The Jeffersonian Interlude (Part 1): Why Is This My Job?

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(I wanted to 🎶 take a break 🎶 and switch things up a bit. This is what I came up with. It's kind of a backstory/filler section.)

Jefferson's head was pounding. He wasn't sure what was causing it. Was it the still blaring music, the lack of sleep, or the shots he'd taken last night? He decided that it was all three. Pulling himself out of the beanbag chair with the help of the nearby coffee table and rubbing his eyes, he finally takes in his surroundings. Burr's apartment was trashed, and Madison was passed out face first on the couch.

"Lightweight." Jefferson thinks, smirking.

Burr was nowhere to be found, and the door was open. Jefferson peeked out. Burr's roommate, Hamilton, was out in the hallway. He'd fallen asleep propped up against the wall. He'd obviously been trying to work, as his laptop was still open and papers were scattered around him. Jefferson decided to finish surveying the damage to the dorm before he woke Hamilton up. Maybe he could get Hamilton to clean up the place. Jefferson went back inside. He grimaced. It smelled like someone couldn't quite hold their liquor. He traced the smell to the person slumped in the other beanbag chair. Lafayette. He rolled his eyes before picking up Lafayette bridal style and carrying him to the bathroom. He'd have to take care of the mess later, right now he had to get his friend cleaned up. Luckily, he had some rubber gloves stored in Burr's cabinet just for the occasion. After snapping on the gloves, he got to work. Seeing as though he had to do this to someone every week, it had lost its awkwardness. Jefferson threw the vomit and alcohol stained clothing into the trash bag next to him, and rejoiced when he saw that the various liquids hadn't soaked into Lafayette's boxers. That was always the worst part. After he'd finished cleaning Lafayette off and thrown his clothes into the washing machine, Jefferson realized that he probably needed to wash Lafayette's hair. Lafayette was still out cold, so Jefferson carefully pulled the hair tie out of Lafayette's hair. He gasped.

"What..." he exclaimed.

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