Chapter 10

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(Storm chapter ftw)

Laurens: hey, since the weather is "too dangerous" to hold classes, do you wanna come up here? seabury's gone.

Hamilton: lauresn help

Laurens looks at the message he'd just received, and gulps. Running down the stairs, Laurens felt worry weighting in his chest like a thousand stones. Laurens reached Hamilton's dorm and unlocked it with the key he'd been given. He burst in to find Hamilton curled up in a ball under the table, hands over his ears. Hamilton flinches as the thunder rumbles overhead. Laurens rushes over and sits down on the floor, putting a hand on Hamilton's shoulder. Hamilton looks up, and smiles.

"Do you want to stay here, or go up to my room?" Laurens asks.

Hamilton points at the ground, signaling that he wanted to stay there.

"Why don't we move somewhere more comfortable? How about the couch, is that okay?"

Hamilton nods. Laurens knew about his friend's fear of storms, it was one thing that had come up at the coffee shop. They move to the couch, and Hamilton curls up in Laurens' arms.

"Maybe watching TV will take your mind off the storm, Alex." Laurens speculates. Hamilton nods and snatches the remote from the floor. He switches on the first Star Wars movie.

"Ah, a classic. Did you see the new one?" Laurens asks.

"Yes, I did. I was also forced to cosplay as Poe Damron on Halloween. Peggy made Burr be Finn. You'll never guess how many people told us that we should kiss."

"Did you?" Laurens asks.

"Gross." Hamilton says.

They both laugh. Hamilton seemed a lot more comfortable, although he still jumped at the thunder and howling winds.
"'Lexy, smile." Laurens says, getting his phone out. He wanted to brag to Hercules, and needed photo evidence to do it. Plus, he needed a new background.

"'Lexy? Really?" Hamilton remarks.

"I get my nicknaming skills from Herc. Now, smile."

Hamilton smiles, and Laurens takes a picture.

"And that'll be my new background." Laurens giggles.
rest-on-your-laurens: [Attachment: 2 Images]
rest-on-your-laurens: you WISH you could be this cute together
Hercu-LOSER: rude
Hercu-LOSER: [Attachment: 1 Image]
A.Ham: Ah, yes. The fact that Lafayette is flipping off the camera while you two are kissing makes it that much cuter.
rest-on-your-laurens: nice

"Alex, listen." Laurens says, noticing the quiet outside.

"What?" Hamilton asks, before realizing, "Oh, the storm is gone."

"What do you want to do now?" Laurens asks.

"Well, I do have plenty more movies to watch..." Hamilton trails off.

"That sounds nice." Laurens states.

Hamilton puts on the next movie, and doesn't even make it through the first quarter before nodding off. Laurens snaps one more pic.
rest-on-your-laurens: [Attachment: 1 Image]
rest-on-your-laurens: omg guys look
Laurens doesn't see any of the responses, as he falls fast asleep in seconds.

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