Lost-Chapter Fifteen

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Lost-Chapter 15

"Awwww!! That is the sweetest movie!" I cooed as the ending credits began to roll.

"Huh? What? Who?" Austin mumbled, I obviously woke him up.

"Oops! Sorry did I wake you??" I asked in fake concern, rolling my eyes at him.

"Nope. I've been awake this whole time. Great movie!" He said trying to convince me. I gave him a look at stood up, cutting off the television. "Where are you going?" He cleared his throat

"Well I was hoping we could stay up, but seeing as you're tired, I'm going to bed." I told him fixing a glass of water at the kitchen sink.

"Stay up and do what?" Austin asked, the curiosity very apparent in his voice. I finished my glass and looked at him over my shoulder.

"Oh nothing!" I said walking over to him. "Just, ya know..." I placed my hands on his chest, looking up into his now very dark brown eyes, "Talk." I smirked at him, turning on my heel and making my way to my bedroom. Before I knew it my back was pinned against the wall outside my room, my wrists locked in place above my head in only one of his hands.

"We can still talk." He insisted

"Oh no! You're tired, it's no fun if you're half asleep." I said mocking him,

"You can't keep doing this to me." He growled, his eyes almost black in color. He moved closer to me, releasing my wrists and meshing my body with his. His lips hovered over mine and I could feel his breath mingle with my own.

"I'm not doing anything." I whispered finding it harder to resist him with every passing second. A smile began to form on Austin's lips,

"That's all I ask." He kissed me roughly and I didn't kiss him back, though it was killing me not to. "Don't fight me, LaMaya." He groaned against my lips before kissing me again. His hands slid down past my waist, over my hips and squeezed my butt, causing a moan to regretfully leave my throat. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I gave in, letting my hands fall around his neck while I swam in the delicious chocolate taste of his mouth. He pulled away from my lips, "Jump." I did as told and he carried me into the bedroom. He sat on the edge of my bed so I was straddling his thin hips. I entwined my fingers in his luscious brown hair as he tugged at my shirt, breaking the kiss to take it off. He leaned back in to kiss me, but I hesitated wrapping my arms around myself. He cupped my face in his hands, "You. Are. Beautiful." I looked down and he unwrapped my arms, replacing them with his. He shifted and I put my hands on his chest, catching myself. He smirked and I pushed him down on his back, hovering over him. He leaned up and kissed me, our tongues wrestling for dominance. I began to grind my hips into his and he bit my lip, tugging on it slightly. He flipped us over so he was on top and kissed his way up my jaw and nibbled on my ear, "You, are going to be the death of me." I felt myself smile as he began kissing his way down to my neck.

"AUSTIN!!!! LAMAYA!!!! WE'RE BACK!!!" We both froze. He reached down and threw me the shirt I was wearing earlier, leaping from the bed to turn off the lamp. I yanked the shirt on and scrambled under the covers just as Austin slid in beside me. We both laid facing the large window, and away from the door. I heard soft footsteps grow closer as I tried to calm my breathing, "Aw, Dave. Look!" I heard Mama coo quietly.

"You don't think they....ya know?" Dave asked wearily.

"Dave!" I heard Mama exclaim, "You know Austin is more responsible than that! Plus he would never do that unless he told her he loved her first." She stated firmly, I heard Austin's breath hitch in his throat. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, as I heard Mama usher Dave out of the room. When Austin sighed I looked behind me to see him laying on his back with his hands over his face. I touched his arm and he flinched away from me,

"Austin?" He rolled onto his other side facing away from me, "Austin!" I pleaded softly feeling my chest well with hurt. When he didn't reply after 3 minutes, I slid out of the bed and walked over to the large window. I wasn't luck enough to see anything to make me smile this time, just the repetitive crashing of the waves on the shore. I hugged my arms around myself, letting out a quiet sob for knowing that Austin was rejecting me. This is what you get for thinking any guy could ever really love you. Amber's way prettier than you anyways, he belongs with her. I clutched my head, wishing I could run away from my mind, and my sobs grew steadily louder. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on my knees with my arms wrapped around my stomach, sobbing into the carpet. Two strong, warm arms engulfed me and pulled me close. I squirmed until he let me go.

"What's wrong, baby?" He whispered, his voice full of concern, arms still open waiting for me to crawl back into them.

"You don't love me." I heard myself reply to him,

"What!? No! Of course I do! LaMaya why would you think-"

"Amber's right. You can do better. You deserve better. She's prettier than I am-"

"No!" He said loudly, silencing my rambling. "I love you. Not Amber. Not anyone else. You are the one I want, LaMaya- You are the one I need."


"No. No 'but's'. Just come here." He said beckoning me into his arms, I hesitated. "Maymay, please. Princess, I'm sorry. I just don't want to upset my parents! They've been putting on a lot of pressure to make sure I make all the right choices now, and it just- sometimes, I need a reliever, and you, LaMaya, you are my reliever. You are everything I could dream of and more. You bring me more joy than anything that could ever be bought for me. Please, don't me upset with me. Don't ever think you aren't enough for me. If anything you're too good for me. I mean look at me- brown hair, brown eyes- I'm nothing special-" I tackled him onto his back, hugging him with everything I had in me. I giggled and he chuckled along with me, hugging me back. "Let's go to bed." He said standing up, when I didn't move he asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, I just wanna sleep in the chair." I told him motioning to the small sofa beside of us, he smiled at me and shook his head.

"Alright, fine." He gave in walking over to the bed to grab the comforter, he came and pulled me close to him laying down, covering us with the blanket. "LaMaya..." He whispered, I turned my head around to face him. His lips brushed against mine softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, Austin." I whispered back to him unable to hide the smile on my face. I turned back around and looked outside. "I'm going to sleep looking at a full moon tonight. " I said under my breath, in slight disbelief.

"I'm going to sleep with a full heart tonight." Austin breathed onto the back of my neck, he wrapped his arms around me tighter and rested his chin on my shoulder. Just before I completely lost consciousness I felt him press his lips to my cheek, and whisper to me, "I'm never gonna let you go, LaMaya. I promise."

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now