Lost-Chapter Thirty-Six

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Lost-Chapter 36

I woke on top of Jeremy with his arms still around me, I released myself and rolled over curling up again. I thought about when Austin first introduced himself to me at the end of the pier and how we raced to his hotel, only to come back to the beach and get my luggage. That was the first time he hugged me... Later we had our first kiss...then I met Mama....then the crew.....

Why does Andrew hate me so much!?! I don't understand what I could've done to make him so angry!

Maybe he just doesn't want you to be with Austin. I mean that's basically what's happening, he's tearing you apart.

Okay, but why? You'd think he'd want Austin to be happy! And if not why can't he just leave well alone and let us be together?! We don't flaunt our relationship around!!

I mentally rolled my eyes and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and began to worry about the more important topic at hand- getting out before Andrew can do any real damage.

"You up?" I heard a groggy voice ask from behind me, I rolled to face him.

"Woke like 2 minutes ago." I replied sitting up, him doing the same as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. "We gotta talk." I stated bluntly and he stared at me patiently. "I honestly don't think Josh is a bad guy, I feel like he somehow got mixed up in this even though he has nothing to do with any of it. The guy that you saw talking to me last night is Andrew. Remember Austin Mahone? He's the boyfriend I told you about that night at the pier, yeah well Andrew is one of his close friends- that's how we met. For whatever reason Andrew doesn't like me and now he's kidnapped me and brought you into it also. We need to get to Josh and fast before Andrew can do any damage- he threatened me last night and I can't deal with that." I looked up at Jeremy who's jaw had dropped while he gazed emptily at me with wide eyes. I snapped my fingers in his face, "Earth to idiot!"

"You're dating Austin Mahone!?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes! What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?!?" Growing irritated with him,

"Well no shit he doesn't like you!! You're dating someone that could inadvertently make him somewhat famous, but that won't happen once you come along because you're the beautiful girlfriend that everyone will love!!"


"Look. You know Justin Beiber, right?"

"Duh who doesn't?"

"So by default you know Lil Twist!"

"Okay yeah, but Alex and Robert are his 2 closest friends and next is Zach so-"

"Right! But if Alex is famous people want to know about Alex's family and life, which is where Andrew comes into play."

"Would you quit interrupting me!!" I yelled, amazed he allowed me to finish a full sentence. He groaned and flopped onto his back and I rolled my eyes at him. "I actually understand what you're saying, but I still don't get what it has to do with me."

"Let me put it this way; more you less Alex. Less Alex, less Andrew. Andrew not famous equals Andrew upset." I held up my hand to silence his rambling,

"I got it." I sighed heavily, "What would he do with me?"

"Send you back home to your family I guess." He shrugged nonchalantly, my head whipped up to look at him and upon seeing his alarmed face I realized that he didn't know. I heard that familiar creaking noise and we both looked at the door and let out a relieved breath when we saw Josh's figure slip inside the room.

"Nice to see you're already up!" He chirped avoiding my gaze. I pressed my lips into a thin line,

"Josh I have a question." I stated standing, he began to crack his knuckles.

"And that question would be?" I hesitated before taking a chance and walking over to him.

"Do you know what he's gonna do with me?" My voice came out barely a whisper, and I kept my eyes locked on my bare feet. He sighed softly,

"He said something about just ditching you in the middle of nowhere." I swallowed hard fighting tears,

"I'm guessing he'd make you do that for him? Ya know handle his dirty work!" I said gesturing to myself.

"Don't talk like that-"

"Why not that's all I am! I don't mean anything to anyone! I'm just some little rag doll that can be thrown around and used, I have feelings too ya know!! I finally find someone that actually wants me, and you take him away from me too!! You might as well just kill me-"

"Stop it! I'm not- geez" he roughly ran his hands over his face before staring pointedly at me. "I'm gonna get you outta here. He leaves tonight, we're out first thing in the morning."

"What about you?" I turned and Jeremy was standing behind my right shoulder,

"Don't worry about me-"

"No. If we get out so do you. I'm not gonna leave you behind." They both gave me surprised looks and I shrugged, "We're all in this together you guys. Whether you like it or not." They nodded and we talked a bit longer before Josh left to go make sure Andrew was gone for the day. When the door shut behind him Jeremy started to applaud loudly, I asked him why and he shook his head laughing.

"That, by far, is the most confident I have ever seen you." He smirked and he pushed his arm playfully chuckling.

"At least I managed to talk him out of it." Jeremy nodded in agreement and we stood there talking of nothing when Josh re-enterd,

"He's gone." I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face as I went up and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. We're still in here." He replied hugged me back briefly.

"Yeah but not for long." Jeremy came and clapped his hands on our shoulders, grabbing our attention.

"Until that wonderful time comes, what shall we do?"

"We'll I could show y'all what's on the other side of that door." Josh offered earning eager nods from Jeremy and myself. He turned and opened the deep red wooden door and stopped inside, "Come on then!" I looked at Jeremy and he held his hands out as to say 'Ladies first' and I bowed to him playfully before stepping inside with Josh. "Close the door behind you!" Josh's voice echoed in front of us. Jeremy did so and we are enveloped in darkness.

"Now the real fun begins." I heard a voice that was neither Josh not Jeremy's voice say, I heard Jeremy jiggle the door handle before the voice spoke again. "Don't bother! Doesn't open with out the key." I began to tremble and my throat started to tighten,

"LaMaya!" I heard Jeremy's call as he caught me,

"Eh let her faint. It'll be easier on us all." And just like that I was gone once again.

Lost (A Austin Mahone Fanfiction) * ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now