The Jeffersonian Interlude (Part 4): Murphy's Law Takes Effect

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"This is a new level of discomfort." Jefferson thinks. He'd tried to get Lafayette alone for the rest of the day, but of course he just had to have Hercules in every single one of his classes. Being the perfect gentleman he was, Hercules walked with him to every single class. Jefferson was screwed. He was truly screwed.
yiffmaster: Lafayette, please.
macaronifucker-69: you rang?
yiffmaster: Meet me outside.
Jefferson apologized to Hercules and dashed toward the door. Lafayette was leaning against a tree outside. Jefferson ran to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"We need to switch back." He hissed.

Lafayette stared at him and grinned.

"Oh, can't take the heat?" He asked.

"Of course I can! I'll show you!" Jefferson screeched, and he stomped back to the school building. He'd almost gotten to his class when he'd realized what he'd just said.

"Fuck!" He muttered. He'd just sealed his doom. Looks like he'd be going on a date with Hercules tonight.

"No!" He exclaimed. Lafayette was going to screw up his date with Madison! Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"You okay, Laf?" John Laurens asked.

Jefferson looked back at Laurens. He looked concerned, so Jefferson nodded. Laurens seemed satisfied with his answer, and he left. Jefferson breathed a sigh of relief. He walked the rest of the way to his class, trying to think of a way out of this without damaging his reputation in the process.

(Jefferson's pride will be his downfall. It wasn't even a competition, but now it is.)

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