Chapter 7

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The next day, Hamilton gets his bills. As usual, he gets out the month's receipts, and starts checking reviewing his purchases. He got down to the last few with no discrepancies, as usual. He unfolds the last receipt. It's from the coffee shop he'd visited a few days ago. He'd payed with cash that day, so he put it in the "unnecessary" pile. He picked it up again, preparing to shred it, but a note at the bottom stops him.

"Hey, I know this is a little odd, but I can't seem to catch you at the right time, and I thought that we should-" There is a dark scribble obscuring part of the note. The words under it are illegible. "-be friends. Call me. - J. Laurens 550-6798"

Hamilton blushes. He'd been carrying this note around for days without even realizing it. Pulling out his phone, he quickly types, "Laurens, it's Alexander. I apologize for not contacting you sooner, I just found the note you wrote me."
He folds the note up, and stuck it back in his wallet. He'd want to keep that.

Laurens was now sure that Hamilton wouldn't contact him. Hamilton had made no mention of the note last night, although it was pretty hectic. He texted Hercules.
Laurens: i don't think he's gonna text me...
Mulligan: never give up hope, john
Mulligan: you can't be sure of that, can you?
Laurens: i guess not, herc.
Laurens: how's laf?
Mulligan: not too good
Mulligan: he's been complaining about headaches all morning
Mulligan: i think he's a bit hungover
Laurens: ah
A notification pops up in the top of Laurens' screen. It's a text from an unknown number.
Laurens: hold on herc, i just got a text
Mulligan: from?
Laurens: unknown number
Mulligan: oooohhhh
Laurens taps on the number.
550-5782: Laurens, it's Alexander. I apologize for not contacting you sooner, I just found the note you wrote me.
Laurens gasps. He quickly texts Hercules back.
Laurens: im coming up there hold on
Laurens knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Hercules calls.
Laurens walks in. Hercules is sitting on one of the beds, massaging Lafayette's shoulders.

"You'll never believe what happened." Laurens starts. The other two perk up.

"He texted me." Laurens squeals, and Hercules beams.
"I told you, Johnny-boy!" He yells. Lafayette lets out a loud whoop from the floor.

"Wait, what do I do now?" Laurens asks.

Hercules pops up from the bed.

"I'll help!" He offers.

Laurens knows it's futile to resist Hercules' offers, so he nods. Hercules takes the phone from Laurens, ignoring his cries of protest, and looks at the message.

"I think you should stick to the rest of the plan. Tell him to meet you somewhere, he obviously likes you back." Hercules finally answers.

Laurens nods.

"Where should I meet him?" He panics.

"How about ze movies?" Lafayette offers.

"Too cliché." Laurens responds, making Lafayette sulk. More ideas are thrown out, but all are rejected by Laurens, who says that they're either "too cliché" or "too formal". The conversation goes in circles until Laurens blurts,

"The coffee shop!"

Hercules instantly agrees.
"That's more cliché than ze movie theater." Lafayette spits, but they're ignored. Hercules advises that Laurens put Hamilton into his contacts, and he does.

Laurens: we should meet at the coffee shop, if you want.
Laurens and Hercules look at each other and grin.

"It seems that things are finally going my way." Laurens remarks.

"Things are definitely going your way." Hercules agrees.

Hamilton is astonished at the speed of Laurens' reply. It was almost like he was waiting for Hamilton's text. He'd hardly had time to add Laurens to his contacts.

Laurens: we should meet at the coffee shop, if you want.
He didn't hesitate before typing a response.
Hamilton: That sounds great! Why don't we meet this afternoon? 3, perhaps?
He takes a deep breath.
Laurens: sweet, see you there!
He switches over to Skype, and types a message into his group chat.
A.Ham: Ladies, I need your advice again.
el1za: Oh, what is it this time?
and_peggy: is there trouble with your boooooooooyfriend?
A.Ham: Angelica, did you tell them?
angelicaa: Maybe...
A.Ham: I may have been asked to meet him at the coffee shop.
el1za: Oh!
and_peggy:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
angelicaa: Let me guess, you've never been on a date before, and you need our help.
A.Ham: Well, it's not a- Yes, yes, that's right.
and_peggy: then come over here and get help, silly!
Hamilton opens the door and rushes out, kicking it shut behind him. It was already noon, and the sisters were going to have a lot of work to do.

"Okay, pretend I'm John." Angelica says.

"Okay." Hamilton replies, fidgeting in his seat. Why was he so nervous about this?

"Hello, Hamilton." She says, waving.

"Please, call me Alex." Hamilton answers.

"Would you like a coffee, Alex?" Angelica asks.

"No, thank you." He declines.

They practice various date aspects while the other two sisters watch and give pointers. Hamilton didn't have the heart to tell them that it wasn't actually a date, they were just so excited. There wasn't any harm in letting them think it was a date, anyway. At two forty-five they shoo him out the door, and wave at him until he reaches the stairwell. Hamilton gulps. He runs down the stairs, hoping that moving fast would get rid of the butterflies in his stomach. It didn't. He shoves open the door and jogs out onto the sidewalk, rubbing his sweaty palms on the front of his jeans.

"Why am I so anxious, the word "date" wasn't even mentioned!" Hamilton mutters.

Laurens checks his watch. 2:49. He breaks into a run, the coffee shop coming into view. As the clock hits three, he arrives at the coffee shop, out of breath. He stands outside for a few moments, catching his breath and mentally preparing himself. Then, he walked inside. He'd only asked to be friends, so why was he so nervous? It's not like he actually asked Alexander out. Laurens gulped. The outcome was up to fate now.

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