Lost-Chapter Sixteen

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Lost-Chapter 16

When I opened my eyes I found myself looking at a pink sky. My eyelids were heavy and I knew I hadn't gotten enough sleep, but I slid the comforter off of me anyways and slowly emerged from the couch. I shuffled over to the window observing the slowly changing colors of the sunrise. I noticed a sliver of gold coming through, reminding me of an old song I used to sing all the time. I shivered slightly, refusing to allow any memories to fill my mind.

"Babygirl, what on Earth are you doing? It's 6:00 in the morning!" I heard Austin grumble lowly behind me,

"Mmm nice morning voice." I replied without taking my eyes from the sunrise.

"Come back to bed, baby." As tired as I was, I couldn't. I've never seen a sunrise before and besides, I can sleep later. I saw a blanket cover me as two arms hugged me close.

"I thought you were sleeping." I said softly, he sighed and kissed my temple.

"You looked cold and I was lonely." He replied shortly. I craned my neck to face him, "Good morning, by the way."He added cheesily, I laughed quietly at him.

"Good morning, Austin." He kissed my nose and I turned back around. We watched the sunrise in silence until I felt my legs get tired from lack of movement. I sighed and leaned back on Austin, resting my head on his still bare, but warm chest. He held me tighter,

"Ready for bed now?" I nodded sleepily and he lifted me bridal style, placing me softly on the bed.

"Why aren't we sleeping on the couch?" I questioned as I snuggled a pillow

"Because you might feel the need to stare at another random object, and I need sleep." He murmured I turned around and faced him.

"You don't have to get up with me." I said looking up at him

"I know, but the bed's empty without you." He stated lovingly grabbing my waist and pulling me close. I made a face at him and closed my eyes drifting of again. This time when I woke I was rested, seeing that Austin was still asleep I decided to stay put, not wanting to wake him again. About ten minutes passed and I really had to pee. I tried to wriggle from Austin's grip without waking him. And failed.

"What now?" He asked, the irritation extremely clear.

"I have to pee." I squeaked apologetically, he groaned and released me, rolling onto his other side. I opened my mouth to say something then shook my head deciding to leave and sat up to get out of bed when he grabbed my hand. I turned around,

"Kiss me first." He said plainly. I scoffed in disbelief and leaned down giving him a lingering kiss. As I sat up he spoke again, "One more." I chuckled shaking my head, he tugged me back into bed. "Please!" He said loudly.

"Shh! I have to pee, let me go you nut!" I whisper yelled at him yanking my arm out of his grip. He made a loud whining/crying sound and I clamped my hands down over his mouth. "What are you doing?"

"I want another kiss!" He insisted, I grabbed his face in my hands.

"You. Are crazy." He smiled and held onto my wrists, leaning up to kiss me urgently. I kissed him back briefly and pulled away. Reluctantly he let me go this time, much to my relief. I peed and silently made my way back to my room, not knowing if Mama and Dave were up yet. I opened the door and was jerked inside before the door closed quickly and quietly behind me. "Austin, what-" He kissed me passionately, pressing my body against the door. I kissed him back and he deepened the kiss, grinding his hips into mine. A moan passed my lips and our tongues met, dancing with each other. Austin grabbed my hair, yanking my head back and went to work on my neck, finding my sweet spot. "Austin-wait-oh sweet jesus-Austin-" I managed to get out surpressing moans as he nibbled and sucked at my neck. He looked up at me, "Your parents?" I panted, he smirked at me.

"They left an hour ago. We have until 2:00." He whispered darkly coming up to nibble on my ear, I glanced at the alarm clock. It's only 10:00, I looked back at Austin, grinning. "What do you say, Maymay?"

"I say we lose these." I replied tugging at the hem of his shorts, he chuckled lifting me and throwing me on the bed. I sat up on my elbows as he climbed on top of me, I pulled him down to meet my lips in a heated kiss. There was a banging on the bedroom door,

"Yo, Austin! LaMaya! Get out here!" We heard Alex yell.

"What the hell do you want!?" Austin yelled

"It's Andrew! He's at the emergency room!"

"Oh god." Austin said as we untangled ourselves,

"Give us three minutes, Alex!" I shouted and heard his footsteps fade and soon the front door close. "Why would Andrew be in the hospital!?" I questioned as we scrambled to find odds and ends of clothing. I took of my shirt throwing it at him as he threw me one from my dresser, he flew from the room getting shoes as I grabbed a pair of flip flops to wear.

"I don't know! That's why we need to be there as soon as possible!"

"Okay, well come one!" I yelled racing to the door, when he didn't respond or show I yelled again, "Austin!"

"I'm here! I'm here! Let's go!" He said rushing up to me and shoving me out of the room.

"What took you so long?" I asked as we got in the elevator, he held out a jacket.

"I..I didn't want you to get cold." He stuttered, I smiled kissing his cheek. "You're a nut." I whispered

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now