Chapter 16 (We Need To Talk)

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(Drama! Romance! Bloodshed? Okay, no bloodshed. *sighs* But for real tho, why is Laurens such an awkward egg in this chapter? Oh, right. Because I am. I am an awkward egg.)

Okay, maybe that wording wasn't the best he could've done, but the words were already out of Laurens' mouth. There was nothing he could do about it now. He looked up at Hamilton. Hamilton looked shocked, and... hurt? Oh no.

"W-wait, that came out wrong, fuck..." Laurens stammered.

"I'm listening." Hamilton's voice sounded cold.

"Um... y-y-you see, I... um..." Laurens stuttered, his voice cracking mid-sentence. Why was it so hard to say one fucking sentence? His tongue was dry and his palms were sweating. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck this, nope." Repeated in his brain, and he gulped. "What I was going to say was... was..."

"Come on, just tell me!" Hamilton said. He sounded kind of irritated. Laurens inhaled sharply. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but stopped partway. Something clicked in his brain.

"Good night, America!"


Laurens dropped to the floor like a sack of bricks.

So, maybe pretending to pass out wasn't the best idea Laurens had ever had, but it bought him some time to think of what he was going to say. Hamilton had left his room as soon as he'd made sure Laurens was still alive, which was about a half an hour ago. Laurens had been sitting on his bed the entire time, and he'd even locked his room, just in case Hamilton came back before he was ready. This really was going to shit, wasn't it? He decided to text Hercules. He was the best one for relationship advice.

Laurens: help

Mulligan: let me guess, you fucked up. bad.

Laurens: yep

Laurens: had to pretend to pass out to get him to leave

Hercules didn't respond. He was probably really disappointed, especially since he'd wanted him to get together with Hamilton since day one, practically. Laurens resolved to ask him out later that day.

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