Lost-Chapter Thirty-Five

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Lost-Chapter 35

"So I see you and the monster are getting along just fine." I glared at Jeremy who began to eat,

"His name is Josh."

"Oh my bad! I didn't realize you two had discussed names while I was unconscious!"

"I tried to wake you up!"

"Yeah and then you went and made out with your boyfriend!"

"Shut up!"

My scream echoed and my throat began to itch, Jeremy closed his eyes and rubbed his temples while I sat there begging myself not to cry. We looked at each other blankly until Josh's voice jarred us back into reality.

"What'd I miss?"

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled standing and going to the corner farthest away from everything else, I heard a low, muffled voice before the sliding of the styrofoam plate on the concrete and faint, but heavy footsteps moving around. I sat down pulling my knees into my chest and resting the left side of my head against the cold concrete wall, taking deep breaths and trying to ignore all thoughts of Austin. I felt a tear trickle down my face and was suddenly aware if a shadow standing over me, I slowly looked up to see Josh hold out what looked like clothes.

"I brought these, ya know, in case you get tired of wearing a skirt." I took in his kind face and turned more into the wall, looking away from him. "Bitch." He muttered under his breath before dropping the clothes, forcing a slight cool breeze to wash over me. I watched his hunched figure walk away until he was behind the light, then he was just a shadow leaning forward on a small table. I scanned the room for Jeremy and saw him in the corner opposite of me curled up and fast asleep, I looked over at the clothes Josh had brought me- sweatpants and an old t-shirt- I'm assuming were his. I stood and grabbed the sweatpants slipping them on under my skirt then pulling my skirt off over top of them before pulling his large shirt over my head and manoeuvring off my top. I gathered and folded my clothes before taking a deep breath and walking over to where Josh was still leaning forward onto the small table.

"Where do you want me to put these?" I was surprised at how quiet my voice is, and took a step back when he clenched his fists.

"Leave them here. Or keep them with you." He sighed unclenching his large hands. I hesitated then stepped forward and placed my clothes on the table top, he slowly looked up at me with hard eyes.

"I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier." I tried to hide the shakiness in my voice. I needed to keep him on good terms or else there's absolutely no chance of us getting out. When he didn't respond I backed away and returned to my corner laying down, I was on the verge of sleep when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Josh crouched beside me,

"Just in case you get hungry," I looked down and saw that he was holding out my styrofoam plate from earlier, I sat up and took it from him, giving him a small half smile. He gave a curt nod before standing and making his way back to the table, sitting in a chair he pulled up. He placed his head in his hands and I watched in curiosity, slowly lowering my plate to the floor. He remained motionless for a while, but I eventually noticed his shoulder moving slightly before hearing short ragged breaths. Is he crying!? Pretty sure that I should be the only one crying here!! I looked over to Jeremy's corner and saw him now awake and watching me, he silently motioned for me to join him so I stood quickly and quietly and moved to his side.

"Why is he-?"

"I have absolutely no idea." We sat there in silence trying to figure it out when Josh did something unexpected. He stood and paced for a bit then suddenly he whirled around and kicked over the chair grunting loudly, I clamped my hand down on Jeremy's arm as Josh turned to look at the corner where I was laying before. He muttered something before he walked further into the darkness and we heard the still unseen door close behind him. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and released Jeremy's arm,

"Plan?" He asked returning his gaze to me. I went off telling him all the things I had found out earlier,

"So basically our only way out is through the main door?" He said looking in the general direction of the entryway.

"Or the door he keeps going through." I replied nodding my head in the direction our kidnapper kept disappearing to. I watched Jeremy chew his lip in thought,

"So which way is quickest?" I shrugged,

"I don't know the code to get out and I haven't been through the other door- I didn't realize it was there earlier, I didn't look behind the light much at all." He sighed leaning his head back against the wall.

"Wait! Your phone!" He exclaimed so suddenly I jumped.

"What about my phone?"

"You can record him when he punches the code in the padlock and we can figure out what it is from there!" I literally facepalmed myself,

"That's genius!" I squealed back at him, "I left it in my skirt pocket." He helped me up and we hurriedly made out way to the table.

"Where are your clothes?" Jeremy asked furrowing his eyebrows at me, I slid my hands along the entire surface of the table.

"I left them right here on the corner. Did you see him take anything with him?"

"No, he just walked out." We stared at each other in pure confusion, I dropped to my knees and began feeling along the floor after a second or two Jeremy caught on and joined me. Faintly I heard a rythmic thumping noise and looked at Jeremy.

"He's coming! Go!" He said grabbing me and shoving me towards my corner, we both slid into or different sections of the room. I was actually thankful that hardly any light touched us so that you couldn't see our bodies rising rapidly with our panting. There was a low creaking and a thin silouette appeared, soon followed by the echoing sound of the same thumping footsteps. I looked and saw that Jeremy had his back turned like before. Maybe he's been doing that the whole time just to fool us... The footsteps grew louder and it was then that I was aware of how close this person was- for I knew it wasn't Josh.

"Oh Maymay. You really thought you could get away from me did you?" The voice shook with quiet laughter, "You are such an idiot. It doesn't matter though, now Austin's gonna think you left him again and he'll never take you back. Stupid bitch." I saw his foot raise to kick me when he stopped mid-air interrupted by Josh.

"Andrew! I need your help with something."

"I'll be back little one, don't you worry." When I heard the door shut again, my body nearly convulsed with sob as I wept endlessly. When I felt two arms wrap around me I was taken back to that night at the hotel with Austin, when we sat there talking and arguing in the light of the moon. The mere memory itself made my heart shatter, I fell asleep crying in Jeremy's arms and I felt so bad because he didn't even know what was going on.

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now