Lost-Chapter Two

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Lost-Chapter 2

"Water bottle?" Austin asked,

"Sure," I breathed closing the door behind me. We ran all the way back to his hotel and collapsed on the lobby floor as soon as we were inside. He forgot to mention that his hotel was about a mile away from the boardwalk. "Nice place you got here." I commented as I plopped onto the couch, thankful for the coolness of the room.

"Thanks! Heads up!" He called tossing me a water bottle, which I surprisingly caught. "Nice!" He said coming to sit beside me on the couch. "So, what brings you to California?" He asked me, and off I went spinning him the tale of my stream of mishaps since I got off the plane. "Wait," He interrupted, "Your stuff is still on the beach?"

"Yup." I said, then I realized exactly what had just been said and looked at him.

"What are you looking at me for!? We gotta go get your stuff!!" He cried jumping off the couch and pulling me up with him before shoving me out the door. Off we went back to the beach as we got to the boardwalk we slowed down.

"Do you know exactly where you left it?" He asked looking at me seriously, making me nervous.

"Uhh..not exactly, but I know it's on the other side of the boardwalk, and I left myself a sign so that I would know that was where my stuff was." I rushed out.

"What kind of 'sign'?" He asked looking at me which only made me more nervous.

"Uh..I-I-I don't remember," I said finding it difficult to concentrate with him looking at me so intently. When he hadn't responded for a while I looked over at him. "Austin?" I said softly.

"I'm making you nervous aren't I?" He smirked at me, I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed him playfully, wishing I could wipe the smile off my face. "So it's true?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me, I rolled my eyes and walked slightly ahead of him. I couldn't really be falling for a guy I just met. That's ridiculous! I mean I don't even know anything about him, except that he's got a creepy ex, and he's cute. Plus he's really nice and funny and- woah there girl! Pull yourself together, he's just some-

"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to-" I stopped and faced him,

"Austin! Quit apologizing! You haven't done anything wrong." I said smiling.

"Oh..sorr-er my bad." He said smiling back at me, I bit my lip out of habit and turned to continue on our journey to find my things.

"So how much further down do you think they are?" He asked coming up beside me,

"I...honestly have no clue." I admitted looking down at my feet. Did I leave my shoes with the rest of my things??

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now