Lost- Chapter Thirty-Seven

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This time I woke up in a small room with deep green walls, on a loveseat. I'm going to get real tired of waking up in a different place every week. I huffed standing stretching, feeling relieved when a few bones and joints popped back into its place. The room was completely empty except for the chair I slept in and a window directly across the room, and a plain white door to the right I opened the door and found myself in a larger room, where Jeremy was sitting with Josh and-


"Hey MayMay!!" He shouted getting up and walking over to me.

"What are you doing??!" I squealed stepping away from him,

"Oh would you calm down. I'm not working with Andrew! Well I am, but I'm not on his side about it. I'm on yours." I stared at him dumbfounded and he sighed rolling his eyes, "Alright, we both know I used to like you. Andrew never picked up on that, he always thought I hated you like he did and knowing that he would do something stupid, I continued to let him think that so that you wouldn't get hurt. Even though in the end I'm the one getting hurt. But, if you're happy and Austin's happy, then I can deal." "I'm pretty positive that my face is priceless at this point as I shake my head in disbelief. "Wow" was literally the only thing I could seem to say, "What? No thank you hug?" He joked turning around to return to his seat, I quickly stepped forward and threw my arms around him.

'I don't think you will ever know how grateful I am." I said to him stepping away and taking hold of his hands forcing him to look me in the eyes.

"It's no big deal really." He shrugged, a slight blush rising in his cheeks. I smirked at him,

"No, Tyler, thank you. Seriously." He smiled and hugged me tight to his chest and I hugged him back making a mental note to constantly remind Austin how good of a friend Tyler really was.

Speaking of....should I tell Austin??

No you might ruin his friendship with Alex!!

Andrew has nothing to do with Alex!!

Hello dummy they're brothers!


Austin will think Alex was a type of decoy or something to distract him from you so Andrew could get yo you.

Austin would never think of something like that!

You never know, and anyways when he asks what happened while he was gone he's gonna be able to tell if you're lying.

Maybe I just won't tell him then, Alyssa can speak for me.

What about when you're alone?

"Lamaya, what on earth are you thinking so hard about?'" I was brought back to reality by Josh's voice, I hesitated before sitting down in a chair that was at what appeared to be a kitchen table of some sort.

"What am I supposed to tell Austin??? Ya know about this," I said to them gesturing around,

"Nothing." Jeremy said as if it was the most obvious answer ever . Which it kind of was...

"But he's gonna ask." I argued,

"Then lie." Tyler replied using the same tone as Jeremy had. I rolled my eyes.

"He knows when I lie-"

"Then lie better!" Josh interrupted, I gave a short fast breath and gave up on the conversation,

"Well what do we do now?" I asked with a hint of sass in my voice as I stood and went to join them. The couched and coffee table were set lower into the ground, so you had to go down three steps- or just jump like the boys, which I did. I then literally jumped over Jeremy to the other side of the couch, much to his amusement.

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now