Chapter 3

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Laurens' P.O.V.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Laurens exclaims. He kneels down and picks the papers off the ground.
"Thanks for helping me pick up these papers!" Hamilton exclaims, looking at Laurens and smiling. Laurens' heart skips a beat, and he almost drops the papers he was holding.
It took the two fifteen minutes to pick up all of the papers, and neither one spoke a single word. Laurens snuck a peek at the writing on one sheet, but found it was a dense block of small cursive text that was hard to look at. As they were finishing up, Hamilton broke the silence by exclaiming,
"Hey, I just realized that you're the barista from the coffee shop last night!"
Laurens' first thought was, "He remembers me?" He then realized that he should answer Hamilton, and he nods.
"Well, I guess you know what I was doing there. I had to copy all this," he gestures to the pile of papers, "onto my laptop, so I could store it easier, but my roommate was trying to sleep and I couldn't turn the lights on."
Laurens nods. He'd been kicked out of his room by Seabury too many times to count. He hands the papers back to Hamilton, and scurries off.
"Ugh, I probably made that really weird!" He mutters to himself. Looking at his surroundings, it dawns on him that he'd run the wrong way, and now he would definitely be late to class. Great. Turning around, he sprints back toward the campus.

Hamilton's P.O.V.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
Hamilton's thoughts instantly go to his papers. He looks around, and upon seeing the papers scattered around the hallway, groans. The person who knocked him over bends over at once and starts picking up the scattered sheets. Hamilton joins in, exclaiming,
"Thanks for helping me pick up these papers!" and smiling at the man. The two are there for several minutes, picking up papers in complete silence. Once, Hamilton peeked up, trying to get a glimpse of the other man. He had dark, curly hair pulled back into a ponytail, and his face was dappled with freckles. He was cute, and Hamilton had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where. It wasn't until they had almost finished picking up all the papers that Hamilton realized where he'd seen the man before.
"Hey, I just realized that you're the barista from the coffee shop last night!"
Seeing the look of shock cross his face, Hamilton kicks himself for saying that out loud. Trying to talk his way out of the weird situation he put himself in, he continues,
"Well, I guess you know what I was doing there. I had to copy all this," at this, Hamilton gestures to the papers in his hand, "onto my laptop, so I could store it easier, but my roommate was trying to sleep and I couldn't turn the lights on."
The other man just nods. Hamilton speculates that he probably has had some bad roommate experiences, too. I mean, who hasn't?
The man hands the papers back to Hamilton. Before Hamilton can even thank him, he'd picked up his things and dashed off. Hamilton looks at him as he runs off.
"Oh, I hope I didn't alienate him."
Clearing his head of all thoughts of that conversation, he tucks his papers under his arm and heads towards the campus.

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