it again?" She asked walking over to me, I told her again and she shook her head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asked me through the phone,

"I don't know." I told him simply as Alyssa slipped on her Uggs that were beside the front door before walking outside. I scrambled up from the couch and followed her out onto the porch covering my phone speaker,

"Where are you going?" I yelled to her over the wind that swirled my wavy hair into my face, she ignored me and continued to walk away. I sighed going back inside, "Well, Alyssa just took off down the street." There was no response and I looked to see that Jeremy had hung up on me. "Why did he-"

"Hey, LaMaya." I whirled around and saw Jeremy himself standing just inside the front door with Alyssa right behind him,

"I thought the address sounded a little too familiar so I went to go see if I was right. Which I was." Alyssa explained slipping off her shoes, and shuddering. I stood there for a minute trying to process what was going on.

"So where do you live?" I finally blurted,

"Four houses down on the right side. Just outside of the cul de sac." He answered jutting his thumb over his left shoulder, I nodded slowly.

"I live three houses to the left." I told him blankly, for whatever reason I had a funny feeling about this. Whether it was a good feeling or a bad one I couldn't quite tell, but I wished it would go away.

"You okay?" Alyssa asked placing a hand on my shoulder, I nodded at her shaking away my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Cold is all."

"I'm cold too. Stupid autumn weather." She muttered under her breath and went into the kitchen,

"Hey! I love autumn weather!" I said loudly following her,

"Why? It's cold." She replied bluntly.

"No. Winter is cold. Autumn is brisk and colorful." I stated making my way back up onto my self made spot amongst all of my work on the island.

"Same difference!" She said with a wave of her hand, I rolled my eyes at her and called for Jeremy, noticing he wasn't in the room with us. "Excuse the mess, we came home and just dived into homework." I rambled, scrambling about for the papers that I had for our project.

"Excuse LaMaya's lack of clothes." I faintly heard Alyssa mumble, and looked down at my soffees and tank top, then over at Alyssa.

"You're wearing the same thing!" I exclaimed.

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now