Chapter 11

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Laurens wakes up on the floor. He groaned, rolling over onto his back and sitting up. Hamilton was laughing.

"Evening, John! Sleep well?" He asked, laughing.

"Oh, fuck off." Laurens said, rolling his eyes. He stood up, and walked over to Hamilton. Hamilton was sitting cross-legged on his bed with his laptop. He'd been typing, and there were several pages of small, dense text. He hadn't looked up, even when Laurens walked over to him.

"Why don't you stop typing for one second?" Laurens asked.

Hamilton looked up. His eyes went wide.

"John, your hair!" He exclaimed. Laurens brought a hand up to his hair. Oh, the hairband had fallen out. He didn't really care, but Hamilton was wide-eyed and grinning.

"Whoops." Laurens said. He looked around, and spotted his hairband lying on the floor. He bent over to pick it up, and almost put it back in when Hamilton stopped him.

"No, wait!" He cried. Laurens looked at him, but stopped, and slid the band over his wrist. He ran a hand through his hair, and immediately ran into a tangle. He winced. Great.

Laurens sat down next to Hamilton. Hamilton kept typing, so Laurens pushed the lid down. Hamilton scowled at him.

"Dick." He pouted. Laurens smiled, and winked.

"Oh, you love me."

"Nah." He said, opening his laptop again. Laurens sighed. Hamilton could be such a workaholic sometimes. He laid down on the bed.

"So, do you know where my phone went?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, here." Hamilton grabs the phone from the bedside table, "It fell off of your lap. Don't worry, I didn't look through it, or anything."

Laurens took the phone, and turned it on. Looks like Hercules and Lafayette had been spamming him again.

Mulligan: john

Mulligan: answer me u fudger

Laurens scrolled through several more messages to the same effect. He sighed.

Laurens: dude chill

Laurens switched over to Lafayette's messages.

Lafayette: Vous pouvez't juste envoyer quelque chose comme ça et puis disparaissent, vous le cul!

Oh, were they mad, or just jealous? Laurens shrugged.

"Hey, did you see the group chat?" Hamilton asked.

"No." Laurens answered, "Why?"

"Oh, Lafayette and Hercules invited us on a "date", or something like that." Hamilton shrugged. Laurens shot up.

"Wait, what?" He exclaimed.

"Check it." Hamilton said.

Laurens looked at his phone. Oh, they had! A double date? That sounded really... really bad. They were the worst. He loved them, but they were the worst.

"At least you told them that we aren't dating." Laurens sighed.

"Yeah, they seemed surprised at that. It was weird." Hamilton admitted. Laurens wanted to scream. Those assholes would be the death of him.

"So, do you want to go?" Hamilton asked. Laurens blushed. Wait, what?

"As friends, of course." Hamilton clarified. Laurens let out a deep breath. He was equally relieved and sad.

"Okay, why don't we get ready?"

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