Lost-Chapter Thirty-Three

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Lost-Chapter 33

I woke up hot and sweaty from my nightmare. I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:30, knowing that there was no way I could sleep again I emerged from my cocoon of linen and made my way to the bathroom. I quietly shut the door behind me and turned the water as hot as I could take it before hopping in and scrubbing my skin, wishing it would rid me of the gross feeling left behind from what I had awoken from. It started as a memory I guess you could say, of me and Austin at the beach. It was the day we went and announced to the rest of the crew that I was pregnant, but instead of Austin following behind my it was Andrew. He locked the door and pulled me into the bedroom tying me to the headboard with rope(where he got the rope I have no idea). He began to kiss me repetitively, smacking me across then face when I didn't kiss him back.

"You are not having Austin's baby." He growled at me, tracing a finger along my face.

"Yes I am. You can't change that." I spat as harshly as I could.

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that.."

then he stripped himself and I before raping me viciously and though I cried for help no one came. He continued on and on until I woke myself. I shivered stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself as I began to blow dry my hair. I opened the bathroom door and saw Alyssa standing there with her hand raised to knock, I smirked at her.

"Mornin sunshine!" Her jaw dropped and I smiled walking past get and back to the bedroom. I found a cute teal skirt and a long sleeved black shirt to wear a my black sandals. Proud of my outfit I entered the kitchen where Alyssa was standing freshly from the shower gathering ingredients for breakfast, her gaze turned to me and I twirled around, giving her a full view of my outfit.

"Okay, I don't know what happened, but as long as you're happy I'm happy." I hugged her tightly and asked,

"What's for breakfast?" She looked at me before rolling her eyes and simply replying,

"What's always for breakfast?"

I made a face and went to straighten my hair, I re-entered the kitchen and offered to finish making breakfast while she got ready. She quickly accepted and rushed off to her room muttering what I assumed were ideas of what she would wear today, I sang and danced as I finished cooking and placed all the dirty dishes in the sink. We talked aimlessly while we ate and waited for the bus,

"So how far are you in the book?"

"I'm sooo close to being finished I can't wait for a free chance to read!" I squealed squirmingn in the seat, she scoffed shaking her head at me.

"Nerd." I gently smacked her arm as we stood making our way off the bus and into the school.

"Oh! Jeremy!" I yelled leaving Alyssa as I spotted my talk friend amongst a small group of guys.

"So you do remember me!" He exclaimed sarcastically before rolling his eyes and walking away from his friends and me. I drew my eyebrows together in confusion as I ran after him, taking hold of his arm when I finally caught up.

"What's going on?" I asked moving in front of him he shook his head and tried to go by me, but I moved in front of him again. "Jeremy." He took a deep breath before loudly blurting it all out.

"You said you'd meet me in the front lobby and then you don't talk to me all day and ignore all my texts- how do you expect me to react!?"

"Not like this!" I yelled back him appalled at his sensitivity, "I was having a bad day yesterday and I was a little off! Geez I didn't think you would care.."

"Why wouldn't I care?" He asked taking a step closer to me. I took a step back and heard myself say, "Why would you?" I noticed how bitter it sounded and saw the pain flicker in his eyes, sighing I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry I just-" I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry."

He gave me a small smile,

"It's alright. Everyone has their days." He playfully punched my arm and I chuckled,

"Truce?" I offered holding out my right hand,

"Truce." He said shaking my hand. "Now, to go to class....or to skip?" He pondered suggestively I considered his question before shrugging.

"One day can't hurt that much..." I said slowly peeking up at him. He grinned and grabbed my hand leading me out one of the side doors and across the back lawn. A careless, reckless decision, yes I know. I already have Austin's little voice in my head telling me to stop and go back, but honestly I couldn't care less at the moment. I mean Austin doesn't even know when he's coming home and Alyssa and Jeremy were the only people I had left, might as well enjoy it before it gone. Little did I realize just how bad of a choice that was....

Give me feedback and keep voting (: I'm happy you guys are liking the story I have so much planned (:

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