The Jeffersonian Interlude (Part 5): Lessons Are Learned (Finale)

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Six o'clock. Jefferson was on the floor in the hallway, trying to mentally prepare himself. He breathed deeply, and stood up. He walked down the hall, lingering for a moment in front of his real room, listening to Madison's muffled voice. He pushed onward, reminding himself that he had a mission. Finally, he reached Lafayette's room. He pushed open the door, and stopped dead in his tracks. Hercules looked strikingly similar to Madison, and Jefferson remembered exactly what he was missing.

"Hey, Laf." Hercules said.

Jefferson forgot that he was pretending to be Lafayette, so he didn't respond for a minute. When he remembered that Hercules was addressing him, his head snapped up.

"What?" He asked.

Hercules shrugged, and he gestured to the seat next to him. Jefferson walked over and sat down stiffly. Hercules didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable Jefferson was, as he reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the bowl of popcorn without hesitation.

"Movie night?" He asked, shaking the dish enticingly.

Jefferson couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Jefferson relaxed his posture a bit, and Hercules flicked on a movie.

"Grease?" Jefferson asked through a mouthful of popcorn. Hercules just shrugged in response.
Jefferson knew he could get through this. It wasn't as bad as he'd expected it to be, he didn't even really mind the arm around him. It was all for a good cause, anyway. He was going to win this. But about halfway through the movie, his phone buzzed. He excused himself and went outside.

macaronifucker-69: i give up

Jefferson whooped. He'd won. He peeked his head back in the apartment and apologized to Hercules, saying that he just needed to check something. He'd made it halfway to his apartment when Lafayette came barreling down the hallway. He narrowly missed Jefferson as he made a beeline for his apartment. Jefferson shook his head and started walking back to his own apartment.

(Lafayette's P.O.V)

After texting Jefferson about his defeat, Lafayette dashed out of the room without saying goodbye to Madison. He ran down the hall, barely missing Jefferson on his way back. The door was already open. As he skidded to a halt on the linoleum, Hercules looked at him questioningly.
"Jefferson? What are you doing here?"
Lafayette walked towards Hercules. He didn't feel like correcting Hercules. Upon reaching him, Lafayette buried his face in Hercules' chest.
"Non." Lafayette mumbled.
Hercules gasped.
"Laf?" He exclaimed.
"We switched places for like, two days." Lafayette explained. Hercules crushed him in a huge bear hug.
"Don't ever do that again." He warned.

(Jefferson's P.O.V.)

Jefferson pulled at the clothes that he hates so much. Now that the game was over, he could take them off, right? As soon as he reached his apartment, he started to strip off the disgusting clothes. It wasn't until he'd gotten the too tight leggings halfway off that he remembered he had a roommate. Madison's mouth was hanging open.

"Um... Lafayette?" He asked.

"Ah, yes. Lafayette would definitely come into our room and start stripping. No, it's Jefferson." Jefferson said cynically.

"What the fuck is going on, exactly?" Madison asked.

"Scheme gone wrong." was all Jefferson gave as an explanation.

The weird look Madison was giving him was either suspicion or "why the fuck would you just walk into the room dressed as Lafayette and start stripping with absolutely no warning." Jefferson suspected that it was the second one. "If this was a normal story", Jefferson thought, "this would be the point where the main character learned a lesson." Jefferson didn't really feel he learned anything from this experience, unless you counted learning not to switch places with someone who resembles you. Jefferson didn't count it. Everything worked out well in the end, so why would he?

(Finally, the finale.)

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