Lost-Chapter Twenty-Five

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Lost-Chapter 25

I woke the next morning in yet another unfamiliar room with beams of sunlight heavy on my eyelids. I sat up taking in the light beige walls and deep blue furniture, then I remembered that I had spent the night with Alyssa. I slowly stood on my weak legs and ran my fingers through my wild hair.

"Mornin princess!" I heard a voice call, I turned around myself looking for the owner. "In here silly!" I looked to my left to see Alyssa standing in the doorway holding a large red mixing bowl, a wisk in one of her hands. "Hope ya like pancakes!" She said over her shoulder and she went farther into the kitchen, I smiled and made my way over to where she had just been. Placing my hands on either side of the doorway I observed the vastness of the kitchen, marvelling at how a space so big could be so organised. Alyssa began to pour the batter into the pan and I walked over to the island sitting on one of the tall stools and spinning around. "How'd you sleep?" She asked,

"Great! I'm pretty sure that's the best sleep I've had in a while. " I told her as I continued to spin around, I caught myself on the counter after almost losing my balance and she laughed at me, "So where's your family?" I asked and she only sighed so I decided not to press the topic. She finished making the pancakes and she silently led me back into the living room where we sat on the largest blue couch and she cut on the flat screen I had failed to notice earlier. We watched cartoons for a while laughed and the corny jokes before she grabbed the remote and and turned the volume down.

"My family is on vacation right now." She stated plainly, confused as to why this was a big deal I glanced over at her to see her gaze trained on her now empty plate. I looked down to see I had eaten all of my food as well,

"My dad's an abusive alcoholic and my mom's too afraid to leave him. My older brother packed up and left about three months ago because he just couldn't take watching mom get hurt constantly. He tried to fight my dad off, but ended up in the hospital. Twice. He always used to make me hide in my bedroom closet so that my dad couldn't get to me too and I still do, afraid that if I don't he'll come after me." She paused and I felt a tear run down my face, eventually she calmed down enough to whisper one last thing. "I also had a miscarriage." With tears filled eyes I looked over at Alyssa, her gaze flickered up to mine for a split second and she drew a shaky breath. "One day I came home from school and my dad was here while my mom was running errands, I went to go take a shower when he walked in and..." She was unable to finish her sentence due to the sobs racking her small body. I grabbed our plates and set them on the table in front of us before wrapping her in my arms and weeping with her, we stayed like that me hold her and her gripping my arms for dear life until we had no tears left to cry. She pulled away from me and wiped her face with a small smile, "On the bright side we have more pancake batter!" I couldn't helped but smile.

"Good cuz I was still hungry, but ya know I didn't wanna be rude or anything...." She laughed at me and we grabbed our plates, entering the kitchen once again. Around 2:00 in the afternoon I decided that I should walk back over to Austin's and Alyssa said she would take a shower and chill while I was gone. I tried the front door and it was locked, I walked around to the back door and it was cracked open. I entered quietly and softly made my way down the hall, I checked the kitchen and living room, but saw no signs of Mama or Dave. I went to Austin's room door and knocked, "Who is it?" I heard his deep voice call, relieved I opened the door.

"Austin the back door was open! Someone could've gotten in!" I began to rant he whipped around from his seat at his desk, grinning at me.

"I know I left it open in case you came back." I opened my mouth to continue, but thought better of it.

"I'm sorry for leaving like I did yesterday."

"It's okay. You always come back." He shrugged turning back around,

"Doesn't mean I always will. I left my mom didnt I?" I mumbled more so to myself and didn't realize that Austin had heard me until he was standing in front of me.

"Would you ever really leave me?" He asked his voice sounding fragile matching he expression on his face. I lifted one of my shoulders in response,

"I can't see myself walking away from you and not coming back. I'm not strong enough for that." I tried to read Austin's expression with no success, worried I began to chew my nails again only to have him gently grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. He wrapped his other arms around my waist and I placed my free hand on his shoulder, his pressed his forehead to mine and we began to dance around ourselves in his room.

"When was the last time I told you I love you?" He asked, I looked up into his bright brown eyes smiling.

"I dunno." I replied childishly making him chuckle, his gaze flickered to my lips.

"When was the last time I kissed you?" My breath caught slightly as he pulled me closer to his body.

"I'm not sure." I responded almost breathlessly, he leaned in until our lips were just barely touching.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." He moved his head ever so slightly and our lips touched setting fireworks through my body, our lips moved in perfect synchronisation as our hands began to roam one another's bodies.

"You taste like heaven." He mumbled between kisses I smiled an nipped his lip, watching his eyes grow a shade darker. "Do you need to be punished again?" I smirked smoothing my tongue over the spot where my teeth had punctured his lip, I felt his body shudder and I looked up at him from beneath my long eyelashes. He pushed me until my back met his room door and he attacked my mouth with his, exploring every inch with his tongue, my knees grew weak and he lifted me, tossing me onto his bed. It was then that I noticed he was only wearing a tank top and his boxers, I looked down to see I was in a big tee shirt and soffees that Alyssa had let me borrow. Austin's eyes covered every inch of my body, biting his lips his eyes finally made their way up to mine. I cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned devilishly, crawling on top of me and covering my petite body with his. We laid there making out when one of Austin's hands began to wander up my shirt, I pulled away from the kiss and pushed him off of me wrapping my arms around myself.

"What's wrong?" He panted behind me, I shook my head keeping my back turned to him. His bed squeaked as he stood and I felt his arms around me, his hands resting on my stomach. His head dropped to the crook of my neck and I knew he understood, "I'm sorry, I got caught up in the moment and-"

"It's my fault. I led you on." I interrupted, his large hands gripped my waist and he turned me to face him,

"I love you." He said simply and a single tear trickled down my face.

"I love you too, Austin." He wiped my cheek with his thumb and kissed me once when we heard the back door slam shut.

"Austin! You here man? I need to talk to you about LaMaya!"

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now