Chapter 8

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Laurens was at the coffee shop at two fifty. He'd ordered himself a coffee, one of the specialty drinks that was not only loaded with caffeine, but with sugar as well, and he sipped it, tapping his pencil against the table in a steady triplet pattern. He saw Hamilton enter the coffee shop and waved him over.

"Hey, Hamilton." He greeted.

"You can call me Alexander, it's fine." Hamilton answers, sitting down.

"Okay, Alex it is." Laurens says, sipping the sweet beverage he'd bought. He took a long look at Hamilton. He looked nice today.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind what happened last night. That was a bit crazy." Laurens chuckles, "Normally I've had at least one date with someone before that happens."

"It's fine." He answers. "How is he?"

"Ah, he's fine. A bit cranky, but what else is new?" Laurens laughs. Hamilton smiles, a sight Laurens could never get tired of.

"So, tell me about yourself." Laurens said.

"Well, I'm an orphan," Hamilton starts. Laurens nods solemnly.

"I came up here to go to college from the Caribbean, and now I'm just trying to make it through college. What about you?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm just trying to make it through college without murdering my roommate. At least he's out of town for the weekend, I don't like leaving my turtle alone with him." Laurens rants.

"You have a turtle?" Hamilton asks, amazed.

The conversation continues as Laurens gushes about his pet turtle, and Hamilton talks about some of the essays he'd written. Laurens found the man fascinating. He could crank out huge essays in such short amounts of time. Laurens checked his watch.

"Oh shit, it's time for my shift." He exclaims, "You can stay, if you want. It'd be nice to have some company."

Hamilton nods and sits on one of the stools at the counter. Laurens throws on his apron, wondering how five hours could've passed.
The shift starts slowly, with the only customer being Hamilton, ordering a coffee. They talk for a while until the midnight rush starts coming in. Laurens apologizes to Hamilton, then scrambles to get all the orders filled. After the rush, Hercules comes strolling in.

"Ah, there's the lovebirds!" He says.

"WHAT." Hamilton and Laurens say in unison.

"Oui, Hercules, you were right. They are adorable together." Lafayette chimes in.

Laurens glares at them, and they shrink back behind Hercules. Hercules gets a knowing look on his face.

"Well, we just came in to check on you. You didn't come back before your shift, and we got worried." Hercules explains. "See ya later, Johnny-boy!" He hollers before leaving.

"Johnny-boy?" Hamilton asks.

Laurens blushes.
"Don't ask."

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