Lost-Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lost-Chapter 34

"How bout the movies?" Jeremy asked looking down at me, I shrugged.

"Fine by me," he smiled shaking his head and leading me down the main road behind the school to the theatre. We left our bags under a tree at the edge of school property, we'd come back and get them at the end of the day. We ended up watching 42 which I picked out because I have a huge obsession with baseball players. As we were leaving we saw a group of kids we actually knew from school and as to not get spotted or ratted on we ducked into a side alley. It had rained so last night so the alley was wet, dark, and stinky.

"That would've been bad." He sighed, I rolled my eyes at him.

"No kidding." He began to laugh and stopped suddenly when we heard a rustling sound,

"Go." Jeremy said to me and I gave him a confused look, slowly shaking my head. I saw his jaw clench before he repeated himself more urgently, "Go!" I took a step back and a thick arm wrapped around me pulling me into a warm body. I froze and looked to Jeremy. "Let her go."

"Don't worry about her pretty boy, save yourself." The strangers voice was gruff and burley, making me shiver in fear. Jeremy lunged at the man who released me and swung at Jeremy once, knocking him into the brick wall where he slumped motionless . I stared in horror taking small steps back. "That was easy enough," he looked over at me "and just where do you think you're going pretty little lady?" I began to take bigger steps backward before turning on my heel and running. I made it to the edge of the alleyway when he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me backwards forcing a pained cry from my mouth. He used his other hand to punch me in the jaw as he snarled at me to shut up and tied my wrists together with rope, he hefted a still unconscious Jeremy over his shoulder and held my arm in a vice grip dragging us further into the alley. After a good 10 minutes of walking I stopped squirming and allowed the strange man to literally drag me along. "Ya know its a shame. Of all the days for you to dress nice you chose today to also skip school. Shoulda worn sweats like ya did yesterday." My head snapped up to look at him, he chuckled lowly. "Oh yeah. I've been watching ya. I've actually had my eyes on your little friend Alyssa, ya know cuz her parents are always neglecting her, but then you came along and we all know about Austin's little career so ever since I heard he was leaving I've been waiting for you to slip up." Just like everyone else in my life I couldn't help but think to myself. "Ya see what's different about this kidnapping is, no one knows you two except your little friend. You go missing everyone thinks you moved back or doesn't notice at all. And as far as you little uh 'family' well they're all just gonna think you ran away. Boy have you made some dumb choices in the past." I stared up incredulously at this man- my kidnapper- and wonder how on earth he knew so much about my past and what has happened. "Well, here we are!" He grunted as he carelessly dropped Jeremy on the ground,

"Watch it will ya!" I blurted surprising myself and dropping onto my knees beside him.

"Ah! So she talks." He responded rolling his eyes at me and pushing button on a padlock before a large metal door began to ramble upwards. A warehouse. My blood ran cold and I looked to Jeremy wishing he would wake up, but knowing he would be out for a while for he had a huge black eye forming. I couldn't believe I was dumb enough to get caught up in something like this, there was no telling what he was gonna do with us.

"Get up!" He barked at me and after a bit of struggling I managed to stand and he roughly grabbed the collar of Jeremy's shirt, nodding his head motioning for me to go inside. It was pitch black and I heard a thud followed by a faint moan,

"Would ya be a bit gentler!?" I snapped whirling around to face the direction I heard the sound come from.

"Whatever you say princess." He mocked and I rolled my eyes. I was blinded by a bright light and groaned, crouched over blinking repeatedly in attempt to regain my vision. I stood upright again when it was only a couple spots, "Whoops! Didn't see you there." I let out a fast heavy breath growing really tired of his sarcasm.

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now