Chapter 2

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Never had Laurens hated hearing his alarm as much as he did right now. Although he'd had this job since the beginning of the school year, somehow he felt more tired this morning than he'd felt on every other morning that year. At least he only had classes until four. Then he could sleep again.
"Can you turn of your fucking alarm, please? Some of us don't have to get up for another half hour, and would just love to have that extra sleep!" His roommate called from the other bed, annoyed.

"Okay, Seabury."

Laurens turns off his alarm, and sits up. A wave of nausea washes over him, and he flops back down on the bed.

"This is what I get for sleeping too little..." Laurens thinks.

He hears Seabury snore again. Great, so he can make as much noise as he pleases, but Laurens can barely make a peep when he's around? Laurens thinks back to the day when he punched Seabury in the mouth after drinking with Lafayette and Hercules, and smiles. What a great day.

After getting dressed, Laurens walks to the window, where he'd placed his turtle's tank. He removed the lid to the tank and placed some food in the bowl before whispering, "Sorry I can't spend more time with you, but I have to get to class." to the medium-sized turtle and placing the lid back onto the top of the tank. He grabbed his backpack from beside the door, and tiptoed out the door, locking it behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Now he didn't have to worry about Seabury anymore. He took off down the hall, knowing he'd be late if he took his time. He was running too fast to see the person exiting their dorm up ahead. The two collided, sending papers everywhere, and knocking them both to the ground. Laurens stood up, dusting himself off, and looked over to see who he'd ran into. His heart plummeted. It was Hamilton.

(This is a really short chapter, sorry. I had to cut it short so the next chapter would work a little better.)

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