Chapter 20 (Down to the Wire)

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    (welp, enjoy!)

     Laurens woke up on Hercules' couch. He must've passed out, or something. He could hear voices coming from the kitchen, and he sat up. His whole body ached, and he almost threw up on the floor. Laurens staggered into the kitchen. Hercules and Lafayette were sitting at the table with the phonebook and Hercules' old beat-up laptop.

"Morning, sunshine." Hercules said.

"Hey." Laurens said. Bile rose in his throat, and he ran over to the sink.

"John, not in the sink!" Hercules and Lafayette yelled. John looked back at them.

"Oops." He said, before turning back to the sink and retching again.

He sat down next to them, and looked at the laptop. There was a list of caterers on the screen.

"Wedding planning?" He asked.

"John, the wedding is in a few weeks, and we still have half the wedding to plan!" Lafayette shrieks. They run their hands through their hair.

"Laf, we only have a couple more things left, it's fine." Hercules says, patting his fiancé's back. Lafayette rests their head on the table and groans.

"So, what do you have left?" Laurens asks.

"Well, we have everything except catering for the reception, and a cake. Oh, and someone to plan the bachelor party, but I was just going to ask you, because I'm kinda already getting married to my best best friend." Hercules explains. Laurens nods.

"Well, I know this one cake shop, if that helps." Laurens says. The two nod. Laurens writes down the name on a piece of paper, and the two thank him. Laurens sighed, and rested his head on the table. Lafayette and Hercules talked excitedly over him.

"Remember, we need to go to the laundromat today, mon amour. I am not really sure what happened to my bed at the party, but it is gross." Lafayette whines. Laurens knew what happened, and it had to do with Madison and Jefferson.

He wishes that he didn't know.

"So, anyway, was anyone sober last night? Does anyone remember what happened?" Laurens asked.

"I was drunk, but I still remember everything that happened to everybody. I was keeping a close eye on the place, I do spend a lot of time cleaning it." Hercules answers.

"So, what happened?" Laurens repeated.

"Well, George Washington got in a fist-fight with George- the other one, I think it was over the speech from earlier. I'm fairly sure Burr did something, I wasn't really paying that much attention to him. Oh, I believe Madison and Jefferson were eye-fucking each other all night, and you, dear John, made out with Alexander Hamilton."

"I'm pretty sure they did more than ey- wait, I made out with Alex?" Laurens shrieked, "Damn, I really wish I could remember that!"

"Yeah, yeah, you're so lucky," Lafayette says, sarcastically, "I would much rather talk about your relations with Alexander Hamilton than plan my own wedding, which happens to be in a few weeks!"

"They're stressed." Hercules says.

"I am not stressed." Lafayette counters. Hercules shakes his head.

"Well, I think I'll leave you to it." Laurens says, waving. As soon as he closed the door, he bolted back to his own dorm room. He had some thinking to do. 

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