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Lost-Chapter 28

The next time I woke I had a pounding headache and my entire body was numb with pain. I peeked out of one eye, thankful that the lights weren't on though it was dark out. Opening both eyes I looked to my left to see a sleeping Zach and Alyssa, I just stared happily at their sleeping figures until I noticed that they were holding hands. Just then the room door opened and Austin poked his head inside, I smiled to grab his attention and he beamed his beautiful smile at me gently closing the door behind him. He took about 4 large strides and grabbed my face in his hands, kissing me passionately. He pulled away smiling,
"I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to kiss you in so long it was killing me." I laughed quietly at him, loving that I could hear his voice.
"How long has it been?" I asked him, he motioned for me to scoot over and laid beside me holding my hand.
"Ummm... you slept that night and the next morning, I don't know if you remember, but they woke you and then knocked you right back out with medicine. After a few hours they took you in and operated on you for 12 hours, normally it doesn't take that long, but they said you kept moving and saying things so they had to keep giving you medicine."
"Sounds like me." I smirked, he looked down at me and kissed my nose.
"Yes, it does. They finished up and brought you back and you've been asleep for....six days? Maybe a week? Something like that." I nodded expecting it to have been a longer period of time,
"Am I free to go home?" I asked, he flipped on his side so he was facing me and I looked over at him.
"I think so...yeah they said they would keep you two days unless you slept longer than that." I sighed and rolled so that I was facing him,
"I just wanna be able to sleep in a real bed and get out of this stupid gown and eat food and-have I eaten anything!?"
"They've fed you liquids." He said making a face, I rolled my eyes snuggling into his chest.
"You're so warm!" I said loudly though my voice was muffled by his shirt, I felt his body shake with a chuckle and craned my neck to look at him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too. I never realized how much time I spent with you, or touching you, or looking at you until you weren't there anymore and I couldn't just chase you down I had to sit here and wait." I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead,
"Will you sing to me?" I asked he laughed and hugged me even tighter to his body,
"And what would you like for me to sing tonight?"
"Bless the broken road by Rascal Flatts. I saw the cover you did and I love Rascal Flatts!"
"Country fan?" He asked easing an eyebrow
"Just a little." I said shyly he grinned at me and before clearing his throat. I waited and listened mesmerised as he sang the entire song to me, I was so moved I found myself crying. He finished and just laid there, "That was beautiful." I whispered playing with his flannel button up shirt,
"Just like you." I looked up at him and felt a tsunami of emotions take over me.
"I love you." I said to him, I had never been the one to say it first and it felt weird, but a good kind of weird.
"I love you too. Forever and always." I cuddled into him and he let out a long breath kissing the top of my head. I heard the quiet click of the door being opened, and tensed up out of habit. Austin looked over his shoulder then turned back to me, "It's just the doctor, babe." I relaxed and sat up along with Austin. The doctor walked over to the bed,
"You have been officially released, you can leave whenever. It was a pleasure having you, but I really don't hope to see you again. You know since this is a hospital." I nodded thanking him and Austin walked him out, saying he would go grab my clothes.
"Alyssa. Alyssa. Alyssa!" Frustrated I grabbed a pillow and whacked her with it,
"OW!" She yelled waking up Zach who was not very excited about it.
"Mornin!" I said, surprisingly all I got in return were death glares. "Not morning people I see." I muttered under my breath.
"Not when my ear is getting yelled in!"
"Not when I'm smacked with a pillow!"
"But I'm released and Austin's getting my clothes right now so we can leave."
We all sat there in silence,
"Where will you sleep?" Zach asked me,
"I don't know-" Austin walked in holding one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts.
"You always bring me clothes of yours!" I laughed and he shrugged,
"I think you look cute in them." I rolled my eyes standing and slipping the shorts on under the gown.
"Austin, where am I gonna sleep?" I asked as I made a motion for the boys to cover their eyes as I let Alyssa untie the back of the gown, Zach covered his and Austin stood there ignoring me completely. I shook my head and grabbed his shirt from the bed,
"What do you mean where are you gonna sleep? You're sleeping with me of course!"
I tugged the top into place and pulled my hair on top of my head into a messy bun,
"Are Mama and Dave okay with that?" I asked, Alyssa handed me a pair of flip flops and told Zach to uncover his eyes.
"Yes, LaMaya. I asked them first." He said dramatically, I narrowed my eyes at him and walked away leaving the room with Alyssa on my heels and Zach on hers. I looked down the hall to the left and saw Alex and the rest of the crew, I broke into a sprint and tackled him to the cold tile floor. Soon everyone except Mama was dog piled on top of us making it hard to breathe.
"Alright, would you all move! I wanna hug my baby!" She said and I saw Austin wriggle from the pile and walk over to her,
"Mom I wasn't gone that long!" I was finally able to remove myself from Alex and stood,
"Not you Austin! LaMaya!" I giggled rushing into her arms and she squeezed me tight rubbing small circles on my back, "I'm just happy you're okay!" She murmured squeezing me even tighter,
"Alright. Let me have a go." I heard Dave's unmistakable voice say from behind me, Mama let me go and I turned to see Dave waiting with open arms. I jumped and he caught me, spinning us in circles causing me to grip his neck for dear life.
"Oh I don't know what we would do without our little shortie." He said setting me down, I stuck my tongue out at him letting it go this one time. Robert came and draped an arm over my shoulders,
"Ya know Austin, I think that working up the courage to talk to LaMaya is the smartest thing you've ever done." I smiled gratefully at him and he returned it,
"Having sex in the shower was by far the worst." Dave said under his breath, I burst into laughter as did Robert and Alex.
"I was caught up in the moment!" Austin said through clenched teeth,
"Nah man, that's called being horny!" Andrew chimed in even Mama was laughing by now, the only one who wasn't was Austin.
"It's okay cuz I still love you!!" I called childishly skipping over to him and throwing my arms around his neck and planting a big kiss on his cheek. He scooped me up bridal style,
"That's why I'm stealing you away from these monsters!" He turned and ran to the elevator, hopping inside and closing the door behind us.
"Where exactly are you gonna take me?" I asked as he put me down, he grabbed my waist pulling my into his side and kissing me softly.
"Home. There's no where else I'd rather be with my princess than in our castle."

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now