Lost-Chapter Twenty-Six

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Lost-Chapter 26

Austin stared at me and I held a single finger to my lips as I slid from him and made my way to his closet, barely fitting inside with all of his other unknown things. I saw Austin hesitate coming towards me, I shook my hands and made a shooing motion at him.

"I'm in here man!" Austin yelled over his shoulder as he slyly sat in his desk chair the same way he was when I found him, I enclosed myself in the closet leaving a sliver of light shining through.

"Hey man!" I heard a breathless voice say eventually I saw someone walk by- Zach.

"Hey!" Austin said as he put down the pen he had been holding, "Wassup?"

"Yesterday, I saw LaMaya at the park. I started to go over to her to ask why she was alone and you'll never believe who she started talking to."

"Who?" Austin asked there was an obvious edge to his voice.

"Alyssa." Zach stated, I heard Austin sigh in relief while my curiosity steadily grew, why does it matter that I was with Alyssa?

"Dude if you like her so much ask her out!" Austin groaned his head lolling back. Zach likes Alyssa!! I really gotta catch up on the relationships down here.....

"I would, but I don't know how!" Zach complained sitting on Austin's bed, realising that this was gonna take a while I tried to get comfortable myself. I remembered at the last second that I was in a closet and whacked my elbow on a wall makings an extremely loud noise. I covered my mouth to muffle my whines of pain,

"What was that?" Zach asked, Austin rose halfway out of his chair staring in my direction. "Who's in there, Austin?" When Austin didn't respond I saw Zach stand and could barely hear him as he lowly spoke to Austin. "Are you cheating on LaMaya?" Austin leapt from the chair,

"I would never cheat on LaMaya! I love her with everything in me! How dare you accuse me of that!?"

"Then who is I'm the closet?!" Not wanting this to go on any longer I flung the door open,

"I'm in the closet, Zach! Well at least I was..." I physically saw all the color drain from Zach's face, I stepped forward and put a hand on his arm. "What's wrong?"

"You heard everything?" He asked faintly, confused I nodded he gripped my shoulder tightly. "You have to swear you won't say a single thing to Alyssa!"

"Okay! Okay! I won't say anything!" I said in protest holding up my hands in defence, Austin stepped forward taking me from Zach's vice like hold.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking me over,

"Yeah, I just whacked my elbow on the wall." I told him holding up my right arm, he took hold of it rubbing it gently.

"LaMaya!! Are you here!? The back door is open!!"

"That's Alyssa." All three of us said at the same time, smiling I called to her.

"We're in Austin's room!!" Zach shot me the death glare and I blew him a kiss as Austin laughed with delight. Soon enough the room door opened and there stood Alyssa,

"Oh! I didn't realize all of you were in here..." She said quietly, she met Zachary gaze and looked away blushing. I looked at Austin and he raised his eyebrows,

"How bout a movie?" I suggested tearing my gaze from Austin and staring Alyssa down.

"I'm up for a movie!" Zach said nervously, Alyssa simply nodded in agreement. Chuckling softly Austin declared himself and Zach in charge of the popcorn while Alyssa and I were left to pick the movie. Once the kitchen door was firmly closed behind the boys I made my way to Alyssa squealing quietly, she blushed like crazy and refusing to meet my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you liked Zach!?"

"I didn't think you would care." She replied sheepishly,

"Of course I care! We have to get you two together!"

"Good luck with that!" She scoffed as she went over to the tv crouching and opening a small cabinet where a bunch of movies were sitting. "He would never date me."

"Are you blind!?" I said a little loudly, glancing over my shoulder I went and sat beside her on the ground as we spread the large array of movies around us. "He definitely likes you too! Have you two ever sat down and just talked about it?"

"No. Not really." Just then boys walked in,

"Pick a movie yet? You've been in here a while. " Alyssa looked at me with big eyes,

"Yup!" I chirped holding up the movie in my right hand. It would be The Notebook.

"Everybody loves a classic right?" Alyssa added nervously, feeling the secondhand embarrassment I cringed.

"Austin help me get drinks." I stood and he turned on his heel and led me into the kitchen. "They are a complete mess." I hissed as soon as the door shut behind me, he sighed leaning his elbows on the counter and hanging his head. I took a seat on the stool and we stayed there like that for at least five minutes when Austin lifted his head and looked at me.

"Maybe we should check on them." I nodded and slowly slid from the stool all of my energy suddenly drained, Austin grabbed me and helped me to the doorway. We peeked and saw Zach and Alyssa cuddling on the couch, I smiled and looked up at Austin feeling like a proud parent. He smiled back and kissed me lightly, I pulled away from him and walked back into the kitchen grasping the countertop with all my might. "Are you alright?" Austin asked as he held my waist from behind, I nodded despite the wave of nausea that washed over me. I felt my body begin to sway and my knees buckled underneath me causing me to fall to the floor, I saw black spots fill my vision and found it hard to breathe.

"Call the hospital." I told Austin before losing consciousness.

I feel as if this story isn't getting really getting anywhere and I'm not even half way through it yet.

To get the next chapter I would really like at least 10-20 comments, 15-30 votes and little but more reads. I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter theres more to come. (:

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now